Rihanna rolling a blunt on this dudes head…lol wut
Monthly Archives: April 2014
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Get yours now!
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420 Friendly Clothing, Only Available Online
www.chronicclothing.com …read more
Hector Diaz to be charged for guns, dropping $500K in Colombian cash on Colorado pot biz
Last November, the DEA and Colorado law enforcement conducted marijuana raids at multiple cannabis businesses, including VIP Wellness.
This morning, Hector Diaz, a 49-year-old from Colombia, i… …read more
Florida judge reprimanded by state Supreme Court for speaking the truth about marijuana
In October 2012, the Judicial Qualifications Commission’s investigative panel filed formal charges against Palm Beach County Judge Barry M. Cohen for using his bench as, in their words, a “bully … …read more
There's no praise, and no blame, on the path you've chosen. Praise and blame are…
There’s no praise, and no
blame, on the path you’ve
Praise and blame are forms
of manipulation, that you no
longer require. …read more
Virginia Representative introduces marijuana re-scheduling bill
Rep. Morgan Griffith, a Republican from Virginia, has introduced a bill this week in Congress that would reclassify the plant from a Schedule I controlled substance with no medical value accord… …read more
j o i n t stache ♡ Miss Tara Grace~
Iowa lawmakers slowly killing CBD-only bill
Lawmakers in Iowa Tuesday gave initial approval to a bill that would decriminalize cannabidiol (CBD) oil for patients with chronic seizure disorders and epilepsy. The state House Public Safety … …read more
Florida Senate approves CBD-only medical marijuana bill for sick kids
Florida is still a long way from legalized medical marijuana. The Sheriff’s Association is waging a fierce campaign against it. The governor has hinted he might not sign any new laws on it. The … …read more
Colorado bill allowing medical marijuana for PTSD fails in state House
Yesterday, as we reported, a bill calling for post-traumatic stress disorder to be added to the conditions approved for treatment by medical marijuana came before the Colorado House committee on… …read more
I wonder how many grams I've smoked in my life…
I wonder how many grams I’ve smoked in my life… …read more
Hawaii’s ‘Marijuana Minister’ gets five years in prison, wife gets two
64-year-old Hawaii resident Roger Christie has long been a well-known advocate for medical and recreational marijuana use on the Big Island. As a minister at his own church on Hilo – a quaint … …read more
who needs a job?
Blossom Goodchild – April 23, 2014
Blossom Goodchild – April 23, 2014 Website: Blossom Goodchild An audio version of Blossom’s channelings can be found here Good morning my friends. I am feeling bright and breezy and TRUST you are feeling the same? It is always of the greatest pleasure to commune with you, in the knowing that our …read more
Drug bust at Cape organic food factory Two women running an organic health food…
Drug bust at Cape organic food factory
Two women running an organic health foods factory in Cape Town were arrested after police allegedly discovered drugs in their cooler boxes, a city official said on Wednesday.
The city’s metro police visited the factory in Kommetjie on Tuesday after receiving information about possible illegal activities, said safety and security mayoral committee member JP Smith.
Allegedly hidden in styrofoam cooler boxes were dagga with an estimated street value of R126 000 and hashish with an estimated street value of R8 100.
The boxes also contained 182 LSD stamps with an estimated street value of R36 400 and a small amount of ecstasy.
Officers found a plastic sealer, two scales and around R5 000 in cash at the factory.
The women, aged 43 and 40, were charged with dealing in drugs.
Drug bust at Cape organic food factory – Crime & Courts | IOL News | IOL.co.za
South Africa’s Premier Online News Source. Discover the world of IOL, News South Africa, Sport, Business, Financial, World News, Entertainment, Technology, Motoring, Travel, Property, Classifieds & more. …read more
Granny Storm Crow's Medical Dagga URL List From Granny: The List is just too d…
Granny Storm Crow’s Medical Dagga URL List
From Granny:
The List is just too darn big to be sent as one attachment- some email
providers simply can’t handle it! So, here is the first section of
the new January 2014 List- “CONDITIONS and RELATED ARTICLES”. It will
be the most useful for the majority of folks.
The “ENDOCANNABINOID SYSTEM” will introduce you to how your body works
and talks to itself. The study of the ECS is the future of medicine!
