Real icebowl challenge.
Monthly Archives: August 2014
Necessity being the mother of creation, leads us to puff puff pass, even if it i…
Necessity being the mother of creation, leads us to puff puff pass, even if it is in slow motion.
Three men in court for the illegal possession of dagga. How do you then become l…
Three men in court for the illegal possession of dagga. How do you then become legally in possession of dagga? Will a doctors note from my sangoma suffice?
OUDTSHOORN NUUS – Drie verdagtes het Maandag in die Oudtshoorn-landdroshof vir die onwettige besit van dagga verskyn.
Die polisie het Donderdagoggend die drie mans wat onderskeidelik 23, 35 en 38 oud is, tydens ‘n roetine-ondersoek ongeveer 10 km op die De Rust-pad buite Oudtshoorn gevang.
Volgens kapt. Louis Visser, woordvoerder van die Oudtshoorn-polisie, het hulle op 290 kg dagga beslag gelê.
Hy sê die Nissan-bakkie het verdag voorgekom en die polisie het die voertuig afgetrek en deursoek.
“Dit blyk dat die dagga vir die Kaap bestem was. Die drie mans is van Belhar en was op pad terug van die Oos-Kaap af Kaapstad toe,” het hy in ‘n verklaring gesê. …read more
Retweeted Cannibis fact (@weedfact): The last four presidents, including Barack…
Retweeted Cannibis fact (@weedfact):
The last four presidents, including Barack Obama, have all admitted to smoking cannabis…..
Retweeted TransformDrugPolicy (@TransformDrugs): BBC: Security allow 'legal hig…
Retweeted TransformDrugPolicy (@TransformDrugs):
BBC: Security allow ‘legal high’ laughing gas at festival
Festival security allow laughing gas
Widespread consumption of laughing gas at one of the UK’s top dance festivals is exposed by a BBC investigation – as security turn a blind eye. …read more

Everyday is valentine's day for stoner couples. ;)
"The greatest thing about Facebook, is that you can quote something and totally…
“The greatest thing about
Facebook, is that you can
quote something and totally
make up the source.” –
Abraham Lincoln. …read more
Paddy and Murphy are in Iraq. Murphy accidentally steps on a land mine. After a…
Paddy and Murphy are in
Iraq. Murphy
accidentally steps on a land
mine. After a big
explosion Murphy’s left on
the floor,screaming,
“Paddy, Paddy, help me,
I’ve lost me legs.”
Paddy looks and says, “You
lying fucker…they’re over
there.” …read more
Wife material?
Wife material?
Timeline Photos
Follow Cheech and Chong on Instagram, man,
Contest starts now and ends Friday at Midnight PST. Must be 18+ to win. …read more
Dagga as a treatment for cancer? The anti cannabis lobby poo poo the idea and ar…
Dagga as a treatment for cancer? The anti cannabis lobby poo poo the idea and are quick to point out “more studies need to be done”. That may well be true, but we cannot ignore the anecdotal evidence that we receive in our inbox every week…
Dagga as a treatment for cancer? The anti cannabis lobby poo poo the idea and are quick to point out “more studies need to be done”. That may well be true, but we cannot ignore the anecdotal evidence that we receive in our inbox every week………..”Hi the dagga couple, I’d like to share my quick exciting news that I received today, my mom was diagnosed for the second time with cancer but this time terminal and a whole bunch of tumors in her upper region of her body, including bones, muscles, all over really. She stopped chemo after the first round and then found research on hemp oil 2 months ago and decided to try this out. Today she went for her first test since she started using hemp oil and she only has one tumor left! It’s a miracle and the doctors are speechless! The doctors gave her a year to live, because she refused chemo and now they don’t know what to say. Hemp oil, dagga, weed how ever people want to call it, is natures ninja in fighting not only cancer but a whole lot of illnesses! I honestly hope that spreading a story like this will promote the legalization of weed for its natural benefits”.#youdecide …read more
Me and you should get baked
Me and you should get baked
Timeline Photos
Me and you should get baked! — with Jesus Villanueva and 3 others. …read more
Yet another of hemp's abundance of applications: these awesome Hemporium-sponsor…
Yet another of hemp’s abundance of applications: these awesome Hemporium-sponsored aprons made as a fundraiser by students at Design Academy of Fashion.
Why not use durable, beautiful, eco-friendly hemp fabric for YOUR next project?
