I Won’t Back Down By Julie Henderson, published May 18, 2014 Imagine that you found the doorway that leads out of here. You woke up and bolted out of the film house and suddenly found yourself standing square-shouldered, bright-eyed, and reenergized as an outside observer looking back at a simulated construct. …read more
Monthly Archives: May 2014
Who else would rock these?
Chemtrails -Aerospace Worker- “I installed Spraying Devices”
Chemtrails -Aerospace Worker- “I installed Spraying Devices” Published on May 24, 2014 Mirrored from “WuweiTranslations” Thank you… We have people examining the info and will update asap. If genuine this will be a game changer.. Published on 17 May 2014 At the Monday Demonstration in Dresden on May 12, 2014, …read more
Check this out;]
Top or bottom?
GIve our Sister page a Thumbs Up;] – Sexy Stoners
GIve our Sister page a Thumbs Up;] –
…read more
Hmmm what one shall i choose?
Odd how the pro-GMO DA-EC picks up something like ADA in bread, yet they show no…
Odd how the pro-GMO DA-EC picks up something like ADA in bread, yet they show no concern that our staple food, Maize Meal, contains over 70% Genetically Modified Maize, which is used as animal feed in most other countries…
“YOGA MAT” CHEMICAL IN EASTERN CAPE BREAD Issued by: Athol Trollip (MPL) Leader in the Eastern Cape Provincial Legislature 27 May 2014 Consumers must be made aware of “yoga mat” chemical in bread The DA in the Eastern Cape will be taking the issue of SASKO’s alleged use of the potentially harmful “yoga mat” chemical in bread to parliament. Bread is the staple food of thousands of poor people in the province, who are unaware that their daily food contains the chemical Azodicarbonamide (ADA). SASKO, as the largest bread flour producer in the province continues to produce and sell products containing ADA to unsuspecting and unwitting consumers, whose health is being placed at potential risk. ADA is not listed as an ingredient on the packaging of SASKO bread and flour. It would seem that the company has chosen not to do so, because ADA has been permitted through legislation to be used in concentrations of less than 45 parts per million. ADA or the “yoga mat” chemical is used to make plastic and rubber shoes, flip-flops and yoga mats more pliable. It is added to flour or bread to make it whiter, softer and to improve shelf life. ADA has been banned in Australia, the UK and some countries in the Europe. According to the World Health Organisation ADA is known to cause respiratory problems such as asthma, allergies and skin problems. Scientists are of the opinion that ADA has the potential of causing cancer. It is a matter of concern that SASKO, who already has the lion’s share of the market in flour sales in the Eastern Cape, continues using a product that is potentially harmful to the consumer. I have asked my colleague in the national parliament, Annette Steyn, to ask/put questions to the ministers of Agriculture and of Health, regarding the permissibility of the use of ADA without disclosing its use. While companies who use this additive have given vague indications that the use of ADA will be phased out, they cannot be allowed to do this of their own volition and without categoric disclosure. Awareness is needed in the corporate environment and amongst consumers. The people most affected by this potential health risk are the poor people of the Eastern Cape who do not have access to information about ADA. They are the very people who need the most protection from questionable foodstuffs that could compromise their already precarious health status. (Press Release from the DA EC) …read more
The Minnesota Board of Pharmacy advocated for and against medical marijuana
Staff at the Minnesota Board of Pharmacy provided early technical support for a medical marijuana research study that became the basis of the bill awaiting Gov. Mark Dayton’s signature.
If tha… …read more
Colorado roadside checkpoints show booze is a major problem, marijuana isn’t
In the months since limited marijuana use and possession became legal for adults 21 and over, we’ve been seeking out statistics related to driving under the influence of marijuana in the hope of… …read more
It's ok that you have broken apart and that there are cracks in your armor… Yo…
It’s ok that you have broken
apart and that there are
cracks in your armor…
Your true colours shine
through the shattered places …read more
You can choose to adopt beliefs that empower you rather than simply inherit or a…
You can choose to adopt
beliefs that empower you
rather than simply inherit or
accept beliefs that entrap
you. …read more
New York police still racially profiling in thousands of pot possession cases
New York state Rep. Hakeem Jeffries is sick and tired of watching the New York City police abuse their power while the mayor’s office does nothing but make empty promises. From January to March… …read more
Coincidence? I think not!
