If only we try to live sincerely, it will go well with us, even though we are ce…

If only we try to live
sincerely, it will go well
with us, even though we
are certain to experience
real sorrow, and great
disappointments, and
also will probably commit
great faults and do wrong
things, but it certainly is
true, that it is better to
be high-spirited, even
though one makes more
mistakes, than to be
narrow-minded and all
too prudent. It is good to
love many things, for
therein lies the true
strength, and whosoever
loves much performs
much, and can
accomplish much, and
what is done in love, is
well done.
What am I in the eyes of
most people? A nonentity,
an eccentric, or an
unpleasant person —
somebody who has no
position in society and
will never have; in short,
the lowest of the low. All
right, then — even if that
were absolutely true, then
I should one day like to
show by my work what
such an eccentric, such a
nobody, has in his heart.
That is my ambition,
based less on resentment
than on love in spite of
everything, based more
on a feeling of serenity
than on passion. …read more    

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