Monthly Archives: March 2014

RE: SAHRC and it's stance on dagga, open letter Sent To:, com…

RE: SAHRC and it’s stance on dagga, open letter

Sent To:,

To whom it may concern.

I would like to know why the South Africa Human Rights Council has done nothing to protect otherwise law abiding citizen rights for choosing a safer alternative to alcohol, tobacco and conventional medication.

Where does the SAHRC stand on the subject of dagga prohibition. The last of the apartheid laws to go.

This is a a plea from the dagga culture and/or otherwise “illegal” medical dagga patients of South Africa.

We call for the immediate protection from an unjust law where the only victims are those who are punished under it.

I choose cannabis over alcohol, tobacco and conventional medication. I am not a criminal.

Please write back soonest.


The dagga culture of South Africa.

~ I hope you guys don’t mind me asking on behalf of the whole community. …read more    

WAKE UP put your camera down and stop taking no make up selfies, its 2014 folks,…

WAKE UP put your camera down and stop taking no make up selfies, its 2014 folks, if you do not know what cancer is – you live under a rock – in my opinion cancer awareness is a waste of time. Informing people of the cure is what we should be on about and should be doing:

A legal business man and medical practitioner in the Western Cape charges R15 000 for a three months course, a method that has been proven to cure cancer. Medical marijuana is injected into the cancer cells which fights it off and kills it.

If you think this is rubbish, you are what is wrong with this world and are contributing to a billion dollar industry that thrives of dying people. Cancer awareness does not save lives but accumulates cash for those billion dollar industries. Change your attitude NOW!

Cannabis Cures Brain Cancer
…read more    

Cannabutter, Cannaflour, Cannaoil, Cannamilk. Now you bake! Now you cook! Get yo…

Cannabutter, Cannaflour, Cannaoil, Cannamilk. Now you bake! Now you cook! Get your recommended daily dose of Vitamin THC!

Basic Cannabutter Infusions
Learn how to make cannabutter the correct way, and enjoy properly activated pot-infused foods with minimal effort. It’s important to make sure the cannabis is fully decarboxylated, meaning a chemical reaction has occurred due to the action of time and temperature, converting THC acid, which isn’t ps… …read more    

I am sure if Prof David Nutt included Facebook on his drugs abuse & harm chart F…

I am sure if Prof David Nutt included Facebook on his drugs abuse & harm chart Facebook would have a higher potential for abuse and addiction than cannabis. Kudos & a bong hit to the artist who made this.

Mobile Uploads
Facebook is more addictive than cannabis and has the potential to destroy lives. …read more    

Jose Luis Vivero Pol (PhD) states that Privatization, Unregulated Markets, Commo…

Jose Luis Vivero Pol (PhD) states that Privatization, Unregulated Markets, Commodity Trading and the Industrial Food System are responsible for Food Insecurity:

Why Food Should be a Commons Not a Commodity – Our World
On World Food Day we share the perspective of an anti-hunger and social rights activist who feels food should be a commons not a commodity. …read more    

BRICSA uniting to fight Big Ag, GMOs & seed patents :)

BRICSA uniting to fight Big Ag, GMOs & seed patents 🙂

There’s been more news from two BRICSA nations, in this case Brazil and South Africa, pushing back against western agribusiness giants and their GMOs. Brazil’s federal appeals court has issued a ruling stopping cultivation in Brazil of Bayer’s GM corn(maize) in that country, and South Africa has for… …read more    

What right does the IEC have to tell us who we can or can't vote for? Are they o…

What right does the IEC have to tell us who we can or can’t vote for? Are they our masters and are we slaves?

As a dagga user whether for medical or recreational use voting for the DA is worse decision you can make.

If the DA had intrests in the medical aspects of dagga medical dagga would have been available in the Western Cape already.

She would have included medical dagga in the DA manifesto not the reintroduction of narcotics bureau.
I would rather not have a country run by politicians but by scientists, engineers, real doctors and activists.

