3rd of May at 11 o’clock will see Durban traffic come to a standstill in West Street as thousand of supporters March for Cannabis. Global Cannabis Day is a an annual event hosted on the first Saturday in May. For the first time, South Africa will see marches takes place in three of the main city centers – Durban, Johannesburg and Cape Town.
Co-ordinator of the March in Durban, Sarah-Jane Bow( known as The Marijuana Mom ) is looking for those of the Rastafarian faith to step forward and offer themselves as Marshalls to guide the participants of the Global Cannabis Festive March which takes place on May3rd at 11h00 down West Street to the City Hall steps.
“The Rolling Stones have the Hells Angels. Cannabis have the Rasta’s” commented Sarah from her farm in Willowglen, KZN.
By law, when organising an official gathering in South Africa, a Marshall is needed for every ten participants. Each Marshall is identified by a red armband. The popularity in support for this march has grown so much that more Marshal are needed than initially visualised.
“Rastafarians are such gentle beings” remarked Sarah “and this March is for them as well as all the epilepsy and cancer sufferers that so desperatley need medicinal assistance from the use of cannabis oil”
She also advises the public to avoid using West Street on the morning of 3rd May 2014 as traffic will no doubt be congested.
For more information, The Marijuana Mom can be contacted on 061 424 1996 or email …read more