Cannabis: The cure for modern life.
“here was a naturally occurring substance that potentially provided a cure for this disease we call modern life. From anti-depressant and anti-anxiety effects to actual neurogenesis, this was a long way from the paranoid fantasies of government propagandists who drink their martinis and smoke their fags while proselytizing in an anti-empirical way about the evils of substance that seems to function exactly opposite of the way they suggest.”
If Society is the Disease, is Cannabis the Cure?
If Society is the Disease, is Cannabis the Cure?Posted by: Dr. Michael Sosteric in Michael SostericApril 27, 20115 Comments1,954 ViewsI recently read an astounding article on Marijuana (Jiang, et. al, 2005). As it turns it out, cannabis is implicated in neurogensis or the generation and regeneration… …read more