Monthly Archives: June 2014

It is generally reported that the younger someone starts to use cannabis, the mo…

It is generally reported that the younger someone starts to use cannabis, the more chance there is of some form of lasting damage to the brain in later life.
Well, in the UK at least, it would seem the entry age for a first spliff is dropping. Some as young as 12 or 13…….
Time bomb or Tabloid?
How old were you when you first sparked up?

Why Are A Record Number Of Children Being Treated For Cannabis Addiction?
The number of children receiving treatment for addiction to cannabis has hit a record high, with one expert warning the age they try the drug for the first time has fallen which places them at greater risk. …read more    

Again, prohibitionists rely on weak unfounded studies for demonization…

Again, prohibitionists rely on weak unfounded studies for demonization…

Study Finds Signs of Brain Changes in Pot Smokers | The Ganja News
A small study of casual marijuana smokers has turned up evidence of changes in the brain, a possible sign of trouble ahead, researchers say. The young adults who volunteered for the study were not dependent on pot, nor did they show any marijuana-related problems. …read more    

The worst place in the entire USA to have hash oil in your possession is Texas….

The worst place in the entire USA to have hash oil in your possession is Texas. 4g is a felony – this 19 year old had 145g + brownies. He’s looking at life in prison for making brownies as per Texas state law…..
Has the human race lost it’s mind?
There are hundreds of comments on this story from all over the world. Add your voice……

Supporters rally around Texas teen facing life in prison for pot brownies
A 19-year-old Texas man is facing the possibility of a life sentence in prison for baking and selling brownies laced with marijuana and hash oil. …read more    

Last month @stellenboschuniversity published an extremely one sided 'debate' on…

Last month @stellenboschuniversity published an extremely one sided ‘debate’ on Dagga (
Dear Stellenbosch University – Get Your Dagga Facts Straight
You recently published an article titled The Dagga Debate. There was however no debate to be found in what was a poorly researched and contradictory bashing of the Medical Innovation Bill. …read more    

Drank en tabak is meer skadelik as dagga so wat nou?

Drank en tabak is meer skadelik as dagga so wat nou?

Dagga erg skadelik
Dagga se invloed op die mens se gesondheid is nie net gevaarlik nie, maar ook uiters nadelig, en is ook ‘n negatiewe element wat die IK van tieners verlaag. Navorsers het gevind dat die gebruik van dagga, in enige vorm, ‘n besliste uitwerking het op …read more    

The DC Re-legalisation petition got it's 16 thousandth signature yesterday. Have…

The DC Re-legalisation petition got it’s 16 thousandth signature yesterday. Have YOU signed the petition yet? It’s safe, secure, simple AND it’s vital that we show the State how many South Africans want change. Signing the petition isn’t a confession that you blaze – it indicates you want the laws to change, the arrests to stop, and medical research to be started.
…read more    

A Texan walks into a pub in Ireland and clears his voice to the crowd of drinker…

A Texan walks into a pub
in Ireland and clears his
voice to the crowd of
drinkers. He says, “I hear
you Irish are a bunch of
hard drinkers. I’ll give $
500 American dollars to
anybody in here who can
drink 10 pints of
Guinness back-to-back.”
The room is quiet and no
one takes up the Texan’s
offer. One man even
leaves. Thirty minutes
later the same gentleman
who left shows back up
and taps the Texan on
the shoulder. “Is your bet
still good?”, asks the
The Texan says yes and
asks the bartender to line
up 10 pints of Guinness.
Immediately the Irishman
tears into all 10 of the
pint glasses drinking
them all back-to-back.
The other pub patrons
cheer as the Texan sits in
The Texan gives the
Irishman the $500 and
says, “If ya don’t mind
me askin’, where did you
go for that 30 minutes
you were gone?”
The Irishman replies,
“Oh…I had to go to the
pub down the street to
see if I could do it first”. …read more    

Eish I hope that I don't get into trouble for this Joke. . A young woman visited…