Oklahoma group kicks of signature drive for medical marijuana ballot measure
Pro-medical marijuana organization, Oklahomans for Health is kicking off their petition drive today at the state capitol in Oklahoma City.
Chip Paul, spokesman for the group, says they need to… …read more
Smoke some weed and chill the fuck out.
Smoke some weed and chill the fuck out. …read more
Desert Hot Springs, California City Council welcomes medical cannabis
While cities across California continue to put bans in place on medical cannabis businesses and even home cultivation, Desert Hot Springs is taking a different approach: tolerance.
Leaders in t… …read more
New York state General Assembly approves medical cannabis bill
With less than a month to go in the 2014 session, the New York State Assembly yesterday approved a medical cannabis bill. The bill would legalize the possession of up to two and a half ounce of … …read more
Girls with tatts, hot or not?
Mad Men: Mexican cartels hijack billboards to intimidate Texas cops, DEA
It appears as though a Mexican drug cartel has incorporated outdoor advertising in its arsenal of intimidation tactics in an attempt to further infiltrate the black market drug trade in the Uni… …read more
How do we solve the worldwide drug problem? Just say NO. (haven't we heard that…
How do we solve the worldwide drug problem? Just say NO.
(haven’t we heard that somewhere before in the last 40 years?)
Eish, more conservatives dreaming of a drug free world……
Our drugs dilemma is all in the mind. We just need the will to say No
The choice on drugs is ours – but don’t expect any help from the BMJ. …read more
Unmatched Super Skunk
Unmatched Super Skunk
Timeline Photos
Enjoy the unmatched vigour and potency of the Super Skunk. Thanks to Zoroatxa for sharing.
#SuperSkunk #SensiSeeds …read more
What goes around comes around.
We have to agree with Gandalf. Ordinary People, acting with kindness & love, mak…
We have to agree with Gandalf. Ordinary People, acting with kindness & love, make the Difference. Every action ~ sharing your knowledge, being a conscious & responsible citizen, supporting ethical suppliers, signing a petition or sending off an email ~ tips the scales 🙂
Timeline Photos
Interesting quote. …read more
Thank You to everyone who entered our Mother's Day competition. Congratulations…
Thank You to everyone who entered our Mother’s Day competition.
Congratulations to Leigh-Anne Swart, who will receive this Hemp cosmetics hamper worth R400!
We love giving stuff away, so keep an eye out for our Father’s Day competition coming soon..
Please read the short Facts regarding this picture of a "Featherless GM Chicken"…
Please read the short Facts regarding this picture of a “Featherless GM Chicken” which is circulating at the moment.
Genes – Featherless GMO Chickens
sites.google.com …read more
This eight minute doccie from The European Drug Monitoring Centre is narrated b…
This eight minute doccie from The European Drug Monitoring Centre is narrated by a GW Pharmaceuticals employee. It’s a cannabis growing 101, but in our minds subliminally favours pharma to ‘crude cannabis’ from dispensaries. They are also stuck in form with the ‘cannabis has never been stronger’ scenario.
What do you think? Is it another video made by people who fundamentally don’t know about the plant because they personally don’t use it?
New developments in Europe’s cannabis market
Europe has long been one of the world’s largest consumer markets for cannabis resin. The European market for cannabis is now increasingly dominated by herbal… …read more
Another Challenge to this myth of "Substantial Equivalence": http://www.examiner…
Another Challenge to this myth of “Substantial Equivalence”:
Mobile Uploads
MONSANTO CAUGHT FALSIFYING SUBSTANTIAL EQUIVALENCE: MUST READ entire article, this has been known by Japanese scientists for over ten years, scroll to bottom for link: “The Japanese team, led by molecular biologist Masaharu Kawata, University of Nagoya, began with 40 people taking notes by hand over a period of 10 days. This was necessary because the documents, kept at the Food Safety Association, were only available for five hours per day three days per week. Photographing and photocopying were not allowed. The application submitted by Monsanto for Roundup Ready (RR) soybeans consisted of 10 volumes, which piled up to 1 meter high, with much of it in English.