The students are testing out their creative ideas for the fundraiser aprons with mock ups, which will soon be made out of Hemp canvas, sponsored by Hemporium. …read more
Are you a cannabis activist? What is a cannabis activist? How are your debating…
Are you a cannabis activist? What is a cannabis activist? How are your debating skills? Have you got a plan? Have you got any good ideas to get the message across?
This 2012 article from @The Cannabis Geek is still one of the best posts we can find on the subject and refer to it all the time.
Cannabis activism means more than just hanging out on a pro dagga FB page…………….
How To Spark A Cannabis Revolution
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results” We stand amidst great shifts in public opinion and support when it comes to legalising the sale and possession of cannabis, yet we face an impasse […] …read more
20 Years of being married, and the wife still moans if I use her toothbrush.So i…
20 Years of being married, and the wife still moans if I use her toothbrush.So if anybody knows a better way to get dog shit off
trainers I’m all ears…. …read more
Paddy and Mick are drinking in a bar. 'What's that red mark on your neck Paddy?"…
Paddy and Mick are drinking in a bar.
‘What’s that red mark on your neck Paddy?” said Mick.
“It’s a birthmark,” replied Paddy.
“How long have you had it?” said Mick. …read more
Two Irishmen looking through a mail order catalogue. Paddy says "Look at these g…
Two Irishmen looking through a mail order catalogue.
Paddy says “Look at these gorgeous women! The prices are reasonable too.”
Mick agrees “I’m ordering one right now”
Three weeks later Paddy says to Mick “Has your woman turned up yet?”
“No” said Mick “but it shouldn’t be long now though. Her clothes arrived yesterday!” …read more
Uruguay is forging ahead with it's unique legalisation plans. Although sale in p…
Uruguay is forging ahead with it’s unique legalisation plans. Although sale in pharmacies (for US$1/gram) has been postponed until next year, it is now legal for Uruguayans to grow dagga in their own homes as long as they are registered with the State.
Such a move will undoubtedly reduce the black market, relieve people of the stress of street scoring and the cops can get on with more pressing problems. Win Win.
And South Africa? Hmmmmmm………
Uruguayans can now sign up to grow pot at home
People in Uruguay who want to grow their own marijuana at home are now able to register to do so as the government launches the latest phase in its first-of-its-kind legalisation programme. …read more
What's your excuse?
Our detractors call it amotivational syndrome – we call it couch lock. The perce…
Our detractors call it amotivational syndrome – we call it couch lock. The perception that stoners are ambition-less, lazy losers. We strongly disagree. The DC use dagga every day – imagine trying to change the SA cannabis laws while parking off on the couch.
Dagga can do a excellent job of making lazy people lazier and those people are the stereotypes that put us all in a negative light with the anti cannabis lobby.
Do YOU get motivated on weed?
PS., Don’t get us wrong….We LOVE the couch, but there’s a time and a place for everything.
9 out of 10 stoners recommend weed. The last one forgot what we were talking abo…
9 out of 10 stoners recommend weed. The last one forgot what we were talking about.
-BnB …read more
Doesn't make sense! Follow BnB on Twitter and Instagram man, – bluntsnbongs420
Would you wear this man? Follow BnB on Twitter and Instagram man, – bluntsnbong…
Give a like to our homie ==>> Robert Blunt!
Give a like to our homie ==>> Robert Blunt! …read more
Check / like.. Rick Simpson There is a cure for Cancer, but it is not FDA app…
Check / like..
ALS Ice bucket challenge – Phoenix tears
Thanks to Bill Scott I had to (or felt obligated to) participate in the ALS ice bucket challenge so i did it my own way. I am really not big on huge marketing to “raise awareness” and money for cures that don’t seem to be happening. Like when everything turns pink for breast cancer awareness. It is a great idea, but it’s almost like a scam. The ice bucket challenge has raised 15 million dollars so far, it’s definetly working, but for who? So i put a twist into these videos and added some information on what i believe is a cure all. I wonder how many people get pissed off lol. I nominated nobody. Run from the cureAt the time this video was made they had raises $15 million. It is now over $60 million (8/24/14) Rick Simpson visit our website and read our article on the cure. if you do still want to donate to ALS here is their link here is your proof that cannabis does something …read more
would you ever wear this?
why I didn't text back: ⚪️ I'm busy ⚪️ I'm ignoring you 󾮌 I'm high and forgot…
why I didn’t text back:
⚪️ I’m busy
⚪️ I’m ignoring you
I’m high and forgot to press send
-BnB …read more
I hate when my lighter gets taken lol Follow BnB on Twitter and Instagram man,…
I hate when my lighter gets taken lol
Follow BnB on Twitter and Instagram man, – bluntsnbongs420
New Mixes Coming Soon… Pan's Ink – The Terpene Customizer for H…
420s Winner's Circle! Who wants to come blaze?
