Tag Archives: Department of Health

SECTION 21: MOOT! Applications Will Not Be Authorised For Dagga

Dr Shyamli Munbodh Says Section 21 applications will not be authorised for dagga


I was lied to in the presence of the Public Protector senior investigator Nicky Maoka by Joey Gouws Director of the MCC regarding a section 21 application of medical cannabis. I was lied to on the public broadcaster the SABC by the spokesperson of the CDA regarding the same.

This is the FOB by Dr Shyamli Munbodh from the MCC/DOH – listen for yourself. – Andre du Plessis

Medical Dagga by CDA Peter Ucko


PC Health: Medical Innovation Bill {INAUDIBLE PODCAST}

Discussion of the Medical Innovation Bill in parliament without public participation. The audio recording is basically inaudible.

PC Health: Medical Innovation Bill : briefing by Mr N Singh MP; Department of Health 1st Quarter Performance 1

Date of Recording:  17 Sep 2014
Length: 177:23 minutes (20.3 MB)
Format: MP3 Stereo 8kHz 16Kbps (CBR)
Transcription & commentary

Summary, mention of letters received, letter read from cannabis user with spinal compression injury. James: Rational, evidence based thinking required put aside emotions of Marios death. Bill does two things: provision for innovation, commercialisation of cannabis. James has difficulty with supporting commercialisation. Mutters on about prevention of the various types of cancer. Reads a document describing cancer methodology, how it grows. Science has not provided an answer to the problem, further research required and this is what scientific innovation is. Cannabis is still harmful despite the claims (can’t od, doesn’t lead to cancer..) : current strain potency (WTF? Regulate, clearly publish THC % content like we do with alcohol), dependency (WTF? where is the context relative to alcohol, cigarettes and pharmaceutical drugs?), constant use interfering with job (WTF? generalised, unsubstantiated statement), exposure to minors (WTF? We don’t want this either. Regulate removes it from the streets and puts it behind the counter. Put edibles in clearly marked, child proof packaging. As if prohibition works?!).Lots of waffling .. ‘ first do no harm’ .. ‘patient needs sufficient info to make informed decisions’ .. mention of quality control seen as a major weakness in the debate. Closure summary: Bill mentions innovation, commercialisation, says nothing about curing cancer, mentions treatment, pain control, safety needs to be established. Check and balances and safe guards important. 53:18 -SG