Dr. Kawata claims that Monsanto deliberately misinterpreted and disregarded data in their quest to prove their RR soybean is “substantially equivalent” to conventionally grown soybeans.
“We found a highly intended misinterpretation ignoring obvious data difference between A5403 [conventional] and 40-3-2 [GM] hybrid in the documents.” Analysis of raw soybeans showed no differences, but the toasted soybeans showed a marked difference. After processing at 108℃ for 30 minutes, the concentration of protein and potassium were not changed but the concentration of urease and lectin were significantly higher in the GM soybeans. Urease (an enzyme) and lectin (a protein) are considered harmful, physiologically active substances. Urease enzymes aid in the conversion of urea to ammonia and carbonic acid, which can cause kidney stones and liver problems. Lectin binds to carbohydrates and can cause intestinal problems. These physiologically active substances remained active even after heat treatment in the GM soybean, though those of the conventional soybean were easily denatured and inactivated.
Monsanto decided that the GM soybeans were merely insufficiently heated. They returned the sample to Texas A & M and ordered re-toasting at 220℃ for 25 minutes. “However re-toasting further widened the difference in the activity between the two [soybean] strains. … [A] Scientist would usually conclude in such case that there is substantial difference between the two.” But instead Monsanto toasted the GM soybean sample two more times until they got the result they wanted: all proteins were denatured and inactivated. No protein can withstand repeated heat treatment and remain active. With this result, Monsanto concluded that genetically modified and non-modified soybeans are “substantially equivalent” and they finally had the lab tests to “prove” it.”
Article: http://www.examiner.com/article/are-substantial-equivalence-safety-studies-for-gm-soy-fraudulent
Pictured: Monsanto CEO Hugh Grant, who at the time was managing director of Monsanto’s Asia-Pacific region and would have likely been well aware of the situation. He is now CEO. In 2009 alone, he received total compensation of $10,803,757.00 on the books. #endmonsanto …read more
The documentary "The Tax Free Tour" examines the corporate scam.
The documentary “The Tax Free Tour” examines the corporate scam.
Timeline Photos
Boom, ROASTED. Thanks to @[115272475307822:274:The Blue Street Journal] for the image! — with Jon Stewart. …read more
From Brent Hill: “Monsanto and BioFortified used to call us anti-science hippies…
From Brent Hill: “Monsanto and BioFortified used to call us anti-science hippies. Then we ‘out-scienced’ them, and since Saturday’s march, they now call us extremists. Not a single GMO farm was burned down, no Monsanto offices were blown up and no pseudoscientists from Monsanto or BioFortified were threatened. They must be getting so desperately scared of losing shareholder investments, that name-calling is the best they can do in their defense.”
This has to be made!
It would appear the war on stoners isn't just happening in South Africa, These E…
It would appear the war on stoners isn’t just happening in South Africa, These EU stats paint the same picture…..more arrests and seizures for cannabis than any other substance.
Over 80 per cent of drug seizures in Europe are for cannabis
A Europe-wide study founf that Ireland, relative to other countries, has a small number of drug seizures each year – between one and ten thousand a year. …read more
hits from the bonggggg .. Sexy Stoners stoner_zoe <3
hits from the bonggggg ..
…read more

Would you smoke one with one direction?
Would you smoke one with one direction?
One Direction members Louis Tomlinson and Zayn Malik filmed in ‘marijuana’ video -…
A video appearing to show two members of boy band One Direction smoking what they call a “joint” has emerged, as the group bring their world tour to England. …read more
We recently heard a rehab director telling Talk Radio 702 listeners that he beli…
We recently heard a rehab director telling Talk Radio 702 listeners that he believes dagga should remain illegal because it made people lazy.