Some People Have No Trouble Smoking Pot in Front of U.S. Census Workers
Have you ever used pot or hash? According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s Statistical Abstract of the United States, 41 percent of people twelve years and older responded in 2008 that they have — a… …read more
Wanna smoke with 420s Goblins Shop?
Wanna smoke with
…read more
Oh, you don't smoke weed because it's illegal? How's all that underage drinking…
Oh, you don’t smoke weed because it’s illegal? How’s all that underage drinking going?
-BnB …read more
❒Single ❒Taken ✔I need a blunt -BnB
✔I need a blunt
-BnB …read more
Anti-Pot Florida AG Pam Bondi Challenges Primary Winner George Sheldon to Debate
Former Obama official George Sheldon defeated his primary opponent for the right to take on Pam Bondi for the state attorney general last night. And Bondi wasted no time in calling him up and c… …read more
Fox News Tells Colorado Tourists to Trade Their Extra Pot for a Rockies Jersey
Given Fox News’ conservative slant, it’s no surprise that most of the network’s coverage about Colorado’s legalization of recreational marijuana sales has been largely or wholly negative. Take B… …read more
Say no to domestic violence and rather share a spliff.
Say no to domestic violence and rather share a spliff.
Married couples who smoke cannabis together are less likely to engage in domestic violence
Married couples who frequently smoke cannabis together are less likely to engage in domestic violence than those who consume the drug less regularly, a new study has found. …read more
Maranoia:] Follow BnB on Twitter and Instagram man, – bluntsnbongs420
Texas Man No Longer Facing Life in Prison for Pot Brownies (But He’s Still Possibly Facing Jailtime)
A few months back we told you about Jacob Lavoro, who was facing life in jail after cops falsely charged him with distributing more than 400 grams of hash by using the entire weight of a batch o… …read more
Scientists prove nobody cares that cannabis cures cancer
Scientists prove nobody cares that cannabis cures cancer
Scientists prove nobody cares that cannabis cures cancer | Mooseclean’s
After hundreds of independent studies, scientists at the University of Toronto have finally concluded that nobody cares that cannabis cures cancer. The research, led by biologist Dr. Gianni Lucifero, showed that most people, when confronted with scientific evidence in the form of peer-reviewed resea… …read more
Iowans Say New CBD-Only Medical Cannabis Laws Don’t Help
Would-be legal medical cannabis users in Iowa say the state’s CBD-only medical cannabis program isn’t meeting their needs.
It isn’t necessarily surprising to hear, considering the program never… …read more
Strain:kandy kush
Smoke more, Worry less. -BnB
Smoke more, Worry less.
-BnB …read more
Marijuana Decriminalization in Santa Fe Likely Going to Voters in November
Live in Santa Fe, New Mexico? Use cannabis? Well, this November you should vote to make your life just a little easier and stress-free by voting to abolish laws making the possession of up to 28… …read more
When you're high, you think too much and talk too little. When you're drunk, y…
When you’re high, you think too much and talk too little.
When you’re drunk, you think too little and talk too much. …read more
Long-Term Study Says Married Couples Who Toke Together Show Lowest Level of Domestic Violence
In the business of analyzing the domestic abuse statistics and trends in our country, there is a term used called “Alcohol or Other Drug” involvement, or AOD. The data seems to show that the … …read more
Would you rather drink or smoke? Follow BnB on Twitter and Instagram man, – blu…
Would you rather drink or smoke?
Follow BnB on Twitter and Instagram man, – bluntsnbongs420
We were interviewed by News24 earlier this week about Cannabis legalisation in S…
We were interviewed by News24 earlier this week about Cannabis legalisation in South Africa. Watch the interview here:
News24 Interviews BTL About Dagga Legalisation
News24 Live’s Jerusha Sukhdeo-Raath hosted Below The Lion for a brief discussion about medicinal and recreational cannabis legalisation in South Africa. …read more
:] Follow BnB on Twitter and Instagram man, – bluntsnbongs420
We all know how hardy the dagga bush can be – but one thing's for sure, you'll g…
We all know how hardy the dagga bush can be – but one thing’s for sure, you’ll get nowhere without water. It’s an issue. A 3m Sativa guzzles water and a climate with winter rainfall makes for a dry summer of constant irrigation.
