We need GM-Free Zones in South Africa. Garden Route, Cape Town & Durban for star…

We need GM-Free Zones in South Africa. Garden Route, Cape Town & Durban for starters. There is no legislation for this, so it would be pioneer work:

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BREAKING NEWS: The French Agricultural Ministry has banned the sale, use and cultivation of Monsanto's MON810 GMO Bt toxic corn before the spring planting season begins. MON810 is the only variety of GMO corn approved for cultivation in the European Union. The French government maintains that GM crops present environmental risks. Not to mention the human health risks associated with genetically modified corn that was engineered in a lab by a chemical company that forced synthetic genes from unrelated species, viruses, bacteria and antibiotic resistant markers into its DNA, causing it to be able to withstand heavy dousing with toxic herbicides and to produce pesticides from inside every cell of the plant, which enable it to kill insects when they bite into it… and with no independent long term toxicity testing to prove it is safe.

READ: http://sustainablepulse.com/2014/02/05/france-launches-law-ban-cultivation-gm-maize/#.UyUGm61dWqQ

READ: http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/03/15/france-monsanto-idUSL6N0MC0BR20140315

#France #GMO #MON810 #GMOBan #EU #GMOFreeFrance #GMOFreeCanada #GMOFreeUSA — with Rick Duarte. …read more    

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