Eish I hope that I don’t
get into trouble for this
Joke. . A young woman
visited her eye doctor
complaining of failing
eyesight. The doctor sat
her in front of a standard
eyechart. Doctor: “can
you read the bottom
line?” X_X. Girl: “no”.
Doctor: “can you read the
centre line?”. Girl: “no”.
Doctor: “can you read the
large top line?”. Girl: “no”
X_X. Can you even see the
chart? “No” X_X. The
doctor is clearly
frustrated and whips out
his penis. “Can you see
this?”. “Of course.”.
“Well, there’s your
problem, you’re cock-
eyed!!! …read more    

US Government in cahoots with Monsanto use black farmer as poster boy for false…

US Government in cahoots with Monsanto use black farmer as poster boy for false claims.

———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– …read more    

If you haven't been rejected, you haven't lived! We're all bound to get rejectio…

If you haven’t been rejected,
you haven’t lived! We’re all
bound to get rejection
letters, broken hearts and
“No thanks” phone calls.
There’ll always be someone
who won’t like our website,
our Facebook page, our
book, our resume, our work,
the way we dress, laugh, or
tie our shoes (and they’ll be
happy to quickly tell us, too).
We could dwell on the
rejection, (which actually
almost never really has
anything to do with us) or
we could shift our attention
to more encouraging,
positive people who are just
as happy pointing out what
they like! Have a great night! …read more    

“Flash Portals” Have Activated Across Gaia

Gaia Portal published on June 23, 2014 “Flash portals” have activated across Gaia. Locations of such are known to those with Higher Discerning capabilities activated fully. “Flash portals” enable rapid transformation of Hue-Beings and hu-beings, ready for such. These portals will also find application in removing those with chronic ingrained resistance …read more    

Same sh!t, different generation. 45 years later the headlines remain the same……

Same sh!t, different generation. 45 years later the headlines remain the same……

Twitter / Leafly: 1969 LIFE Magazine cover asks …
Connect with your friends — and other fascinating people. Get in-the-moment updates on the things that interest you. And watch events unfold, in real time, from every angle. …read more    

Watch Tony, Managing Director of Hemporium SA on this great clip on the Power of…

Watch Tony, Managing Director of
Timeline Photos
Legalize research and cultivation of industrial hemp

(Hemp does not produce the “high”)
So, why is it illegal?
Because fuel companies would lose TRILLIONS in profit, while the quality of life for everyone else would rise dramatically. It would create millions of jobs, as well as make our reliance foreign fuels non-existent.

Some think that is the “real reason” behind marijuana laws is so they can keep industrial hemp illegal despite it’s many uses and positive impact it would have on our society.

Some estimate that the global market for hemp consists of more than 25,000 products in nine submarkets: agriculture; textiles; recycling; automotive; furniture; food/nutrition/beverages; paper; construction materials; and personal care.
It can be grown as a fiber, seed, or other dual-purpose crop. Hemp fibers are used in a wide range of products, including fabrics and textiles, yarns and raw or processed spun fibers, paper, carpeting, home furnishings, construction and insulation materials, auto parts, and composites. The interior stalk (hurd) is used in various applications such as animal bedding, raw material inputs, low-quality papers, and composites. Hemp seed and oilcake are used in a range of foods and beverages, and can be an alternative food protein source. Oil from the crushed hemp seed is an ingredient in a range of body-care products and also nutritional supplements. Hemp seed is also used for industrial oils, cosmetics and personal care, and pharmaceuticals, among other composites.

Video::The Power of Hemp and its countless uses::

Join us at:: — with Ron Maser and 33 others. …read more    

We estimate thousands of South African dagga users are walking around unaware th…

We estimate thousands of South African dagga users are walking around unaware that they have a criminal record. That admission of guilt fine you paid the desk sergeant for a blunt in your ashtray will mean you’re walking around with a suspended sentence.
Find out your status and have your record expunged here:

Have your criminal record expunged …read more    

Diesel is R14/litre at the pumps. industrial cannabis is still illegal grow (wit…

Diesel is R14/litre at the pumps. industrial cannabis is still illegal grow (without a lengthy process applying for a permit nobody seems to get) – fossil fuel is running out and STILL there are no large scale cannabis biomass trials for methanol.

