Tag Archives: Laced Dagga

Effects of laced dagga

I have many times wondered if the dagga I received was laced or just badly cured. Many sources on the internet say that the chances of someone lacing dagga is slim because adding chemicals will only add to the costs and is not viable for dagga that sells cheaply.


What about the rumors about doom being sprayed on dagga to keep flies away. Do you think it’s possible that they spray it with doom to cure faster?

I have had dagga that feels dry from the outside but once you start crushing and grinding it, it strangely acts like bud that is still wet & sticky but looks dry & burns black.

There is a device that is capable of scanning dagga but it’s very expensive, at over R6000, MyDX will scan your dagga in real-time and tell you the strain and whether it is safe to consume.

This will unfortunately not be an option for many daggafarians, including myself.

The only way to know for sure is to grow it yourself but that is a risky operation to undertake in present time South Africa.

Do you know how to spot laced weed? Do you believe it’s a myth or do you think it’s plausible that our dagga is contaminated by other substances?

Below you will find opinions from two internet users on the effects of laced dagga.


There have been many threads asking if their weed was laced. I decided to make a short guide to explain the common question about the effects and side effects of laced weed.

Why would anyone lace Dagga?

These are in order from most plausible to least possible reasons.

-To sell their weed at higher prices, claiming its more potent
-To get you addicted
-To fuck with you
-By accident
-To experiment on you

Other drugs are more expensive then Dagga, why would my deal ever do this?

For example a bag of heroin is .1g in my area and is worth about 10$. A gram of dank is around 15-20$. Lets say the dealer has some low mid grade dagga. 1g of mids go for 5$ or so around here, so if he laced 1g of mids with a bag of heroin and sold it as dank at 20$ he would be making profit.

The dagga with laced with heroin will still give a more intense high then any dank to user with no opiate tolerance. Even .02g of smoked heroin can produce base line or mild effects which can be confused with really strong weed.

What are some common things Dagga is laced with?


If you purchase blunts or joints they may also contain MDMA or Crack.

What are the effects and side effects of some of these drugs?

-Numbness in parts of your body
-Warmth or change in body temperature
-Strong feelings of euphoria
-Loosing feeling in parts of your body
-Decrease in abillity to feel pain

Side Effects
-Organ damage and or failure
-Suppression of the respiratory system
-Brain Damage

-Feelings of hyperactivity
-Inability to sleep

Side Effects
-Brain Damage
-Heart Failure
-Heart Attack

-Inability to gather your thoughts
-Minor hallucinations

Side Effects
-Brain Damage
-Suicidal tendencies

Lacing is the act of adding one or more substances to another. Some street drugs are commonly laced with other chemicals for various reasons, but it is most commonly. Well either that was some strong dagga or yes it has been laced. dagga is known to cause Panic Attacks like your in a state that you are departed. laced dagga effects. I am an occasional dagga smoker and 7 days ago I smoked dagga that i am certain was laced. It was a very intense. dagga cigarettes or sticks are sometimes dipped in embalming fluid and laced with PCP in order to change the effects. Short Term Effects. By itself, dagga. Cocaine laced joints effects are they like smoking crack? Answer Yes, but only slighty because the pot probably has more of an effect than the coke. The dagga is not so bad, But smoking cocaine of any kind can only lead one downhill. I have never heard of this mixture as a product, But then, I dont. How fast you feel the effects of dagga depend on how you use it:. Violence (may be related to dagga that is laced with a drug called PCP). Thee have been many threads asking if their weed was laced. I decided to make a short guide to explain the common question about the effects and side effects of laced. A General Overview of the Physical Effects of dagga Coming from the plant dagga sativa, dagga is the most frequently used illegal drug in the United States. Though reports of laced dagga are infrequent. Long-Term Effects. Long-term dagga abuse has several negative impacts on the user.

A General Overview of the Physical Effects of dagga Coming from the plant dagga sativa, dagga is the most frequently used illegal drug in the United States. laced dagga effects. I am an occasional dagga smoker and 7 days ago I smoked dagga that i am certain was laced. It was a very intense. The dagga is not so bad, But smoking cocaine of any kind can only lead one downhill. I have never heard of this mixture as a product, But then, I dont. Thee have been many threads asking if their weed was laced. I decided to make a short guide to explain the common question about the effects and side effects of laced. Though reports of laced dagga are infrequent. Long-Term Effects. Long-term dagga abuse has several negative impacts on the user. How fast you feel the effects of dagga depend on how you use it:. Violence (may be related to dagga that is laced with a drug called PCP). Cocaine laced joints effects are they like smoking crack? Answer Yes, but only slighty because the pot probably has more of an effect than the coke. dagga cigarettes or sticks are sometimes dipped in embalming fluid and laced with PCP in order to change the effects. Short Term Effects. By itself, dagga. Well either that was some strong dagga or yes it has been laced. dagga is known to cause Panic Attacks like your in a state that you are departed. Lacing is the act of adding one or more substances to another. Some street drugs are commonly laced with other chemicals for various reasons, but it is most commonly.

Though reports of laced dagga are infrequent. Long-Term Effects, Long-term dagga abuse has several negative impacts on the user. Cocaine laced joints effects are they like smoking crack? Answer Yes, but only slighty because the pot probably has more of an effect than the coke. The dagga is not so bad, But smoking cocaine of any kind can only lead one downhill. I have never heard of this mixture as a product, But then, I dont. laced dagga effects. I am an occasional dagga smoker and 7 days ago I smoked dagga that i am certain was laced. It was a very intense. Lacing is the act of adding one or more substances to another. Some street drugs are commonly laced with other chemicals for various reasons, but it is most commonly. A General Overview of the Physical Effects of dagga Coming from the plant dagga sativa, dagga is the most frequently used illegal drug in the United States. dagga cigarettes or sticks are sometimes dipped in embalming fluid and laced with PCP in order to change the effects. Short Term Effects. By itself, dagga. How fast you feel the effects of dagga depend on how you use it:. Violence (may be related to dagga that is laced with a drug called PCP). Well either that was some strong dagga or yes it has been laced. dagga is known to cause Panic Attacks like your in a state that you are departed. Thee have been many threads asking if their weed was laced. I decided to make a short guide to explain the common question about the effects and side effects of laced.

Effects of laced dagga

Dagga cigarettes or sticks are sometimes dipped in embalming fluid and laced with PCP in order to change the effects. Short Term Effects. By itself, dagga. A General Overview of the Physical Effects of dagga Coming from the plant dagga sativa, dagga is the most frequently used illegal drug in the United States. Though reports of laced dagga are infrequent. Long-Term Effects. Long-term dagga abuse has several negative impacts on the user. Thee have been many threads asking if their weed was laced. I decided to make a short guide to explain the common question about the effects and side effects of laced. Lacing is the act of adding one or more substances to another. Some street drugs are commonly laced with other chemicals for various reasons, but it is most commonly. Well either that was some strong dagga or yes it has been laced. dagga is known to cause Panic Attacks like your in a state that you are departed. Cocaine laced joints effects are they like smoking crack? Answer Yes, but only slighty because the pot probably has more of an effect than the coke. How fast you feel the effects of dagga depend on how you use it:. Violence (may be related to dagga that is laced with a drug called PCP). The dagga is not so bad, But smoking cocaine of any kind can only lead one downhill. I have never heard of this mixture as a product, But then, I dont. laced dagga effects. I am an occasional dagga smoker and 7 days ago I smoked dagga that i am certain was laced. It was a very intense.