The elections are a sham when the poor cannot partake as a party in the elections.

It’s time to get real about this illusion we call democracy. Its not freedom.

If 4 million daggafarians vote for the dagga party in protest how can the IEC ignore and invalidate the votes because the Dagga Party only requires 65000 votes to get one seat.

If they get one seat the deposit of R200 000 is returned.

Now if at least 64000 invalidate their votes by voting Dagga Party doesn’t it mean that the votes are valid.

What I am saying is what right does the IEC have to tell us who we can or can’t vote for. They are not the IEC anymore but the EC they are ANC government funded. …read more    

Cape Town Eco Film Festival on NOW!

Cape Town Eco Film Festival on NOW!

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Be sure to check out the Cape Town Eco Film Fest kicking off this evening! 25 excellent eco-films are showing between Thursday & Monday, including 10 that have never been seen in SA before. Fracking, organic food, bees, hemp, genenetic engineering and everything in-between!

WHERE: Labia Theatre
WHEN: Thursday – Sunday, various showtimes
COST: R45 (R5 goes towards planting trees with us! Plus a Trees for Tickets option)

Reserve your tickets now! …read more    

Root Systems (preventing soil erosion)

Root Systems (preventing soil erosion)

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@[531746770172422:274:Avantgardens] via @[575901765836223:274:Actively aerated compost tea].
Root system of Perennial Grasses.

80% of a prairie’s biomass is below ground, which is a part of the reason why prairies are the greatest soil carbon factories in the world. Those roots break up compacted soil, and as a portion of those roots die each year, they add organic matter and decompose into carbon, further enriching the soil; all of this is done without deadly pesticides or equally deadly petrochemical fertilizers needed to keep the 41 million acres of lawn in US going.

Illustration by Heidi Natura, 1995, of Living Habitats. …read more    

This is exactly why the government and pharma industry only fund research of sin…

This is exactly why the government and pharma industry only fund research of singled out cannabinoids. Like THC or CBD. The truth is you need the whole spectrum. THCA, THC, CBDA, CBD, etc…

You cannot replicate in a lab what the plant does in nature. Sorry. Not yet.

Marijuana Medicine’s Near-Miraculous Healing Powers Require the Whole Plant—Not Just One Oil Extract
CBD-only laws are a pretext to extend marijuana prohibition under the guise of ‘protecting the children.’ …read more    



In order for us to go forward we must take our understanding of cannabis back a 100+ years.

Over the last 100 years we have been indoctrinated to a capitalistic and consumerist lifestyle.

We know deep inside that the way we live right now will never be sustainable. We take from our children’s children and spend it today.

Our survival determines the downfall of one another.

We are like lab rats in a maze. If one does not go with the flow of the system you die.

#Truth …read more    

Dagga confiscated at border worth nearly a million rands. {Upington Border} The…

Dagga confiscated at border worth nearly a million rands. {Upington Border}

The truck was stopped and searched at the Nakop border post near Upington on 22 March.
Lieutenant Sergio Kock confirmed that upon investigation police found and confiscated seven bags of dagga.
“The dagga weighed 177,5kg and has an estimated street value of R887 500,00,” said Kock.
The suspect, Mirias Manyoro,28, is expected to appear Upington Magistrates’ Court again in May.

…read more    

This is an illegal "law" to protect brutality in factory farms.

This is an illegal “law” to protect brutality in factory farms.

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A pair of constitutional law professors from the University of Denver has given themselves two shots at overturning so-called state “ag-gag” laws.

Among the common features of “ag-gag” laws is a prohibition against taking pictures or making videos without permission, sanctions for not being truthful in a job application, and short timeframes for reporting animal abuse to law enforcement. More here: #aggag #ag …read more    

YaY! China rejects corn shipments contaminated with unapproved GMOs. In our opin…

YaY! China rejects corn shipments contaminated with unapproved GMOs. In our opinion, ALL GMOs should be unapproved.

