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Please join our members group on Facebook here: dagga.za.net/union
Dagga.info will be used to forward the efforts of the Dagga Union of South.
Please join our members group on Facebook here: dagga.za.net/union
The Cornelius City Council were split in voting on medical marijuana and livestock ordinances Monday, March. 2. Both ordinances will get a second … …read more
Critics have accused Channel 4 of glamorising cannabis, ahead of tonight’s first episode of a TV programme about taking the drug. The show ‘Drugs … …read more
The owner of a marijuana seed company at CannaCon, a marijuana business trade show in Seattle. Washington state legalised cannabis in 2012. …read more
The owner of a marijuana seed company at CannaCon, a marijuana business trade show in Seattle. Washington state legalised cannabis in 2012. …read more
20, U.S. Representatives Jared Polis, D-Colo., and Earl Blumenauer, D-Oregon, introduced two new bills for federal marijuana legalization. The U.S. … …read more