This article caught our eye. There is a drought in Northern California right now and the famed growing areas are struggling to keep their harvests from perishing…..
Can Cannabis Solve the Omnivore’s Dilemma During Drought?
While production has swelled, both in plant count and size, the sheer magnitude of the cannabis harvest appears poised to worsen what was already a potentially existential threat: California’s record-breaking drought. …read more
Weed will improve your day by at least 420% -BnB
Weed will improve your day by at least 420%
-BnB …read more
When you come home at night high af.

Till the day I die.
Dear Mr Acton We have received your correspondence. Please note that the deregi…
Dear Mr Acton
We have received your correspondence. Please note that the deregistration of the Dagga Party refers to the local registration in the Western Cape of the Old Dagga Party. The deregistration in no way affects your current registration of the Iqela Lentsango Party with abbreviation Dagga Party, registered in March 2014. You will only be required to renew your current registration for Iqela Lentsango Party before the end of January 2015.
I trust the above is in order. Kind regards,
Kgopedi Willy Molefe
Electoral Commission of SA: Electoral Matters
Tel: (012) 622 5200
Fax: (012) 622 5253 …read more

When bad science and propaganda dictate law.
It's not a sin.
Our endocannabinoid systems reacts extremely well to the various cannabinoids in…
Our endocannabinoid systems reacts extremely well to the various cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. Endocannabinoids are cannabinoids generated by our bodies. One such endocannabinoid is ANANDAMIDE – from the Sanskrit for ‘bliss’………
Endo-Cannabinoid Profile: A Crash Course in Anandamide
In this issue of Endocannabinoid Profiles, the properties of anandamide are broken down and the therapeutic benefits are explored. Get to know this endocannabinoid and discover what studies are currently being done to determine its wide variety of medicinal benefits. …read more
One Seattle Cop Wrote 80 Percent of Pot Citations.
One Seattle Cop Wrote 80 Percent of Pot Citations.
One Seattle Cop Wrote 80 Percent of Pot Citations
A veteran cop with the Seattle Police Department was forced to take a desk job earlier this week, after an internal review found the officer responsible for writing nearly 80 percent of the city’s citations for public marijuana consumption. …read more
McGuyver'd it. Try to have a non toxic mind set when it comes to making bongs an…
McGuyver’d it. Try to have a non toxic mind set when it comes to making bongs and doing bong repairs. “Presstick” is out.
Superglue was applied at the knot end to make sure it doesnt go anywhere if accidently lit it on fire.
If you aren’t into Mcguyvering yo7 could always by a new grommet and smoking stem set from or a whole new bong.
Apparently bongs are for stoner as shoes are for men, you have a couple of pair some just gathering dust in the closet. Lol
Have you found us on instagram yet?
Looks like broccoli…
Pass the bong Alvin, you're high enough!
Cannabis over Alcohol any day man! Follow BnB on Twitter and Instagram man, – b…
Cannabis over Alcohol any day man!
Follow BnB on Twitter and Instagram man, – bluntsnbongs420
Potheads Always Welcome :] Follow BnB on Twitter and Instagram man, – bluntsnbo…
I go 0 to 420 real quick. -BnB
I go 0 to 420 real quick.
-BnB …read more
sweet maryjane~
Walk in see this what do
Girls Gone Weed<3 Follow BnB on Twitter and Instagram man, – bluntsnbongs420
Frosty grapes
How are all those prescription drugs doing for you? Follow BnB on Twitter and I…
How are all those prescription drugs doing for you?
Follow BnB on Twitter and Instagram man – bluntsnbongs420
Give our friends at Vapor Daddy a (y)
Give our friends at Vapor Daddy a (y)
Deluxe & Vapor Daddy serves as a curator of the finest Vaporizer & Aromatherapy Machines the world has to offer. …read more
If she brings her own weed, she's a keeper. -BnB
If she brings her own weed, she’s a keeper.
-BnB …read more
Who wants to join 420s Winner's Circle?
Who wants to join
…read more
Best buds tats<3 Follow BnB on Twitter and Instagram man, – bluntsnbongs420
Popcorn Bud Follow BnB on Twitter and Instagram man, – bluntsnbongs420
Stranger than fiction….