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China has turned away more U.S. corn after detecting an unapproved genetically-modified Syngenta strain in shipments, with buyers waiting for sales from the country's huge state reserves or shifting to cheap NON GMO grain from Ukraine. China's imports of non-GMO corn from Ukraine surged to 192,374 tons in February, bringing the country's total imports in the month to 479,758 tons, up around 22 percent on the year, according to official customs data. China also imported a 77,936-ton corn cargo from Thailand in February. GOOD.


#China #Corn #GMO #Syngenta #MIR162 #labelGMOs #NeedToKnowGMO #BanGMOs #GMOFreeCanada #GMOFreeUSA — with Rick Duarte and 2 others. …read more    

For our European Friends – #TakeBackThePower – Lobby your MEPs to stand up for P…

For our European Friends – #TakeBackThePower – Lobby your MEPs to stand up for People & the Environment over Corporate Power Grabs.

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TTIP is called a "trade agreement", but in fact it’s a corporate power grab that will see the biggest transfer of power from people to corporations in a decade.

Tariffs between the EU and the US are already minimal and TTIP is rather an attempt to remove regulations and undermine basic rights to secure bigger corporate profits.

Take action:

#TakeBackThePower …read more    

Glyphosate is a WMD.

Glyphosate is a WMD.

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Brazil's Public Prosecutor has requested a total ban on glyphosate based herbicides. The Public Prosecutor has also sought an injunction on 2,4-D as well as several other herbicides that are all suspected of damaging human health and environment, pending further toxicity studies and seeks to prohibit the release of 2,4-D resistant GMO crops. YAY! for Brazil. Let's hope they follow in Sri Lanka's footsteps and drop the ban hammer on Roundup and all glyphosate based herbicides. This leads us to ask: How many countries will BAN ROUNDUP before the U.S. decides it's not ok to feed us carcinogenic, endocrine disrupting, genotoxic, neurotoxic and infertility producing Roundup and finally does the same?


#GMO #Brazil #Roundup #Glyphosate #BanRoundup #BanGlyphosate #LabelGMOs #NeedToKnowGMO #GMOFreeCanada #GMOFreeUSA — with Rick Duarte. …read more    

Slow Food Youth Network South Africa ~ Currently our continental laws governing…

Slow Food Youth Network South Africa ~
Currently our continental laws governing seed are being dissected in a series of meetings around the continent. There is a lot of legalese, a language most public members cannot speak or understand. Of course these laws are not REAL things, they are about policies, economies, frameworks. They do not physically prevent genes from adapting or a seed user from sowing seed. They do not prevent beans from producing pods or bees from pollinating flowers.

This is all about patents, intellectual property and quite frankly, about power and control. It is exclusionary, problematic and will be detrimental for our biodiversity.

Here is a brief overview:

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A though-provoking pic by …read more    

Right, you lot. Volunteers are making this happen. We're all bitchin' & itchin'…

Right, you lot. Volunteers are making this happen. We’re all bitchin’ & itchin’ to ban GMOs – lets take it to the streets on 24 May. If you can help, message these pages. Take the initiative, get your groups, organizations, colleagues, neighbours, family & friends involved. People with mobility issues will be assisted. If you can help transport people to events, do it. This is a March, for the People, of the People, by the People. NO GMOs = No woesing out.

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MarchMay24 Cities … SIGNUP
Cape Town:
Port Elizabeth:
Durban =
Sign Petition here:
March Against Monsant Mission Statement:
On May 24, 2014 activists around the world will unite to March Against Monsanto. We will not stand for cronyism. We will not stand for poison. That’s why we March Against Monsanto.
**The South African Branch focus on both local and international issues. GMO is a planet-wide threat, and has encroached into soo many social, political, legislative and civil rights. A win for one is a win for all.

