Catch @SANCWG Spokesperson Matthew Eriksen, MP Mario Oriani-Ambrosini and Dr E.V. Rapiti on Judge for Yourself. eTv Sunday 25 May 2014 @ 18h30 tonight …read more
Category Archives: NORML SOUTH AFRICA
Love to our fellow cannabis culturists at CB Delaware for sharing our story about Jeremy Acton’s court action on Friday. It’s not just in South Africa that young lives are destroyed for an inhumane prohibition.
Justice for Jacob Lavoro
Jacob is a teen facing life in prison for baking marijuana brownies in Round Rock, Texas. …read more
Hey everybody, check out our friends in Delaware. They posted pics from all the other Global Cannabis March 2014 participating cities that took place all over the world, including Cape Town! Cannabis Bureau of Delaware, we salute you!
Hey everybody, check out our friends in Delaware. They posted pics from all the other Global Cannabis March 2014 participating cities that took place all over the world, including Cape Town! Cannabis Bureau of Delaware, we salute you! …read more
Video – The Dagga Couple have released their latest video – Dagga: The Cost – exposing the frightening numbers behind the true cost of cannabis prohibition. Cannabis prohibition costs EVERYBODY – including you.
A look into the costs of keeping the cannabis (dagga) plant prohibited in South Africa. …read more
Would you please ask your subscirbers to share? #BobbyGreenhash We demand the withdrawal of any charges against Bobby Greenhash following his arrest for possession of a marijuana joint, used in a friendly World Cannabis March held on 5th May in Durban, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa – .
Legalize It!
An unlikely gathering of individuals congregated at Botha’s Park in Durbs this past Saturday to march for the legalization of the godly green. Ganja clouds wafted through the balmy autumn air as Durban’s cannabis culturists made their way to the City Hall. Amid chants of “Free the weed! Industrializ… …read more