RIP to the fucks I used to give. -BnB
RIP to the fucks I used to give.
-BnB …read more
Learn about terpenes at and Pan's Ink – The Terpene Customizer…
Learn about terpenes at
…read more
Sara Silverman Doesn’t Leave Home Without Her Vaporizer Pen
While we think the Emmy’s are generally just a reach-around for Hollywood elite and don’t really represent the best acting, directing or writing on television, the awards ceremony occasionally p… …read more
Bet i'm not the only one whose been this situation.
Prosecutor Won’t Say Why He Charged Minnesota Mom for Giving Child Medical Cannabis Oil
On Wednesday and Thursday of last week, our colleagues at the Riverfront Times Richard Stulz, Lac Qui Parle county attorney, in hopes of speaking with him about why he decided to press charges … …read more
Get it? Want it?
23 US states where medical dagga has been legalised, deaths from opioid overdose…
23 US states where medical dagga has been legalised, deaths from opioid overdoses have decreased by almost 25%, according to a new analysis and th researchers proclaim to not know exactly why it is the case. Obviously.
Dagga lowers deaths due to painkillers
Researchers aren’t sure why, but in the 23 US states where medical marijuana has been legalised, deaths from opioid overdoses have decreased by almost 25%. …read more
Colorado Officials Admit Pot Sales System Incriminates Buyers, Attorney Says
Colorado attorney Rob Corry recently asked for a temporary restraining order to halt tax collection while the matter is considered, but Denver District Court Judge John Madden rejected that requ… …read more
West Virginia Police Find Weed, Chickens and Explosives at Accident Site
When smuggling a stash of marijuana through the foothills of West Virginia, it is highly advisable to eliminate any and all bizarre variables from the equation that could possibly contribute to… …read more
Study says states with medical marijuana laws see far fewer opioid overdoses
Week after week, we report on headlines and stories regarding the many, many potential health benefits there are to responsible cannabis use. From epilepsy to cancer, and from ADD to PTSD, cann… …read more
Too High To Give A Fuck Man!
<3 The Legend Himself
Makes much more sense than to arrest people for being in possesion of a flower.

Bong hits 4 Jesus {2007} • High Court considers students' First Amendment right…
Bong hits 4 Jesus {2007}
• High Court considers students’ First Amendment rights
• Case involves student’s “Bong hits 4 Jesus” banner at event
• School argues principal had right to punish student for drug message
• Student, now 24, said he was not promoting drugs
WASHINGTON (CNN) — The Supreme Court ruled against a former high school student Monday in the “Bong Hits 4 Jesus” banner case — a split decision that limits students’ free speech rights.
Joseph Frederick was 18 when he unveiled the 14-foot paper sign on a public sidewalk outside his Juneau, Alaska, high school in 2002.
Principal Deborah Morse confiscated it and suspended Frederick. He sued, taking his case all the way to the nation’s highest court.
The justices ruled that Frederick’s free speech rights were not violated by his suspension over what the majority’s written opinion called a “sophomoric” banner. (Watch the banner unfurl and launch a legal battle Video)
“It was reasonable for (the principal) to conclude that the banner promoted illegal drug use– and that failing to act would send a powerful message to the students in her charge,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote for the court’s 6-3 majority. Breyer noted separately he would give Morse qualified immunity from the lawsuit, but did not sign onto the majority’s broader free speech limits on students. (Opinionexternal link)
Roberts added that while the court has limited student free speech rights in the past, young people do not give up all their First Amendment rights when they enter a school.
Roberts was supported by Justices Antonin Scalia, Anthony Kennedy, Clarence Thomas, Stephen Breyer, and Samuel Alito. Breyer noted separately he would give Morse qualified immunity from the lawsuit, but did not sign onto the majority’s broader free speech limits on students.
In dissent, Justice John Paul Stevens said, “This case began with a silly nonsensical banner, (and) ends with the court inventing out of whole cloth a special First Amendment rule permitting the censorship of any student speech that mentions drugs, so long as someone could perceive that speech to contain a latent pro-drug message.”
He was backed by Justices David Souter and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
At issue was the discretion schools should be allowed to limit messages that appear to advocate illegal drug use. “Bong,” as noted in the appeal filed with the justices, “is a slang term for drug paraphernalia.”