What are solutions we advocate?
– Voting with your wallet by buying organic and boycotting Monsanto-owned companies that use GMOs in their products.
– Labeling of GMOs so that consumers can make those informed decisions easier.
– Repealing relevant provisions of the US's "Monsanto Protection Act."
– Calling for further scientific research on the health effects of GMOs.
– Holding Monsanto executives and Monsanto-supporting politicians accountable through direct communication, grassroots journalism, social media, etc.
– Continuing to inform the public about Monsanto's secrets.
– Taking to the streets to show the world and Monsanto that we won't take these injustices quietly.

Why do we march?
– Research studies have shown that Monsanto’s genetically-modified foods can lead to serious health conditions such as the development of cancer tumors, infertility and birth defects.
– In the United States, the FDA, the agency tasked with ensuring food safety for the population, is steered by ex-Monsanto executives, and we feel that’s a questionable conflict of interests and explains the lack of government-led research on the long-term effects of GM products.
– Recently, the U.S. Congress and president collectively passed the nicknamed “Monsanto Protection Act” that, among other things, bans courts from halting the sale of Monsanto’s genetically-modified seeds.
– For too long, Monsanto has been the benefactor of corporate subsidies and political favoritism. Organic and small farmers suffer losses while Monsanto continues to forge its monopoly over the world’s food supply, including exclusive patenting rights over seeds and genetic makeup.
– Monsanto's GM seeds are harmful to the environment; for example, scientists have indicated they have contributed to Colony Collapse Disorder among the world's bee population.
– See more at:
#GMOBan #bangmos #gmo #gmofoods #labelfood #nogmo #marchagainstmonsanto #monsanto #marchMay24 #sanews …read more    

Please watch the video, join the Fb event, support Ape Action Africa, & avoid fo…

Please watch the video, join the Fb event, support Ape Action Africa, & avoid foods containing Palm Oil. It reeks of death & destruction.

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Shufai is a western lowland gorilla rescued by Ape Action Africa in Cameroon. See his amazing video below. Hunting and loss of habitat threatens these gorillas. A new threat to western lowland gorillas is a palm oil concession currently planned by Herakles Farms. The problem is that Herakles’ proposed plantation lies in the middle of one of Africa’s most biodiverse — and threatened — landscapes. The planned palm oil plantation is adjacent to several important reserves, including world-renowned Korup National Park, and is set to replace forests and small farms. It is simply the wrong project in the wrong place.


Support the great work of Ape Action Africa:

Shufai's video:

Shufai's rescue:–Answer-Very-carefully.html

The story behind Herakles Farms: …read more    

In the end, loving your life is about trusting your intuition, taking chances, l…

In the end, loving your life is
about trusting your intuition,
taking chances, losing and
finding happiness, cherishing
the memories, and learning
through experience. It’s a
long-term journey.
You have to stop worrying,
wondering, and doubting
every step of the way. Laugh
at the confusion, live
consciously in the moment,
and enjoy your life as it
You might not end up exactly
where you intended to go,
but you will eventually arrive
precisely where you need to
be … …read more    

Irish Examiner: Banks Have Already Been Paid for Mortgages

Banks Have Already Been Paid for Mortgages By Barry Fitzgerald, Lissarda Cork, published on March 12, 2014 Since our economic commentators won’t ask this, I will. If banks sell mortgages to investors, via the securitisation industry, how were they ever bust? Pension funds, insurance companies, hedge funds, etc, buy mortgages and pay banks the principal, …read more    

So what is Bt Really?

So what is Bt Really?