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Hemp could free us from oil, prevent deforestation, cure cancer and it’s environmentally friendly:

Hempcrete Can Change The Way We Build Everything – Its benefits include carbon negative construction, breathability, and reduced cost of heating and cooling: — with Maureen Hope and 2 others. …read more    

You could argue that it's early days yet – but the figures on crime, tax revenue…

You could argue that it’s early days yet – but the figures on crime, tax revenue and job creation in Colorado post legalisation are starting to impress…..

Colorado’s Marijuana Legalization Creates 10,000 New Jobs | TruthTheory
by Christina Sarich Colorado’s marijuana legalization is quickly turning the state into one of the most prosperous places in the country. Not only has Colorado projected marijuana sales to be a billion dollar industry, but in January of 2014 alone, the state pulled in over $3.5 million in tax revenu… …read more    

Balanced opinion piece from the South African Medical Journal. South African doc…

Balanced opinion piece from the South African Medical Journal. South African doctors are asking that regulations be changed in order to allow for cannabis research.

Doctors Urge Government to Allow Cannabis Research in SA
The June 2014 edition of the South African Medical Journal contains a balanced opinion piece regarding medical marijuana and its need to be studied in South Africa. …read more    

The A-Z of cannabis, dagga ,zol, skyf terminology….. Did they miss anything?

The A-Z of cannabis, dagga ,zol, skyf terminology…..
Did they miss anything?

The definitive cannabis lexicon: Modern marijuana terms
The world of weed is growing every day. Here’s a compendium of marijuana terms, from the plant to the many ways to consume it and the cannabis culture that surrounds it. …read more    

Why indeed…

Why indeed…

Matty Kush Harton

I’ve just seen a video of a young girl experiencing an epileptic seizure. Her mum sat next to her and calmed her whilst administering specially made cannabis oil with an oral syringe. Aside from swallowing the medicine, the simple act of applying it around her mouth allowed relief within less than a minute. I have unlimited respect for parents who’s children suffer with debilitating conditions such as infant epilepsy. They work around the clock to keep their children safe, and the stress created by watching a loved one suffer is horrific. If cannabis works so quickly, so effectively, so safely as to be administered in such a way as to immediately stop a seizure, then why the hell are we allowing this disgusting prohibition to continue? …read more    

“Portals of exigency” have been created to accommodate rapid movement across planetary energetic boundaries

Gaia Portal Published on June 22, 2014 “Portals of exigency” have been created to accommodate rapid movement across planetary energetic boundaries. Alignment of Hue-beings with such portals facilitates accelerated movement of consciousness into Higher D realms as chaotic node points are encountered. Full Inner Acceptance of “the Process” is key to …read more    


I have been campaigning for the legalization of Marijuana (Cannabis, Pot, Weed, Hash……….) in my country for a number of years now in the hope that the amazing properties of this plant could be put too good use in helping the growing number of people with horrific cancers and other disorders. I find it amazing that in a country like South Africa we still outlaw a plant that has been used for hundreds of years by many of the local people.

This country is different to many others out there in that millions of the local people use this plant on a daily basis and is part of their traditions and lifestyle. The authorities pretty much ignore the whole thing as there are plenty of other, more powerful, products out there that destroy lives and get most of the attention. The other interesting point is that this plant grows naturally in this area and often you will see it here and there growing in overgrown gardens and neglected state land.

Now, you may be wondering what my interest in Marijuana is and I want make it clear that I am not some lazy ass stoner or someone who listens to reggae all day! My interest is in the medicinal side and the properties and healing powers of THC ( the plants main chemical ingredient). There is mounting evidence throughout the world that the chemicals contained in this plant can do wonders for people suffering from cancer. People have survived everything from blood cancers to inoperable tumors and their testimonials attribute this to medical marijuana.