Next are the “PHYTOCANNABINOIDS”- there is a lot more to cannabis than
“just” THC! And other plants have been shown to activate CB receptors,
so they are included in this section.
The “SYNTHETICS” are popular with the scientists (and legal to do
research with), but they give us clues to the workings of the
phytocannabinoids and endocannabinoids. Please note that the
synthetics CAN be dangerous because some are over 100 times stronger
than THC!
Then come the “OLD”, pre-2000 studies and articles- these give us the
basic research that often answers those “dumb questions” that keep
coming up, like “Just how long should you hold the smoke in?”.
Last is the Mini-dictionary- it’s only 4 pages of definitions, but it
covers a lot of the more common “Sci-Speak” terms. You might want to
print them up for easy reference. And for fun, I tacked on a few of
the old introductions to past editions of the List.
I hope you find many creative uses for the List, and share it often! – Granny
www.nccpn.org …read more
We keep going on about Glyphosate showing up in umbilical chords, placentas & br…
We keep going on about Glyphosate showing up in umbilical chords, placentas & breastmilk…This one is specially for the men…
Timeline Photos
MONSANTO'S ROUNDUP IS LINKED TO MALE INFERTILITY. Study: Roundup Disrupted Male Reproductive Functions By Triggering Calcium-Mediated Cell Death In Rat Testis And Sertoli Cells.
READ: http://sustainablepulse.com/2013/07/18/monsantos-roundup-to-blame-for-worldwide-male-infertility-crisis/
LINK TO STUDY: http://gmoevidence.com/dr-cattani-roundup-causes-infertility-in-rats/
#roundup #monsanto #glyphosate #herbicide #pesticides #infertility #MaleInfertility #SertoliCellDisruption #SertoliCellDeath #gmofreecanada #gmofreeusa — with David Grant and 2 others. …read more
Excellent :)
Excellent 🙂
Timeline Photos
The German state of Bavaria has just banned the cultivation of GMOs and is the 62nd region to join the European GMO Free Farming Network. This is a bold, big move for Germany as Bavaria is its biggest state with a heavy population and capital city Munich. Neighboring state, Hessen, also recently applied to join the GMO-free network. @[356680184364473:274:GMO Free Jackson County], @[293279230789854:274:GMO-Free Josephine County] and @[274842819310316:274:GMO Free Humboldt] – you're in good company!
#GMO #Germany #Bavaria #Munich #GMOFreeFarmingNetwork #GMOBan #BanGMOs #CultivationBan #Europe #EU #GMOFreeJacksonCounty #GMOFreeJosephineCounty #GMOFreeHumboldt #GMOFreeCanada #GMOFreeUSA …read more
Slow Food For Africa :)
Slow Food For Africa 🙂
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First a dream, now a reality: Slow Food’s recently appointed vice-president Edie Mukiibi on our growing project in #Africa
http://tinyurl.com/nlqe3rg …read more
Thoughts?? Mine is vaccine free…
Thoughts?? Mine is vaccine free…
Should Parents Be Allowed to Decide About Vaccines?
There are health risks associated with vaccines, and evidence shows that vaccinated people can still get infected. …read more
Tag your best toking buddy!
You know it's true!
Thanks for the lekker write up TK. Really enjoyed your photos too. Some kind wo…
Thanks for the lekker write up TK. Really enjoyed your photos too.
Some kind words from
420 – The Dagga Couple Threw A Massive Party For D-Day.
420, to some just a number, to others a major event. There are many rumours behind what started 420, some include – Hitler’s birthday, the day of harvest, “The perfect time to smoke” and various ot… …read more
So I heard after the Daggafarian Freedom Bill is passed the proposed narcotics b…
So I heard after the Daggafarian Freedom Bill is passed the proposed narcotics bureau will be making frequent medical dagga drops during their drug bust operations
LOLOLOL. Kush to the gfx designer.
What's the dumbest thing you ever did while you were stoned?
What’s the dumbest thing you ever did while you were stoned?
Apollyon Headshop & Smartshop
Headshop – Smartshop – Seedshop ~ Since 2003 ~ www.apollyon.nl ~ (Worldwide shipping) Rotterdam -The Netherlands …read more
Apollyon Headshop & Smartshop (Y) Cool page, regular giveaways and worldwide sh…
HELLO DURBAN: The Global Cannabis March is coming your way. You've been asking u…
HELLO DURBAN: The Global Cannabis March is coming your way. You’ve been asking us all year how you can help the cause….well this is it! .Join this years March and meet your fellow Durban activists and friends of your favourite plant…
Saturday 3rd May 10am, Bothas Park, Berea.