There’s a difference between lazy and relaxed surely.
What’s your take on the subject?
Medical Cannabis and the Myth of Amotivational Syndrome
This article summarizes the myth of amotivational syndrome in relation to medical cannabis, and explains the myth’s impact on patients. …read more
Breakfastttttttt stoner_zoe <3
Photo – https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=823332174361691&set=a.768857613142481.1073741831.705752519452991&type=1&theater
Holy Smoke Seeds posted a photo to NORML SOUTH AFRICA’s timeline. …read more
Brazil's latest innovation. Distilled sugar cane and dagga bush root. The tongue…
Brazil’s latest innovation. Distilled sugar cane and dagga bush root.
The tongue-in-cheek label on the back of the bottle reads: “Transport ministry warning: It’s not the mule in the road that’s dangerous, it’s the ass behind the wheel.”
We wonder if it’ll be the unofficial drink of the world cup.
Do any of you have any anecdotes about using dagga bush roots for anything?
Brazil’s new drink Pituconha weds cachaca and cannabis
RIO DE JANEIRO — A new drink in northeast Brazil is shaking up the country’s favorite liquor, cachaca, by adding an unusual twist: marijuana roots. “Pituconha” is a new take on cachaca, the sugar-cane alcohol used in caipirinhas, the famed Brazilian cocktail. Its name is …read more
A wife in Zim calls the cops to arrest her dagga smoking husband. He told the co…
A wife in Zim calls the cops to arrest her dagga smoking husband.
He told the court his truth:
“My friends told me that smoking dagga would help me perform better in bed. I also have a problem of animals that invade my fields and eat my crops. Therefore I was smoking dagga as I wanted to gain strength to chase them away,”
www.iharare.co.zw …read more
Never thought I would end up working in a Liquorish factory, but it takes allsorts.
Never thought I would end
up working in a Liquorish
factory, but it takes allsorts. …read more
I bought some of these flavoured condoms the other day. Said to my wife, "Let's…
I bought some of these
flavoured condoms the
other day. Said to my wife,
“Let’s have a game – I put
one on and you try to guess
what flavour it is.”
She closed her eyes, went
under the blanket and said,
“Cheese and onion flavour.”
I said, “For fuck’s sake, give
me time to put one on.” …read more
Human Aura Colors and Meanings
Human Aura Colors and Meanings By PL Chang, published May 11, 2014 Many scientists, especially quantum physicists, are accepting the fact that all things in the Universe emit energy. They know this because the energy can be detected using advanced bioelectric technologies. One of these technologies is called Kirlian photography. Kirlian photography is an electrographic …read more
QEG Quantum Energy Generator Morocco Overunity
QEG Quantum Energy Generator Morocco Overunity …read more
Lets have a threesome. You me and Mary Jane.
Lets have a threesome.
You me and Mary Jane. …read more
The best Bud Buster ever! As featured online. https://www.facebook.com/BudBuste…
This could be us but you're playing
Hydroponics 101 training guide.
Hydroponics 101 training guide.
Hydroponics 101 Training E-Book and Tech Support | Dealzer
Hydroponics training, education, and tech support can be found in this book plus email tech support package. Buy today! …read more
Cool, its free!
Cool, its free!
All about growing marijuana, weed and cannabis –
Indoor marijuana growing, outdoor cannabis cultivation, medical marijuana, grow journals, marijuana recipes, weed buds … …read more
Amen to this :) – Smoky Mc Dabs
Game of Thrizzle
Platforms of Illumination Have Been Created to Support “Mass” Consciousness Ascension
By EirePort, published on May 27, 2014 Platforms of Illumination have been created to support “mass” consciousness ascension. Selected individualized groups are in place to create lower atmospheric attenuation and eduction into Higher Mind. Transference from platform to platform occurs with great ease at this time. Elevation of humanity to …read more
So many people going through the motions of life, of work …. The world doesn't…
So many people going
through the motions of life,
of work …. The world
doesn’t really need any more
of that. Do take a moment …
or several … and think about
what truly gets you going,
what revs you up, what
makes time stand still and
whisk by too!