So this is the Bt toxin I keep hearing about,
Bacillus thuringiensis (or Bt) is a Gram-positive, soil-dwelling bacterium, commonly used as a biological pesticide. B. thuringiensis also occurs naturally in the gut of caterpillars of various types of moths and butterflies, as well on leaf surfaces, aquatic environments, animal feces, insect rich environments, flour mills and grain storage facilities.[1][2]
During sporulation, many Bt strains produce crystal proteins (proteinaceous inclusions), called δ-endotoxins, that have Insecticide action. This has led to their use as insecticides, and more recently to genetically modified crops using Bt genes.
Spores and bipyramidal crystals of Bacillus thuringiensis pictured here.
Source …read more    

Live in the UK? Check this! :)

Live in the UK? Check this! 🙂

Dank Pack
Dank Pack is a refreshing new way to purchase all your smoking essentials and have it delivered to your door for a fraction of the cost. For years the only way to purchase your monthly smoking products was with a trip down to your local head shop. With Dank Pack all you need to do is sign up for a… …read more    

Students who chose dagga over tobacco performed better at school. TY Alex Url:c…

Students who chose dagga over tobacco performed better at school. TY Alex

Pot-smoking students better at school than ‘marginalized’ tobacco-smoking peers
Students who only smoke marijuana do better at school than classmates who smoke just tobacco, or who smoke both tobacco and pot, says a new study, which tracked substance use among teens over 30 years. …read more    

The 7th May gamble; If the DA wins, Zille will reintroduce the narcotics bureau….

The 7th May gamble; If the DA wins, Zille will reintroduce the narcotics bureau. If the ANC wins we will wait another 20 years for dagga law reform. Dagga Party is out unless you want to risk invalidating your vote. The other alternative is the IFP. The medical dagga bill is inviting. What use does democracy have if it has a R200 000 price tag. Not voting? So lets unite. What are we going to do about this. *stare at screen lighting up bong* …read more    

We've just been sent a link to a very easy to listen to Ganja Tunes EP free down…

We’ve just been sent a link to a very easy to listen to Ganja Tunes EP free download…..
Thought some of you may be interested….

CRNET003 Dub Unit feat Speng Bond – Ganjaman EP Remixed
Cubículo Records proudly presents its third release on the NET (Free Download) series. After the success of “Ganjaman EP”featuring Dub Unit and Speng Bond …read more    

COP ARRESTED FOR DEMANDING BRIBE {Swaziland} MANZINI – A police officer has bee…


MANZINI – A police officer has been arrested and another detained and released after allegedly demanding a E6 000 bribe.
The police officers are also alleged to have further confiscated dagga from a suspect.

Constable Njabulo Mamba (28) of Mpolonjeni was arrested on Tuesday by his colleagues at the Matsapha Police Station (Esigodvweni). Well-placed sources revealed that the other officer, Nontobeko Dlamini (25), was released after they were both detained and was later made an accomplice witness in the case

While on duty, the officers allegedly confiscated dagga from the suspect on Monday night after they stopped his vehicle along the Manzini-Mbabane highway after suspecting that he was transporting dagga. After a search they are said to have discovered that the motor vehicle was loaded with bags of dagga. The motorist was enroute to Manzini from Mankayane where he had allegedly fetched the illegal herb. The officers are alleged to have demanded a bribe from him and assured him that he would be freed.

The alleged dagga dealer is said to have requested the officers to drive him to an auto teller machine (ATM) in Manzini so he could withdraw cash. “They drove together to one of the ATMs in town and the alleged dealer withdrew money and paid them E6 000. The officers told the man that he would also forfeit the dagga and that did not go down well with him. He then decided to report the matter to the police and the two were detained and questioned,” a source said.

Efforts to get the value of the dagga hit a snag as it was reported that investigating officers were still going to evaluate it. Police Public Relations Officer (PRO) Superintendent Wendy Hleta confirmed the matter and said investigations were ongoing


MANZINI – One of the police officers alleged to have confiscated dagga and accepted E6 000 cash as a bribe from a suspect has been granted E2 500 bail.

Constable Njabulo Mamba (28) of Mpolonjeni appeared at the Magistrates court yesterday charged for contravening the Pharmacy Act.
The other officer, Nontobeko Dlamini, has since been made an accomplice witness in the matter.

Information gathered is that the two had been initially charged with corruption. The charge sheet was amended after Dlamini was made a state witness. Mamba, who was escorted by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) officers, was represented by Simo Simelane from SP Mamba Attorneys. The officer appeared before Magistrate Lucia Lukhele and his attorney requested for bail on his behalf and stated that he was a police officer who stayed with his girlfriend in a rented apartment.