Support YOUR Cannabis community….
Durban, Global Cannabis March
On the 3rd of May 2014 at 11am Durban will join the rest of the world in a march celebrating the Cannabis plant. Starts in Botha’s Park, Berea Rd.Durban. …read more
Canada, like the rest of the world, is grappling with a post prohibition cannabi…
Canada, like the rest of the world, is grappling with a post prohibition cannabis scenario. What will the model look like? What shape will it take?
One thing is for sure – decriminalisation is an ancient failed system that just doesn’t work and full legalisation must be embraced……
Legal marijuana: How could it work?
While the debate rages for and against legalizing marijuana, there’s also a debate about how to legalize it. Here’s a how-to guide. …read more
"Act natural" aha – Corey Stoner
Message to All Lightworkers from Hilda and Veronica Keen
Message to All Lightworkers from Hilda and Veronica Keen Originally published on 2012: What’s the ‘real’ truth?, on April 28, 2014 HELLO LIGHT FAMILY, As you have read in Montague Keen’s last message: Montague Keen, April 27, 2014 Everybody who read ‘How Did We Become Souls of Distortion” perhaps can comprehend …read more
Some entertainment for you guys:]
They are the true OG's of the game. Show love!
They are the true OG’s of the game. Show love!
Sensi Seeds
http://www.sensiseeds.com/ Sensi Seed offers the finest range of cannabis seeds! Our team is available on Facebook weekdays between 10 and 17:00 CEST. …read more
Apollyon Headshop & Smartshop (Y) Cool page, cool posts daily, regular giveaway…
There probably has been nor easier page to like…
There probably has been nor easier page to like…
Ganja Women
For some of us, two things come first, and they are not food and water… …read more
Apollyon Headshop & Smartshop (Y) Great page, great posts daily, regular giveaw…
….stuff stoners like Rolla Rolling Boards all day er'day! 3 different sizes…
Up your selfie game with this new app from NugBrand Clothing Co.!! The NugBrand…
Up your selfie game with this new app from …read more
#BayAreaStoners #DabLife Black Milk Clothing courtesy of Miss Calii_Chronic…
And guess who they are :P
And guess who they are 😛
Mobile Uploads
http://covvha.net/monsanto-1901-2014-timeline …read more
Our kind of doctor ;)
You cannot understand life, and its mysteries, as long as you try and grasp it….
You cannot understand life,
and its mysteries, as long as
you try and grasp it. Indeed,
you cannot grasp it, just as
you cannot walk off with a
river in a bucket. …read more
Woman calls Nestle to inquire about fluoride in bottled water, recieves death threats for a month
Woman calls Nestle to inquire about fluoride in bottled water, recieves death threats for a month By J. D. Heyes, published on April 29, 2014 (NaturalNews) A woman who bought a bottle of Nestle’s Pure Life Water says she was threatened repeatedly by a company customer service representative who allegedly told …read more
Here it is. So simple too. Build your life around what is really important to yo…
Here it is. So simple too.
Build your life around what
is really important to you.
Such a simple statement and
such an important one.
What is important about the
way YOU live your life, ass
kicker? Are you
compromising something
you need to change? Are
you forgetting something?
As I always say, if it’s
important to you, it’s
important to you, period. …read more
Look how far we've come since March Against Monsanto in May 2013 – Tami Canal Mo…
Look how far we’ve come since March Against Monsanto in May 2013 – Tami Canal Monroe got fed up with Monsanto & decided to do something about it. This was what she said last year:
Horrifying Things About Monsanto | World Truth.TV
Fed up with the fact that she has to spend “a small fortune” in order to feed her family things she says “aren’t poisonous,” Tami Canal of Utah has organized a global movement against the giant chemical and seed corporation Monsanto. Monsanto is the conglomerate mastermind behind many of the pestici… …read more
Register Free for the Food Revolution Summit – Great talks, try not to miss them :)
Register Free for the Food Revolution Summit – Great talks, try not to miss them 🙂
Join The 2014 Food Revolution Summit with John & Ocean Robbins
Get knowledge you need from experts you can trust during the Food Revolution Summit from April 26-May 4. Join for free! …read more
What you should know & what you can do about it… especially to protect your yo…
What you should know & what you can do about it… especially to protect your young ones:
Pesticides Are Dangerous to Adults and Children
Evidence shows that pesticides are damaging, not only at high exposure levels but also at low, chronic levels to which millions are exposed. …read more
#ggdublife http://ggdub.tumblr.com/
A vending machine that sells cannabis?!