What makes you feel ALIVE?!
Now, that you’ve thought
about it, you’ll never be the
same, you know. You’ll need
to try it, to do that thing that
makes you feel alive … even
if it’s part-time, at first.
Carve out some time and
begin. Start planning, today.
Be aware of how you feel,
how you spend your time,
how alive you are! We’ll rock
the world if we all do it! …read more
What's the best cartoon?
Wiz Khalifa arrested in Texas for marijuana
El Paso, Texas police shot a fish in a barrel this weekend, arresting and jailing rapper Wiz Khalifa for .5 grams of marijuana.
But while it’s easy to think that he was targeted for being, wel… …read more
Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light; I have loved…
Though my soul may set in
darkness, it will rise in
perfect light;
I have loved the stars too
fondly, to be fearful of the
night. …read more
"If one analyzes carefully, one finds that troublemakers are definitely not happy."
“If one analyzes carefully,
one finds that
troublemakers are definitely
not happy.” …read more
Drunk driver gets ten-year sentence for death of Colorado cannabis advocate Jenny Kush
Rebecca Maez was sentenced on Friday to ten years in prison for the death of cannabis advocate Jenny Kush. Maez, 28, was drunk and driving the wrong way in an HOV lane on I-25 last September whe… …read more
Colorado Symphony Orchestra holds marijuana-friendly “Classically Cannabis” event
This past weekend, the Colorado Symphony Orchestra held a cannabis-friendly fundraiser that almost didn’t go off thanks to overzealous Denver city officials hell-bent on preventing people from … …read more
Marijuana is the gateway drug to my fridge.
Marijuana is the gateway drug to my fridge. …read more
The great dagga debate. The activist, the politician and the rehab doctor. Judge…
The great dagga debate. The activist, the politician and the rehab doctor.
Judge for yourself……
Judge For Yourself TX25May2014 Cannibis Seg1
Judge Dennis Davis talks to IFP MP Mario Ambrosini, Medical doctor Robert Rapiti and Matthew Eriksen from the South African Cannabis Working Group about whet… …read more
Its free!
Its free!
All about growing marijuana, weed and cannabis –
Indoor marijuana growing, outdoor cannabis cultivation, medical marijuana, grow journals, marijuana recipes, weed buds … …read more
Marijuana vaporizer company, O.penVAPE, changes its drug-testing policy after pot-advocate criticism
Back in January, as part of a post about a marijuana tour hosted by O.penVAPE, a Denver-based firm whose vape pens and other products have been acclaimed by cannasseurs across the planet, we pub… …read more
A fooking dope tee by chronic clothing!
A fooking dope tee by chronic clothing!
Timeline Photos
DOPE Tee, Only Available Online
Part of our Exclusive “2 for £25” Deal
www.chronicclothing.com …read more
Colorado Cannabis Summit — and how the pot biz is like Game of Thrones
“We’re building a plane while we’re flying it.”
That’s how Shellene Suemori, head of science at Dixie Elixirs, a locally based enfused beverage maker, describes the cannabis industry in Colorad… …read more
Relationship like this >>>>
Video – Here’s the long-awaited debate between SANCGW spokesperson Matthew Eriksen, IFP MP Dr Mario Ambrosini, and Dr Robert Rapiti on the merits of regulating cannabis for medical and recreational purposes. The conversation gets a little heated as it unfolds.