“Your worship, my client is also sickly. He also stands to lose his job due to continued incarceration. He also undertakes to abide by all the stipulated bail conditions. As the charge sheet does not have the weight of dagga, I request that my client be given a benefit of doubt on the issue of bail,” Simelane said.
Mamba paid the E2 500 bail.

Times Of Swaziland

If you are one of those person who say I am for the legalization of dagga for me…

If you are one of those person who say I am for the legalization of dagga for medical use only you need to educate yourself.

Cannabinoids only have one function. Whether you ingest decarboxylated cannabis anally or via the mouth or whether you inhale the smoke or vapour. The end result is the same. Cannabinoids make it into your blood stream passes the blood brain barrier where the cannabinoids couple with endocannabinoid receptors which is responsible for the high, the munchies and all the positive aspects of cannabis. …read more    

The Phoenix Five Feature Documentary: An Inside Look at Cannabis Extract Therapy

The Phoenix Five Feature Documentary: An Inside Look at Cannabis Extract Therapy

The Phoenix Five Feature Documentary: An Inside Look at Cannabis Extract Therapy
The story of 5 cancer patients who use cannabis extract as a therapy. Yes, actual therapy. They’re on a journey to become #illegallyhealed …read more    

CAPE TOWN: Saturday 29 March 6:00 pm @ The Labia. The South African premiere of…

CAPE TOWN: Saturday 29 March 6:00 pm @ The Labia. The South African premiere of ‘Bringing It Home’ – A new documentary about industrial hemp.

Tony Budden from
Bringing It Home
(USA | 2013 | 52 min | Dir: Linda Booker & Blaire Johnson) Saturday 29 March 6:00 pm – SA Premiere – More industrial hemp is exported to the U.S. than to any other country and American consumer… …read more    

Check page 11 of the Cape Times this morning for an Opinion Piece written by Ton…

Check page 11 of the Cape Times this morning for an Opinion Piece written by Tony. The sub-editors still can’t resist headlines like “Homegrown- High time we tuned into the many uses of Hemp”, but at least they are allocating space to this issue.
This is the copy:
Cannabis…it certainly seems to be popping up in all sorts of strange places lately.

The mainstream media seem finally to be giving the plant some positive space, not just focussing on the “dangers” and reporting on the different initiatives around the world to get it liberated, a far cry from the old days of the “groen-gavaar”, the devil’s weed.

The plant has found it’s way into the hallowed halls of Parliament lately, with the submission of the Medical Innovation Bill by the Honourable Dr Mario Oriani-Ambrosini that includes medical Marijuana as a potential treatment for Cancer patients, of which he is one.

In the bill is also reference to the economic and industrial uses of the plant, which is how Hemporium was invited to display our hemp products and samples outside the assembly doors during the Parliamentary debate. We had plenty of interested MPs and a few ministers come and learn about and touch the various industrial hemp products that included textiles, construction materials, food products, cosmetic and body-care products, paper, oil, twine, rope, carpets and more all made from this easy to grow resource that grows in 4-5 months without the need for agro-chemicals.

A certain group showed more interest than most, the Khoi/san,Griqua and Koranna chiefs who were there for a sitting of the House of Traditional Leaders. I was told with great excitement how the Cannabis plant has been used by the indigenous people since way before colonial time for medicinal, recreational and fibre purposes. The word “dagga” is said to come from the Khoi word “Dachab”. It is a plant that has always been seen positively by the Traditional Healers and indigenous groups, and it is thanks to them that a lot of the knowledge that is now being “re-discovered” about Cannabis is knowledge that they have never lost, only been prevented from using (legally).