A vending machine that sells cannabis?!
Vending machine selling cannabis for consumers debuts in Colorado – Telegraph
A business is taking advantage of the state’s legalisation of marijuana with a standalone vending machine that customers can only use by scanning official documentation …read more
What's the longest you've went without weed?
What’s the longest you’ve went without weed? …read more
Blunts <3 – Corey Stoner
Research has shown that cancer is always found in an inflamed /acid environment….
Research has shown that cancer is always found in an inflamed /acid environment. But did you know that inflammation can also result severe depression & mental disorders? One thing we love about Dr. Mercola’s articles is that they always include solutions. Dr. Kelly Brogan explains ~
Psychoneuroimmunology: How Inflammation Affects Your Health
There’s a bidirectional relationship between chronic diseases and psychiatric diagnoses, and the role of inflammation among these diseases is well-known. …read more
Missouri Governor ignores questions about man serving life in prison for pot
Governor Jay Nixon came to St. Louis on Friday for a ceremony celebrating the building of a dental school. And after the event, he finally addressed the topic of granting clemency to Jeff Mizans… …read more
Best smoke tricks man!! – BnB
Ten Arizona laws that should have passed but didn’t (including two marijuana bills)
The Arizona Legislature adjourned last week, and despite more than 200 bills being signed into law, very few will have any effect on most people.
There were some very good proposals that didn’t… …read more
Car salesman in Montana faces community backlash for his anti-pot views
Steve Zabawa is a partner of the Rimrock Auto Group, and co-owner of Rimrock Subaru and Rimrock KIA, located right smack dab in the middle of Montana. Billings, Montana, to be exact.
His publ… …read more
Fluoride whistleblower with hidden camera footage
Fluoride whistleblower with hidden camera footage 50 Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation http://fluoridealert.org/articles/50-reasons/ n Europe, only Ireland (73%), Poland (1%), Serbia (3%), Spain (11%), and the U.K. (11%) fluoridate any of their water. Most developed countries, including Japan and 97% of the western European population, do not consume fluoridated water. In the U.S., about 70% …read more
Worst Twerk Video – Just some entertainment for you potheads:]
Bill to add medical pot to approved PTSD treatments faces important test
For at least four years, local marijuana activists have fought to have post-traumatic stress disorder added to the list of conditions that can be legally treated with medical marijuana in Colo… …read more
SAPS drug poster as seen on Url:saps.gov.za/youth_desk/downloads/drugs_poster.pdf
Worth a read guys;]
Worth a read guys;]
22 States Where Marijuana Is Acceptable For Medical Purposes
There are 22 states in the US where medical marijuana is acceptable. …read more
:} every night man
Two former LA cops charged with planting evidence in dispensary
Two former Los Angeles County Sherriff’s deputies were charged, booked, and released this week on $50,000 bail a piece, stemming from accusations that they had illegally planted firearms durin… …read more
ahah i don't know if i should laugh or not -.-… – Corey Stoner
Get ready for summer! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Chronic-Clothing-co/341740…
Get ready for summer!
Timeline Photos
Unisex Vests, Now Available Online!
420 Friendly, 100% Cotton
www.chronicclothing.com …read more
Don't think Zuma & Friends likes this section of the Daggafarian Freedom Bill: 1…
Don’t think Zuma & Friends likes this section of the Daggafarian Freedom Bill: 1.3. The sale of dagga by gangs & crime syndicates are prohibited.