Judge Dennis Davis talks to IFP MP Mario Ambrosini, Medical doctor Robert Rapiti and Matthew Eriksen from the South African Cannabis Working Group about whet… …read more
http://www.apollyon.nl/cbd-olie/ For healthy stoners worldwide (Y)
Mmmm.. Stoner_zoe <3
Find out who the biggest tech stoners in SA are in this dope infographic by MyBr…
Find out who the biggest tech stoners in SA are in this dope infographic by
12% of SA’s Tech Industry Smokes Weed – Study
A recent MyBroadband survey of 5,478 respondents shows that 12% of South African IT professionals smoke marijuana. Find out who the biggest tech stoners are! …read more
With the FBI having to rethink their hiring policies when it comes to dagga user…
With the FBI having to rethink their hiring policies when it comes to dagga users,
Top weed smoking IT professions in SA
So many top hackers smoke marijuana that the FBI is facing a recruitment challenge. The situation in South Africa is not too different …read more
You can now find the #daggacouple having loads of fun on Instagram. Come and joi…
Action for the Day! Please Sign & Share this Petition ~ We physically collected…
Action for the Day! Please Sign & Share this Petition ~ We physically collected a whole bunch of Signatures at the March Against Monsanto Events 🙂 Thank You!
Petition: Woolworth’s South Africa stop using GMO Soya and GMO Corn in our daily Bread, Maize…
The ‘safety’ of GMO’s and their pesticides on human health ‘has not been established as yet’, infact just the opposite, illness and cancer rates are… …read more
Action for the Day ~ Please Sign & Share this Petition ~ Thank You ~
Action for the Day ~ Please Sign & Share this Petition ~ Thank You ~
Timeline Photos
Add you voice to the African Centre for Biosafety (ACB) petition to be sent to CEO’s of Pick n Pay, Spar, Shoprite/Checkers, Woolworths, Tiger Brands, Premier Foods, and FoodCorp
Following on from the ACB’s report on GM Contamination, Cartels and Collusion in South Africa’s Bread Industry in which high levels of Monsanto’s GM Soya was found in the soya flour used in the South Africa’s popular white bread brands, we as consumer are saying
This petition will form part of a larger campaign to force companies to source GM Free sources for our foods.
Thank you
#NotInOurBread #NOGMO …read more

The corporate Money-Go-Round in 53 minutes flat. The only responsibilty corporat…
The corporate Money-Go-Round in 53 minutes flat. The only responsibilty corporations have is to their major shareholders. They have more rights than citizens, plunder resources in the name of development, undermine democracy for self-enrichment and disguise their insatiatable & psychopathic greed under a thin veneer of philanthropy. Please stop buying their Crap.
The Tax Free Tour
Where do multinationals pay taxes and how much? Gaining insight from international tax experts, Backlight director Marije Meerman (the maker of Quants:… …read more

Top weed smoking IT professions in SA
So many top hackers smoke marijuana that the FBI is facing a recruitment challenge. The situation in South Africa is not too different …read more
“As always, we feel honoured to have Hemporium involved with the awesome work Gr…
“As always, we feel honoured to have Hemporium involved with the awesome work
…read more
March Against Monsanto rocked PE (it's just a matter of time before that luck ru…
March Against Monsanto rocked PE (it’s just a matter of time before that luck runs out, though).
#MarchAgainstMonsanto #NoGMO #GMO #marchMay24 #Monsanto #EndMonsanto @AnonExpectOps #MAM #MarchaContraMonsanto #Anonymous
Photos of NO GMO South Africa
#EndMonsanto Port Elizabeth …read more
Unbelievable how these corporations undermine 'democracy'…
Unbelievable how these corporations undermine ‘democracy’…
Second Time GMA Sues for Right to Keep Secrets from You
Vermont is the first state to pass GMO labeling, yet the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) is now after them, suing the state to get the law overturned. …read more
Ask Snoop's grower, Dr. Dina, or Rick Simpson, the Godfather of extracts and can…
Ask Snoop’s grower, Dr. Dina, or Rick Simpson, the Godfather of extracts and cancer buster from Canada, your questions in our live chat or by calling in. Show starts at 2:00 p.m. EST
According to recent statistics, 79% of accidents happen in the home. Finally ……
According to recent
statistics, 79% of accidents
happen in the home.