Another strange place that Cannabis popped up is in construction materials, with the idea that you can “grow your house”. Hemporium constructed a hemp house in Noordhoek that is constructed with hempcrete (a mix of chipped hemp stalk and lime), Hemp insulation (made from the hollow hemp fibre) and hemp chipboard. The soft furnishings such as carpets, curtains, couches and bed-linen all were made from hemp too. Hempcrete has been dubbed “the better than zero carbon” building material and the houses built with it are not only eco-friendly, but are healthy, breathable and well insulated.

With economies of scale all of these products could be competitive with the price of traditional building methods as has been shown in Europe, with Marks & Spencer’s building their latest flagship store using hempcrete . If we evaluated construction materials on the true costs including the environmental and social costs, hemp wins hand down every time.

Cannabis is also appearing in your cosmetics with many brands such as the Body Shop using the super-moisturising and absorbent hemp seed oil as a base ingredient. Hemporium’s own range is locally made and is an example of the kind of industry that rural communities could get into with minimal technology if they were allowed to grow and process it.

If you are still suffering from the affliction of cannaphobia, best you avoid healthfood stores, and even mainstreet giants like Woolworths and Spar, where hempseed nutritional products are being sold openly. Before you cry “boycott these drug dealers”, you should know that hempseeds are not psychoactive (which may be a dissappointment to some) and are grown from non-drug varieties of industrial hemp. The only high you will get from them is the natural one you receive from eating a food that contains immune-boosting omega 3, 6 and 9 in the optimum ration for the human body and really good protein (globulin edestin) that is easily digested. The hemp food market has grown incredibly quickly in the U.S. and Canada, where 60000 acres have just been planted to keep up with demand.

Now I know some of you connect the surfing culture with cannabis use already, but did you know that industrial cannabis is now finding its way into the surfboards too (and no, not for smuggling purposes). Some shapers are experimenting with replacing the fibreglass with sustainable “fibregrass”. Local fin manufacturer Scarfini is using hemp and bamboo to make a composite fin and the CSIR’s BioComposite Center of Competence in Port Elizabeth is researching using hemp in auto and plane parts as the pressure on those industries to use biodegradable products grows. If you drive a BMW or Merc there is a good chance that Cannabis has even found its way into your cars door panels and dashboard.

You may already be wearing Cannabis if you weren’t careful, with hemp fabric being used by international designers such as Donatella Versace, Ralph Lauren and Donna Karan in their ranges and local labels Bastion, The Joinery, Dark Horse, Veldt and even kiddy clothing brand Eco-Punk all taking advantage of the positive qualities of organic hemp fabric.

Hemp fibre, prized for its fineness, strength and recyclability has even found its way into bibles, banknotes and cigarette papers.

Many hardware stores are also peddling cannabis as it is not rare to find eco-hemp ropes, twines and even plumbers hemp, which is used to seal connections, on their shelves.

So with more and more Cannabis finding its way into medicine cabinets, food, houses, cars, cosmetics, paper, and even plastics, it is amazing to think that more money and energy has been spent on eradicating it from the planet during the failed “war on drugs” than just about anything other war.
Industrial hemp was kept illegal with the assistance, …read more    

CAPE TOWN: Saturday 29 March 6:00 pm @ The Labia. The South African premiere of…

CAPE TOWN: Saturday 29 March 6:00 pm @ The Labia. The South African premiere of ‘Bringing It Home’ – A new documentary about industrial hemp.
Tony Budden from
Bringing It Home
(USA | 2013 | 52 min | Dir: Linda Booker & Blaire Johnson) Saturday 29 March 6:00 pm – SA Premiere – More industrial hemp is exported to the U.S. than to any other country and American consumer… …read more    

Can the police search your car without a warrant? At a roadblock YES this means…

Can the police search your car without a warrant?

At a roadblock YES this means that a police officer can search you personally or can search your car or house – even when no search warrant was obtained and even when you did not give permission for such a search – but only when he or she has a reasonable suspicion that you have committed a crime or are hiding evidence that could prove that you (or others) are guilty of a crime. So, if a police officer stops your car and the sweet smell of dagga wafts from the car, that police officer can search your car to try and find any dagga you might be hiding – even without first obtaining a search warrant to do so.