Cape gangster gets VIP invite to Zuma’s party
Cape Town’s most notorious gangster Mark Lifman was a VIP guest at President Jacob Zuma’s recent birthday rally at the Vygieskraal Stadium in Athlone, says a report. …read more
Dr. Russell Blaylock on geo-engineering & population manipulation programs – his…
Dr. Russell Blaylock on geo-engineering & population manipulation programs – his interviews & personal research:
Russel Blaylock on Population Reduction
Exposing the chemtrail-geoengineering coverup …read more
A fascinating read: 25 Amazing and Disturbing Facts About… The Hidden History…
A fascinating read: 25 Amazing and Disturbing Facts About…
The Hidden History of Medicine by S.D. Wells
Hidden History of Organized Medicine Revealed in Investigative Report
www.bibliotecapleyades.net …read more
Uruguay to limit dagga buyers to 10 grams a week Url:sowetanlive.co.za/news/wor…
Uruguay to limit dagga buyers to 10 grams a week
Uruguay to limit dagga buyers to 10 grams a week
Registered buyers will get cards linked to an electronic database that will track each user’s purchases, but the cards won’t …read more
Who likes adventure time ? :) – Corey Stoner
Ahaha someone sent this in and well i must say, its very accurate!! – Corey Stoner
Left my favourite piece on the counter forgot about it and one of my dogs had to…
Left my favourite piece on the counter forgot about it and one of my dogs had to knock it off and onto the tilled floor… Rip to all the fallen glass. …read more
Hope comes in bankies left over after a series of small fires. MoFire AmaKush A…
Hope comes in bankies left over after a series of small fires. MoFire AmaKush AmaSkunk AmaBigBurningBush lol
This is vital information for all parents. Question Everything –
This is vital information for all parents. Question Everything –
Should Parents Be Allowed to Decide About Vaccines?
There are health risks associated with vaccines, and evidence shows that vaccinated people can still get infected. …read more
Just about everything we buy or consume was tested on animals in labs. Body prod…
Just about everything we buy or consume was tested on animals in labs. Body products, medicines, vaccines, chemicals including toxic agro chemicals, GMOs, food & beverage, cars, fire-retardants, household cleaners etc. Animals are conscious & sentient beings. They feel just as much pain as we do. Where is our humanity? Have we lost our minds? Boycott Animal Tested Products:
Timeline Photos
Today is World Day for Laboratory Animals. — feeling sad for anyone or anything in a cage. …read more
Relationships last longer when you both smoke weed – Corey Stoner
Relationships last longer when you both smoke weed – Corey Stoner …read more
The Eternal Now
The Eternal Now By Julian Websdale, published on April 25, 2014 There is only really the Eternal Now and that Now exists in the beginning and also in the end of the standing wave that we call physical existence and evolution, which means that time is cyclical. The Now is the ‘alpha-omega’ of the cycle …read more
We get a lot of mail on the subject of urine testing for dagga, whether at schoo…
We get a lot of mail on the subject of urine testing for dagga, whether at school or in the workplace. THC sits in your body for a long time – it doesn’t mean you are impaired in any way – but that’s what the testing in trying to prove. Either way – we see it as a gross violation of your human rights and is far more destructive to lives than the cannabis ever will be.
Goddam it, prohibition sucks – and piss testing sucks even more.
Remains of The Jay: How Long Does Pot Stay in Your System?
It’s one our great debates – just how long does pot remain detectable in the body? A couple of weeks? A month? Three months? It’s an issue directly impacting drug testing for employment and determines whether a driver busted for a cannabis DUI can be legally regarded as being under the influence – e… …read more
When you have a bad day Have a fat jay!
When you have a bad day
Have a fat jay!
Apollyon Headshop & Smartshop
Headshop – Smartshop – Seedshop ~ Since 2003 ~ www.apollyonstore.nl ~ (Worldwide shipping) ~ www.apollyon.nl ~ (Europe) Rotterdam -The Netherlands …read more
Follow this beautiful bud, @Boon, on MassRoots! www.MassRoots.com
Daggafarians cannot report crime without implicating their own demise. I am livi…
Daggafarians cannot report crime without implicating their own demise. I am living this predicament right now. …read more
need to smoke in a room like this :)
Apollyon Headshop & Smartshop (Y) Please show some green love to our friends at…
✌ GirlsGoneWeed
Please come check out this page! Any support would be greatly appreciated! Grea…
Please come check out this page! Any support would be greatly appreciated!