I have been unlucky when it comes to family with 3 deaths from this terrible disease over the past few years alone. I guess some of us are unlucky when it comes life dishing out genes and although we all carry cancer cells some of us will inevitably end up sick. As I approach my 40th birthday I know that I am coming up on the age where several other family members developed this disease so I would like to take a “preventative” treatment which may just help to save my life. The treatments modern cancer patients go through are horrendous and if there is a just a tiny chance of avoiding all that then we have to go for it. I even have a family member who was diagnosed with breast cancer and ended up losing the breast and going through a terrible program of chemotherapy and radiation treatments – the good news is that she is currently clear and the treatment worked. She recently said that if the disease comes back she thinks she is not sure she could go through that again and may opt to avoid the treatment – that’s how bad it really is!

The main point is to get government to listen to the evidence and the will of the people and re-visit this issue. We recently had an MP, who is sick with deadly cancer, create a bill and table it in parliament but so far it doesn’t appear to have gained much attention at all. I think if enough of us make a noise then it will eventually come up and there will be a chance this miraculously plant could be approved for medicinal use.

The funny part is that so many people use it anyway – it has no history of causing violence or sickness like other legalized products (tobacco and alcohol) – but if you are caught you are in theory a criminal and would suffer problems with job applications and other things throughout your life for doing something that may just keep you alive!

You can check this video (one of hundreds) which talk about the health benefits of THC.

I will continue to update here with news and other information as time goes on and I hope you will check back occasional and comment as you see fit.

…read more

New York is now officially the 23rd medical dagga state of the US!

New York is now officially the 23rd medical dagga state of the US!

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New York is now officially the 23rd medical marijuana state! Big thanks to our team at @[464074983610818:274:Compassionate Care NY] and all the patient advocates who helped make this happen! — with MonsterBud Pilipinas. …read more    

Dagga as tiener maak jou dom as grootmens KAAPSTAD. – Die invloed van dagga op…

Dagga as tiener maak jou dom as grootmens

KAAPSTAD. – Die invloed van dagga op die ontwikkelende tienerbrein is só sleg dat dit tot in volwassenheid hul IK kan verlaag.

Dít is maar een van die negatiewe uitwerkings wat dagga op ‘n tienerbrein het, is pas bevind in ‘n oorsigstudie deur die Amerikaanse National Institutes of Health wat in die New England Journal of Medicine gepubliseer is.

Omdat die tienerbrein nog tot in vroeë volwassenheid ontwikkel, “belemmer [daggaverbruik] kritiese denke en geheue gedurende gebruik en dit duur voort dae ná die tyd. Die gereelde gebruik van dagga in die tienerjare verlaag IK tot in volwassenheid, selfs al hou gebruikers op om dit as volwassenes te gebruik”, volgens die navorsing.

Dagga beïnvloed die geheue asook die denk- en leerproses omdat dit die areas wat daarby betrokke is se verbindings beskadig. Mense wat in hul tienerjare begin dagga rook het, en vir ‘n paar jaar aangehou het, verloor 8 IK-punte teen die tyd dat hulle in hul dertigs is. En nog belangriker: Dit herstel nie al het hulle opgehou om die dwelm te gebruik.

Volgens die studie is tweedehandse daggarook ook gevaarlik.

Dit beskadig net soos gewone rook die longe, maar diegene wat net dagga rook en nié tabak nie, het meer gesondheidsprobleme as mense wat albei rook. Hulle is ook meer afwesig van die werk weens asemhalingsprobleme.

Volgens die studie maak dagga ‘n mens nie “kalm” nie, dit verhoog die hartklop met tussen 20% en 100% kort nadat dit gerook is en dit kan tot drie uur duur. Mense wat dagga rook se kanse op ‘n hartaanval in die eerste uur nadat hulle gerook het, is vier tot agt keer groter as nie-rokers s’n.

Dit kan depressie, angs, paniek en psigotiese aanvalle veroorsaak en by tieners ook lei tot die neem van hul lewe.

Die Burger : Dagga as tiener maak jou dom as grootmens
KAAPSTAD. – Die invloed van dagga op die ontwikkelende tienerbrein is só sleg dat dit tot in volwassenheid hul IK kan verlaag. Dít is maar een van die negatiewe uitwerkings wat dagga op ‘n… …read more