It's July 1938 and reefer madness is alive and well. Marijuana is an evil drug t…

It’s July 1938 and reefer madness is alive and well. Marijuana is an evil drug that proliferates among (black) swing and jazz band musicians.
“It never helped a good musician, and it never, never made a good instrumentalist out of a poor one”.
How many Radio 702 solid gold Sunday tunes were written and performed after a blunt or two? Most of the world’s most popular chunes wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for ganja…..
What are your thoughts all you band members and musicians out there?

“EXPOSING THE MARIJUANA DRUG EVIL IN SWING BANDS!” By Jack Hanley Astounding facts about the…
YOU’VE read about marijuana, of course. Newspapers recently have been, full of stories about reefer-crazed young men and women jumping from windows, killing policemen, robbing, assaulting and running amuck, while under the influence of the weed. And many stories about marijuana say that among those… …read more    

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