I did not know police officers come equipped with a dagga detectors in the nostril. How do police know what dagga smells like? Do they smoke it after confiscating it from people. Probably.

Can they smell rape & murder as well? How about drunk drivers.

Can the police search your car without a warrant? – Constitutionally Speaking
This blog deals with political and social issues in South Africa, mostly from the perspective of Constitutional Law. Written by Pierre de Vos …read more    

Two pupils, 14, 16, caught with dagga The Primrose police were recently called…

Two pupils, 14, 16, caught with dagga

The Primrose police were recently called out to a complaint from a local high school.Officers rushed to the scene and found that two minors, aged 14 and 16, had been found in possession of dagga while on school property, by one of the teacher.The teacher, who is also one of the Primrose police’s reservists, handed the boys over to the officers.The students were taken to the Primrose Police Station, where a case file was opened for each child.“The Child Justice Act will be followed with this case,” said the communications officer for the Primrose police, Sgt Styles Maome.“That means that the children’s information will be taken, they will be formally charged and given the date and time at which they must appear in the Germiston Magistrates Court.“After this process they will be released into their parent’s custody.“The Primrose police have a firm stand about drugs and hope that this incident will discourage other children at the school.”

Two pupils caught with dagga
Two minor charged with the possession of drugs. …read more    

Cops jaag Rasta en kry dagga LADISMITH. – Rastas van die Mount Zion-Rasta-komm…

Cops jaag Rasta en kry dagga

LADISMITH. – Rastas van die Mount Zion-Rasta-kommune het groot verliese gely toe cops hul ganja natgemaak het.

In ‘n gesamentlike operasie van die Attakwa-honde-eenheid, die Highway Patrol en die plaaslike cops is 2 sportsakke dagga met 136 parcels in ‘n hokkie gekry. Die massa word op 12kg geraam.

‘n Ooggetuie het vertel: “Toe die Rasta sien die cops kom aan, het hy sy kaia gesluit en die veld in gehol. Maar so ‘n skraal cop, wat die ganja merts Bennet ‘Die Verskriklike’ De Wee noem, het oor die draad gespring en hom agternagesit.

“In die hol het die Rasta die keys van sy kaia weggegooi.

“Etlike minute later het Bennet die Rasta platgeduik. Hy is toe na sy kaia teruggebring.”

Daar was ‘n gesukkel om in die hokkie te kom en ‘n bolt cutter is ingespan.

AO Jannie Cedras, ‘n polisiewoordvoerder, sê: “Die dagga is in twee sportsakke gevind. Die verdagte is gearresteer en verskyn binnekort in die hof. Gemerkte geld is in die 23-jarige verdagte se besit gevind.”

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I was in MacDonald's the other day when I noticed an old couple probably about 8…

I was in MacDonald’s the
other day when I noticed an
old couple probably about
80 years old and they
bought a big Mac meal and
sat down. The old fella cut
the burger exactly in half
and proceeded to divide the
chips exactly into two I felt
sorry for them so went over
and said
‘Look I can see you have
only enough money for one
big Mac meal can I buy
another one so you can
have a meal each?’
He looked up at me and
said ‘ Thanks Son but me
and the wife share
everything. During the war
we were in an air raid
shelter during the blitz and
bombs were reining down
on us and we swore on that
day that if we survived the
bombing we would get
married and share
everything through out
lives. And that’s what we
did and we have shared
every thing since and now
here we are sharing our
burger and chips with a
sprite which is our weekly
And with that he started to
eat his burger and I noticed
his wife was drinking the
sprite and not eating the
I said’ I cant help noticing
that your wife is not eating
her half of the burger’
He said ‘ I told you son we
share everything ! ‘
I said ‘ So what is she
waiting for ?’
He said ‘ The Teeth ‘ …read more