Dagga.info website insights August to September 18th

Dagga.info received 98,727 visits in August 2013. 15000 visits in one day, 700 visits in one hour.

Visits per hour in August 2014

Visits per hour in August 2014

Visits per day in August 2014

Visits per day in August 2014

Visits to dagga.za.net

August Month of 1/8/2014 to 31/8/2014

Important Totals

Item Accesses Bytes Visits Charts
All Documents 357,080 13,644,230,110 98,727
Home Page 21,600 439,707,434 9,449

Executive Summary

The web site received 98,727 visits. A typical visitor examined 3.41 documents before leaving the site. A typical visit lasted for 1.05 minutes. The longest visit lasted for 792 minutes.

Visitors came from 15,783 distinct Internet addresses.

The web server delivered 32,258 unique documents one or more times each.

41 distinct types of documents were delivered.

There were 1,527 requests for documents which did not exist on the web server. The web server was linked to by 1,205 distinct pages on other web servers.

The web server was linked to by one or more pages found on 453 distinct web sites.

873 distinct search keywords were used to locate documents on the web server via Internet search servers, such as Altavista(tm) and Yahoo(tm).

3 distinct Internet search servers were used to reach the site.

Visitors used 419 distinct web browsers and other web access programs to reach the web server. Visitors used 1,318 distinct operating systems on their computers. Visitors followed a total of 21,841 distinct, non-trivial “trails” among the documents found on the web server.


September, Month of 1/9/2014 to 18/9/2014

Important Totals

Item Accesses Bytes Visits Charts
All Documents 309,838 14,066,050,334 58,029
Home Page 10,341 162,683,846 3,549

Executive Summary

The web site received 58,029 visits. A typical visitor examined 5.11 documents before leaving the site. A typical visit lasted for 1.31 minutes. The longest visit lasted for 824 minutes.

Visitors came from 13,563 distinct Internet addresses.

The web server delivered 33,747 unique documents one or more times each.

25 distinct types of documents were delivered.

There were 1,158 requests for documents which did not exist on the web server. The web server was linked to by 744 distinct pages on other web servers.

The web server was linked to by one or more pages found on 403 distinct web sites.

466 distinct search keywords were used to locate documents on the web server via Internet search servers, such as Altavista(tm) and Yahoo(tm).

3 distinct Internet search servers were used to reach the site.

Visitors used 349 distinct web browsers and other web access programs to reach the web server. Visitors used 1,351 distinct operating systems on their computers. Visitors followed a total of 14,481 distinct, non-trivial “trails” among the documents found on the web server.


Keywords used to reach Dagga.info

I find it very scary that someone searched how to make nyaope!

No Search Keyword(s) Accesses
3 dagga 49
4 types of dagga 9
5 smoke weed everyday 8
6 matekwane 7
7 dagga effects 6
8 dagga logo 5
9 download pictures of high grade dagga 5
10 six beeg 5
11 impacts of dagga 5
12 pics of dagga joints rolled in r1000 5
13 dabs 4
14 different type of dagga 4
15 dagga.za.net 4
16 supporting data of dagga 4
17 dab mask 4
18 swazi dagga 4
19 jan dagga 4
20 what is dagga 4
21 it is possible to not get children if you smoke dagga? 4
22 dagga party 4
23 pictures of impact of dagga 4
24 dagga movement 3
25 dagga statistics 3
26 dagga tree 3
27 mamazane maphanga 3
28 data of dagga 3
29 effects of dagga 3
30 drugs and weedy,dagga 3
31 dagga in bulks 3
32 smoke the weed 3
33 how to make nyaope 3
34 smoking dabs 3
35 dagga hand folding 3
36 www.you.tube.dagga.debate 2
37 is dagga illegal or legal in south africa ? 2
38 table of dagga 2
39 how does nyaope affect you spiritually and ethically 2
40 availability of dagga in sa 2
41 a piechart containing the amount of people using dagga 2
42 relevant statistics about dagga 2
43 impact of dagga 2
44 biggest dagga tree 2
45 joost van der westhuizen 2
46 dagga drawing 2
47 rasta picture and dagga 2
48 how to say no to dagga 2
49 dagga flag 2
50 zola 7 smoking dagga 2

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