It's not about the dope- it's about EQUALITY…. "The case itself, which is bein…

It’s not about the dope- it’s about EQUALITY….
“The case itself, which is being pursued by Julian Stobbs and Myrtle Clarke (a.k.a., the ‘Dagga Couple’) through ‘Fields of Green for ALL’, is developing serious and convincing legal arguments for full decriminalisation that are focused on the equality clause [Section9(1)] of the Constitution”

Equality at the Heart of an Increasingly Popular Struggle to Decriminalise Dagga
Recently there have been ever-expanding moves across the globe to legalise various uses of dagga. Uruguay has just become the first country to completely legalise both production and consumption while in many of the states in America dagga has been legalised in one form or another. Various levels of… …read more    

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