Official complaint lodged with the South African Human Rights Commission PART C…

Official complaint lodged with the South African Human Rights Commission


12. Date
On what date did it happen

13. Is it still happening
Yes X No _______

14. Where did it happen

15. If you know, which right(s)in the Bill of Rights was/ were violated or is/are being violated

16. If you know, the full name(s) and surname(s) of person(s), association, organisation or organ of state who violated these rights, please tell us
Multiple parties are responsible…

– South African Corporation acting as government.
– South African Police Service
– Department of Health
– Medical Control Council
– Medical Research Council

17. Where can we contact them
All contact details are available publicly.

18. If you do not know his/her/its/their names, please tell us anything you do know about him/her/it/them

19. Did anybody see or hear what happened (only people who actually saw or heard what happened, not people who heard about it from someone else)

Those who were arrested for choosing a safer alternative to alcohol, tobacco and conventional medication.

20. In your own words, tell us exactly what happened (include all information but be as brief as possible)

Daggafarians are targeted daily for choosing to use a safer alternative to alcohol, tobacco and conventional medication.

21. Have you reported the matter to anyone else
Yes X No ___________
If yes, who (e g Police, lawyer, Public Protector)

The matter has been reported to the South African president, national police commissioner, national department of health and the medical research council. The matter has also been sent via email to head office of the South African Human Rights Council.

22. Were any steps taken by the person/association/organisation/organ of state to resolve the matter
Yes ___________ No X
If yes, please tell us what __________________________________________________

23. What outcome do you propose or expect from this complaint (tell us what you would like to achieve with this complaint and the relief sought)

I would like to exercise my right to choose to cultivate and consume dagga to my own accord. …read more    

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