Great page, great posts daily, regular giveaways and worldwide shipping (Y)
Apollyon Headshop & Smartshop
Headshop – Smartshop – Seedshop ~ Since 2003 ~ www.apollyonstore.nl ~ (Worldwide shipping) ~ www.apollyon.nl ~ (Europe) Rotterdam -The Netherlands …read more
“Specialized” higher vibrational energetic streams have formed and aligned and are in process of infiltrating selected planetary “difficulty” points
By Eire Portal, published on April 28, 2014 “Specialized” higher vibrational energetic streams have formed and aligned and are in process of infiltrating selected planetary “difficulty” points. These energetic streams are coded for individual geographic grid points and create conditions which dissolve all potential of archon-created-and-aligned activity. Such energetic …read more
It's a lifestyle~ http://instagram.com/girlsgoneweed Miss OhHIGHChey <3 http…
How do we search? Do we look for what we expect or are we open to surprises we c…
How do we
search? Do we look for what
we expect or are we open to
surprises we could not
imagine? Sometimes I can’t
help but search frantically,
although those are not the
most fruitful of quests.
When I open & meet the
world as it unfolds, that
which is needed- an insight,
a resource, a way of seeing-
seems to come with little
effort on my part- a grace-
given meeting of soul desire
& Soul response. May we
see what is provided today
with an open mind &
welcoming heart. …read more
☮ ☺ ☮ http://ggdub.com/girls/
Status of QEG Build Morocco: Build Day 3 – Initial Resonance Achieved!
Status of QEG Build Morocco: Build Day 3 – Initial Resonance Achieved! By Justin on Stillness in the Storm, published on April 28, 2014 Early this morning the QEG Build team here in Morocco successfully got resonance! No hard data to reveal yet but we maintained five 100 Watt Light Bulbs for several minutes. We …read more
"yeah…. thank you mr. simpson, your great invention helped me beat cancer, dia…
“yeah…. thank you mr. simpson, your great invention helped me beat cancer, diagnosed 7/2007 with a 20% chance or less of surviving, then i started the treatments after meeting rick at an event. the use of the oil saved my life, my leukemia is in remission and i still get better every day, and thanks to the oil, i can share the truth with u….. peace and love.” Michael Achtmann
(y) JB
Timeline Photos
The e-book Phoenix Tears, Rick Simpson Oil, Nature’s Answer For Cancer is a summary of information that is currently available about the use of cannabis/hemp oil as medicine. It includes detailed information about how to produce and use the Rick Simpson Oil in the treatment of practically all illnesses.
It also includes a special chapter “Cannabis in the Political World” by Max Igan and a comprehensive interview about the many uses of the oil, written by Jindrich Bayer. Everyone who considers using cannabis/hemp extracts as medicine should read this e-book.
The term “Rick Simpson Oil” refers to extremely potent and sedative purified decarboxylated cannabis resin with 95-98% THC. This substance can be used with great success to cure, treat or control cancer, pain, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, infections, inflammations, blood pressure, depressions, sleeping problems etc. Read more about how to produce and use this oil properly in the e-book.
Quote from the e-book:
“How did you come to discover how to cure cancer and many other illnesses with hemp?
“I consider myself just one of many who have found a way to cure cancer and I certainly was not the first one to produce an essential oil from the hemp plant. A radio broadcast told me that THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) kills cancer cells way back in the 1970s, so I do not claim that it was me who found the cure. Still, it does appear that I am the first to supply this medication to vast numbers of patients to treat their cancers and other conditions in a more effective and sensible way.
In addition, I continued to report my findings openly to the general public after the government and all they control turned their backs on this issue. Since this plant has been used in medicine for thousands of years, I really do not think that anyone can make the claim that they alone discovered its true medical values.
The only thing that I can really claim is that I discovered the proper way to produce and use this substance and I developed and published a protocol to make it more simple for patients to enjoy its use. As often as I could, I provided the medicine free of charge and I openly reported my findings to anyone who would listen, expecting that sooner or later someone would do something about it.”
http://phoenixtears.ca/natures-answer-for-cancer-2/ — with PopTop Firebird Galactica Rising and 5 others.
Group “420 times” Page ♥ Please sign & or share United States Federal Government: Repeal ALL laws and restrictions against the Plant Cannabis Sativa! There should not be any laws against Nature. We the American People now know that Cannabis Sativa, aka Hemp, is the most sustainable plant on this Earth. Not only do we want a sustainable society, we NEED a sustainable society and we know that bringing hemp back will not only help us heal our planet, our society, and our people but will also allow us to rebuild an economy that we can believe in! http://www.change.org/petitions/united-states-federal-government-repeal-all-laws-and-restrictions-against-the-plant-cannabis-sativa-2 — Legalize The World! …read more
What quenches your cotton mouth?