Finally …..some good news
for the homeless. …read more
My psychiatrist told me I have been imagining things lately, which must be true…
My psychiatrist told me I
have been imagining things
which must be true since
I’m not seeing a
psychiatrist. …read more
Real-life ‘Inception’ Technique Induces Lucid Dreams
Real-life ‘Inception’ Technique Induces Lucid Dreams published on Learning Mind German and American scientists have discovered that stimulation of the brain with harmless electric current can help one control their dreams, that is not only be aware of the fact of being asleep, but also directing them at will. The new non-invasive technique could, among …read more
If you smoke weed, cool. If you don't, that's fine. Live and let live.
If you smoke weed, cool. If you don’t, that’s fine. Live and let live. …read more
Give our sister page a like:] Sexy Stoners
Give our sister page a like:]
…read more
Would you give your children medical marijuana? http://www.sundaypost.com/that-…
Would you give your children medical marijuana?
Ex-Mum of the Year: ‘I want to give my son cannabis’
Ex-Mum of the Year: ‘I want to give my son cannabis’ …read more
Here's a kickass page with nothing but pictures of dank nugs. Enjoy…
Here’s a kickass page with nothing but pictures of dank nugs. Enjoy…
Nothing but pictures of buds ♥ (18+) …read more
Drug dealers should have some sort of system where you get points for buying bud…
Drug dealers should have some sort of system where you get points for buying bud then get rewarded with free weed at the end of the month. …read more
So inviting… :)
So inviting… 🙂
Timeline Photos
With Tam Robb.
Sharing delights me, please do and thank you for visiting Old Moss Woman’s Secret Garden …read more
Happy #Dagga day. #jozi420
Tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. EST. Join the live chatroom to talk to Rick and Dina!
ACDP came to take a stand in Jozi in clear support of a GMO-Free South Africa :)
ACDP came to take a stand in Jozi in clear support of a GMO-Free South Africa 🙂
Photos of ACDP
you guys and girls rock !!!!
Everyone should at least try weed.
Everyone should at least try weed. …read more
If only we try to live sincerely, it will go well with us, even though we are ce…
If only we try to live
sincerely, it will go well
with us, even though we
are certain to experience
real sorrow, and great
disappointments, and
also will probably commit
great faults and do wrong
things, but it certainly is
true, that it is better to
be high-spirited, even
though one makes more
mistakes, than to be
narrow-minded and all
too prudent. It is good to
love many things, for
therein lies the true
strength, and whosoever
loves much performs
much, and can
accomplish much, and
what is done in love, is
well done.
What am I in the eyes of
most people? A nonentity,
an eccentric, or an
unpleasant person —
somebody who has no
position in society and
will never have; in short,
the lowest of the low. All
right, then — even if that
were absolutely true, then
I should one day like to
show by my work what
such an eccentric, such a
nobody, has in his heart.
That is my ambition,
based less on resentment
than on love in spite of
everything, based more
on a feeling of serenity
than on passion. …read more
Freedom and love go together. Love is not a reaction. If I love you because you…
Freedom and love go
together. Love is not a
reaction. If I love you
because you love me, that is
mere trade, a thing to be
bought in the market; it is
not love. To love is not to
ask anything in return, not
even to feel that you are
giving something- and it is
only such love that can know
freedom. …read more
There are as many chances to earn as to spend yet people invariably consider the…
There are as many chances
to earn as to spend yet
people invariably consider
their own comfort rather
than giving and helping
others. …read more
Sweet ^_^ – Smoky Mc Dabs
Show love for our friends at Marijuana Heroes!
Show love for our friends at Marijuana Heroes!
Keeping You Connected To Cannabis …read more
And they said there is no perfect page on FB…
And they said there is no perfect page on FB…
For some of us, two things come first, and they are not food and water… …read more
Here’s one very real possibility for a post-prohibition South Africa: your insurance pays for your medicinal cannabis!
Milestone Ruling: Insurance must pay for medical cannabis
Advancing Legal Medical Marijuana Therapeutics and Research …read more