Phoenix man and woman arrested for dealing in dagga

The total value of the recovered dagga is estimated to be worth R14, 500.dagga-in-phoenix

A 42-year-old man and a 51-year-old woman were recently arrested by Phoenix SAPS officers for dagga dealing. The operations implemented by the police certainly yielded positive results, sending out a strong message to all drug dealers in the vicinity. According to police spokesman, Col Jay Naicker, the officers recently received information regarding a drug trade in the area.

“They proceeded to Snowfern Place, Redfern (Phoenix) where they recovered 118, 71 grams of dagga. A 42-year-old man was arrested for possession of dagga. They then proceeded to a house in the Geneva area, where a 51-year-old woman was found in possession of 5,556kgs of dagga. She was subsequently charged and arrested for dealing in dagga. The total value of the recovered dagga is estimated to be worth R14, 500,” he said.

Both suspects are due to appear in the Phoenix Magistrate’s Court today. KwaZulu-Natal police commissioner, Lt Gen Ngobeni praised Phoenix SAPS for the successful arrests. “Such operations destabilise drugs dealers and also slows down the trade and use of drugs in our community. These operations are a must and drug dealers must realise that we can strike at any time,” she said.

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