The incident occurred in January 2002 just outside school grounds when the Olympic torch relay was moving through the Alaska capital on its way to the Salt Lake City, Utah, Winter Games.
Though he was standing on a public sidewalk, the school argued Frederick was part of a school-sanctioned event, because students were let out of classes and accompanied by their teachers.
Morse ordered the senior to take down the sign, but he refused. That led to a 10-day suspension for violating a school policy on promoting illegal drug use.
Frederick filed suit, saying his First Amendment rights were infringed. A federal appeals court in San Francisco agreed, concluding the school could not show Frederick had disrupted the school’s educational mission by showing a banner off campus.
Former independent counsel Kenneth Starr argued for the principal that a school “must be able to fashion its educational mission” without undue hindsight from the courts.
Morse, who attended arguments in March, told CNN at the time: “I was empowered to enforce the school board’s written policies at that time aimed at keeping illegal substances out of the school environment.”
As for Frederick, he is halfway across the globe, teaching English to students in China.
Now 24, he told reporters in March that he displayed the banner in a deliberate attempt to provoke a response from principal Morse, by whom he had been disciplined previously. But Frederick claimed his message of free speech is very important to him, even if the wording of the infamous banner itself was not.
“I find it absurdly funny,” he said. “I was not promoting drugs. … I assumed most people would take it as a joke.”
Are you traveling the world and want to know where your nearest doob friendly ba…
Are you traveling the world and want to know where your nearest doob friendly bar or restaurant is? Look no further. Budpubs has a worldwide locator.
Don’t worry – we’re working on a South African entry!……..
BudPubs – Smoking Weed Socially
Directory for smoking weed socially and responsibly. Rate and review weed clubs, coffee shops, vape bars, marijuana events and more world wide. …read more
Why knot…
Arizer Extreme-Q vaporizers are back in stock and on sale with free, discreet de…
Arizer Extreme-Q vaporizers are back in stock and on sale with free, discreet delivery to your doorstep anywhere in South Africa.
Arizer Extreme Q Vaporizer
The grand daddy of digital vaporizers, complete with remote control. …read more
Jan Dagga has passed away in a tragic accident. While he is not known as a dagga…
Jan Dagga has passed away in a tragic accident. While he is not known as a dagga activist. He unknowingly played a great roll in keeping the word dagga in the public eye in Bloemfontein. RIP Jan Dagga.
More on Jan Dagga:
…read more
Fruity Pebbles (Y)
29-year old George van Niekerk of Rustenburg was arrested when SAPS members unco…
29-year old George van Niekerk of Rustenburg was arrested when SAPS members uncovered 29 small “dagga” trees in his yard.
Meanwhile rapists and murders are rampant and they are arresting people for gardening.
It's July 1938 and reefer madness is alive and well. Marijuana is an evil drug t…
It’s July 1938 and reefer madness is alive and well. Marijuana is an evil drug that proliferates among (black) swing and jazz band musicians.
“It never helped a good musician, and it never, never made a good instrumentalist out of a poor one”.
How many Radio 702 solid gold Sunday tunes were written and performed after a blunt or two? Most of the world’s most popular chunes wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for ganja…..
What are your thoughts all you band members and musicians out there?
“EXPOSING THE MARIJUANA DRUG EVIL IN SWING BANDS!” By Jack Hanley Astounding facts about the…
YOU’VE read about marijuana, of course. Newspapers recently have been, full of stories about reefer-crazed young men and women jumping from windows, killing policemen, robbing, assaulting and running amuck, while under the influence of the weed. And many stories about marijuana say that among those… …read more
More and more Americans are choosing medical cannabis over addictive opiate base…
More and more Americans are choosing medical cannabis over addictive opiate based pain medication. In States where MMJ is legal, painkiller overdoses appear to be dropping……..
Medical marijuana laws may reduce painkiller overdoses
States that have legalized marijuana for managing chronic pain may be helping stop an epidemic: prescription painkiller overdoses. …read more
It's always irritating to listen to our incumbent Government spin their way out…
It’s always irritating to listen to our incumbent Government spin their way out of tight and embarrassing situations. They are doing it again….apparently Zol is Dagga but isn’t when it’s smoked by the President…….#yeahright
Zuma’s ‘zol’ was not dagga – South Africa | IOL News |
South Africa’s Premier Online News Source. Discover the world of IOL, News South Africa, Sport, Business, Financial, World News, Entertainment, Technology, Motoring, Travel, Property, Classifieds & more. …read more