We call on our leaders globally to call a moratorium on all GMOs & Glyphosate formulations until a full-scale investigation and long-term carginogenic study can be conducted, independently from industry influence. We don’t trust the so-called safety agencies to act in consumers interests. Furthermore, a new study proposed by France has been reduced to 6 months, & an EU study which will be funded by taxpayers for 3.7 Million Euro is already corrupted by industry involvement. Anything less than a moratorium would be criminal negligence & a human and animal rights violation by our leaders.
Please see the publication here:
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BREAKING: 2012 Seralini GMO/Roundup Study REPUBLISHED in Springer Journal of Environmental Sciences.
Paris, 24 June 2014
Republication of Professor Séralini’s study: Time to be responsible.
The 2012 study on the chronic toxicity of Roundup herbicide and the genetically modified Roundup-tolerant maize NK603 by Professor Gilles-Eric Séralini and colleagues has been republished by the Springer group, with open access to its raw data. Now there will be a few embarrassing questions for the authorities.
After two years of controversy and pressure that led to the retraction of the study in November 2013, which was first published in 2012 by the Food and Chemical Toxicology (Elsevier group) journal, the research team of Professor Séralini has announced that they have republished the study in the Journal “Environmental Sciences Europe”, published by the Springer Group. By republishing their study with some new data which are available online, the team of Professor Séralini confirms that the world’s best-selling pesticide, Roundup, causes severe liver and kidney deficiencies and hormonal disturbances, such as breast tumours, at low environmentally relevant levels. Similar effects were observed from the chronic consumption of Roundup-tolerant GM maize. This is due to residues of Roundup and to the specific genetic modification of this maize. The formulations of Roundup, as well as Roundup-tolerant GMOs, should therefore be considered endocrine (hormone) disruptors and should be re-evaluated for safety by the health authorities.
Winfried Schröder, editor of the journal Environmental Sciences Europe of the Springer Group, stated: ‘’We want to enable a rational discussion about the study of Séralini et al. (Food Chem Toxicol 2012, 50:4221–4231) by republishing it. This methodological competition is the energy necessary for any scientific progress. The sole purpose is to enable some scientific transparency and on this basis, a discussion that does not try to hide, but focuses on these needed methodological controversies.”
The research team of Prof Séralini made the choice of an open access publication in a peer-reviewed journal, which arranged the third peer-reviewed assessment of the study. The researchers have published
online the raw data of the study with free access for the entire scientific community – something that the industry has always refused to do, claiming commercial confidentiality or intellectual property restrictions.
But is there any real secret to keep? How could the results of a health study violate an industrial secret? Is industry hiding the actual toxicity of compounds that accumulate in our bodies and our environment?
Dr Joël Spiroux de Vendômois, medical doctor and President of CRIIGEN says, “Pesticides such as Roundup and agricultural GMOs cannot be ignored in the explanation of the epidemic of environmental
pathologies”. In addition, he emphasizes “the deficiency of the regulatory assessment of pesticides and GMOs, which endangers public health.”
CRIIGEN is asking for free access to toxicological studies which have authorised the placing on the market of different formulations of Roundup, the free access to raw data on the toxicological urine and blood
analyses for all products, and urges the legal authorities to undertake further public research, with a commitment to placing its findings in the public domain, regarding the possible toxicological and endocrine disrupting effects of GMOs and Roundup, as other pesticides, using long-term exposure periods to ensure the real protection of public health.
Email: presse@criigen.info
Tel: 02 31 56 56 84
#MonsantoAintGoingToLikeThis #Seralini #Criigen #Springer #JournalofEnvironemntalSciences #GMO #Roundup #glyphosate #toxicity #labelgmos #bangmos #needtoknowgmo #freedom2chooz #gmofreecanada #gmofreeusa — with Lorraine Herman and 6 others. …read more