FROM JEREMY ACTON, Leader of Iqela Lentsango: The Dagga Party of South Africa:…

FROM JEREMY ACTON, Leader of Iqela Lentsango: The Dagga Party of South Africa:

Fellow citizens, and members of the Dagga Party.

We are now a nationally registered political party. We have submitted a list of 25 candidates for election to the National Legislature.

HOWEVER, a deadline looms on Monday 24 March , 17h00, by which time we must submit a cheque for R200 000 (two hundred thousand Rand) to the IEC at the IEC headquarters, or we are not going to be in the elections.

I have written to many Cannabis activists and Cannabis celebrities around the world for assistance but so far we have received no assistance. We had one earlier overseas offer for the payment of the deposit, but unfortunately the huge amount required meant that the donor was not able to match the exorbitant amount.

The Dagga Party account is as follows:
Bank: Capitec
Account holder: Dagga Party SA
Account Number 1375465676
Branch Code: 470010

Unless a miracle happens due to outside help, we must either raise R200 000 over THIS WEEKEND, or we will have to forego our presence in Elections 2014, and instead concentrate on building our communities, our network and our abilities to tackle Local Elections in 2016.

I now place this matter in the hands of the Most High.

Jeremy Acton
Iqela Lentsango: The Dagga Party of South Africa …read more    

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