Some immediate reform of dagga laws should be considered while goverment "resear…

Some immediate reform of dagga laws should be considered while goverment “researches” the medical applications and implications of legal dagga. Why not make it illegal to buy & sell dagga but have no restriction on the personal use and possession by adults. Free dagga, protect children and cut criminal funding immediately. – The common city stoner

I am all for this but the only problem is some otherwise law abiding peddlers will lose out on their only source of income but we also need to understand that there is some very poor quality weed being pushed on with mildew and other health risky contamination and badly flushed and uncured not fit for medical or internal use. – The community conscious stoner.

Man I just want to smoke my weed and have a world at peace. Just act now and make some change happen. Demand for immediate law reform we can’t make criminals of law abiding citizens for another two years waiting for government to redo the research already in the public domain. – The average stoner

Come on Government Weed needs law reform todat. …read more    

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