What quenches your cotton mouth? …read more
Marijuana advocate rejects “scare tactics” over deaths, fourth graders selling pot at school
Over the past few weeks, critics of marijuana legalization have drawn attention to several news stories they see as demonstrating the dangers of more accessible weed. First, the death of a colle… …read more
what a view :)
Who else loves gas masks!
Florida sheriffs launch anti-medical marijuana campaign
The many opponents of legalized marijuana in Florida have come and gone, defeated with facts and science and the power of the people. But, like a ferocious hungry hydra looking to devour the mov… …read more
Moms for Marijuana International
Raising Awareness, Promoting Education, and Creating Discussion about the Cannabis plant. …read more
CALLING ALL RASTAFARIANS & DAGGAFARIANS 3rd of May at 11 o'clock will see Durba…
3rd of May at 11 o’clock will see Durban traffic come to a standstill in West Street as thousand of supporters March for Cannabis. Global Cannabis Day is a an annual event hosted on the first Saturday in May. For the first time, South Africa will see marches takes place in three of the main city centers – Durban, Johannesburg and Cape Town.
Co-ordinator of the March in Durban, Sarah-Jane Bow( known as The Marijuana Mom ) is looking for those of the Rastafarian faith to step forward and offer themselves as Marshalls to guide the participants of the Global Cannabis Festive March which takes place on May3rd at 11h00 down West Street to the City Hall steps.
“The Rolling Stones have the Hells Angels. Cannabis have the Rasta’s” commented Sarah from her farm in Willowglen, KZN.
By law, when organising an official gathering in South Africa, a Marshall is needed for every ten participants. Each Marshall is identified by a red armband. The popularity in support for this march has grown so much that more Marshal are needed than initially visualised.
“Rastafarians are such gentle beings” remarked Sarah “and this March is for them as well as all the epilepsy and cancer sufferers that so desperatley need medicinal assistance from the use of cannabis oil”
She also advises the public to avoid using West Street on the morning of 3rd May 2014 as traffic will no doubt be congested.
For more information, The Marijuana Mom can be contacted on 061 424 1996 or email southafricanfarm@gmail.com …read more
Dale McKinley: The Fight to Get Marijuana Legalised in South Africa Centers on E…
Dale McKinley: The Fight to Get Marijuana Legalised in South Africa Centers on Equality
Researcher, writer and activist Dale McKinley has written an article
for The South African Civil Society Information Service (SACSIS) on
the fight to decriminalise marijuana in South Africa, which he says is
an issue centered on equality.
The case “which is being pursued by Julian Stobbs and Myrtle
Clarke (a.k.a., the ‘Dagga Couple’) through FGA, is developing
serious and convincing legal arguments for full decriminalisation
that are focused on the equality clause [Section9(1)] of the
Constitution”, will be heard next year March in the North Gauteng
High Court.
It is 2016, the 20th anniversary of South Africa’s Constitution.
Alongside all sorts of official festivities, a sizeable portion of the
population is celebrating the recent decision by the
Constitutional Court to declare the Drugs and Drug Trafficking
Act (No. 142 of 1992), a piece of legislation embedded in over a
century of colonial, racist politics and wrapped in layers of
ideologically and morally manipulated misinformation and
ignorance, unconstitutional.
ukznpress.bookslive.co.za/blog/2014/04/24/dale-mckinley-the-fight-to-get-marijuana-legalised-in-south-africa-centers-on-equality/ …read more
Garden full of nice plants!
Garden full of nice plants!
Timeline Photos
Garden full of Afghani #1 and Maple Leaf Indica. Thanks to Indica Lover for sharing! …read more
VERY similar to how my hubby proposed…A BIG HELL YES!
VERY similar to how my hubby proposed…A BIG HELL YES!
Timeline Photos
Follow Cheech and Chong on Instagram, man, http://instagram.com/cheechandchong
Contest starts now and ends Friday at Midnight PST. Must be 18+ to win. https://www.facebook.com/HotBoxVapors?ref=hl …read more