Monthly Archives: February 2014

A Radio Sonder Grense medical marijuana poll is currently sitting at 77% in favo…

A Radio Sonder Grense medical marijuana poll is currently sitting at 77% in favour of decriminalisation.
Please take the time and vote. The more we all show up on these polls and have our say the better.
You’ll find it half way down the home page.

RSG – Dis die een! || Tuisblad
The South African Broadcasting Corporation is a public service and commercial broadcasting organisation. The SABCรข€™s core business is to deliver a variety of high quality programmes and services through television, radio and new media platforms that informs, educates, entertains and supports the pu… …read more    

This excellent article is from charitable think tank Transform on the subject o…

This excellent article is from charitable think tank
Cannabis tourism: a cause for concern? | Transform: Getting Drugs Under Control
Submitted by: kate thompsonPost Date: 17th Feb 2014According to reports, Colorado is experiencing a boost in tourism as a result of its decision to legally regulate cannabis for non-medical use. A number of companies have even begun offering ‘cannabis tours’ for those interested in seeing the state’… …read more    

Excellent position paper compiled by the South Africa Cannabis Working Group (which includes our very own NORML SOUTH AFRICA)…… โ€œIt could be said that the reasons in forming the foundation of apartheid law and the prohibition of cannabis were almost identical… While apartheid laws sought to keep specific kinds of people in specific social environments minimizing contact between groups, the laws against cannabis…served to protect the white population in circumstances where such interaction was unavoidable.โ€

South African National Cannabis Working Group

Cannabis Position Paper 2013 …read more    

and Part 2, if anyone has any more news, you're welcome to comment:

and Part 2, if anyone has any more news, you’re welcome to comment:

Timeline Photos
… The old ANC aunty almost pointed out that without solid science the source of high incidence of unknown ill health, giving herself as an example (allergies), cannot be established, but her comic-tragic delivery had the five govt departments in stitches. Then she rambled on for a while about the ‘youth of today’.

**Petition here:**

Before Haidee presentation was completed, Dept of Ag, Forestry & Fisheries (DAFF) + Science ‘n Tech, Health + Environment + Trade’ n Industry, were gorging themselves loudly on the fresh fruit, yogurt, croissants, grapetiser, bottled water and other nibblies available. Their attitude was ‘it’s a done deal, and we will not be persuaded otherwise.’

The chair asked that DAFF supply the full scientific ‘Monsanto’ studies to the ACB, after some erm-ing & ahh-ing, then re-hashing the Seralini retraction affair, he pounced on “we’ve been legally advised not to disclose these reports” going on to explain that it’s in the interest of protecting the scientists identities. Protection from whom?!?

Dept. Health stuck to their party line that toxicity levels were well within the acceptable range. “Regulatory process is robust and sufficient!” Unfortunately there’s only been one independent study by SANBI (SA National Bio institute) in 13 years. Non-mandatory testing by the producer is limited to 90 days feeding trials.

No-one seems to be willing to rectify or acknowledge this situation in SA. Compared to approving medical drugs which has a much more stringent testing regime. These gmo’s are not proven safe even by the regulatory bodies of USAmerica, where the rest of the world looks to for product approval. Where is the proof of safety and who supplied this information to our Dept Health? Why has it not been made publicly accessible?

A last earwig for you; USDA, FDA & EPA in the USA rely on safety assessments by companies on their own products, self regulating industries, and the rest of the world looks to USA for stamp of approval.

In conclusion, the chair stated he would make recommendations to have public hearings in all provinces and would advise the incoming legislation to address the matter, effectively passing the buck and moving on to greener pastures.

**Petition here:**

#GMOBan #bangmos #gmo #gmofoods #labelfood #nogmo #marchagainstmonsanto #monsanto #marchMay24 #SAnews …read more    

Part 1:

Part 1:

Timeline Photos
Haidee Swanby (*ACB) laid out the facts in parliament with a well thought out on-screen presentation. Simple and easy to understand. The committee chair, Mr Mlungisi Johnson, said that the presentation was heavily Sciency and technical. He stumbled through summarising *@[161554073887929:274:African Centre for Biosafety]’s proposals and didn’t seem comfortable with the terminology.

How long has he been sitting on this, it is the 2nd parliamentary hearing on GMOs, should he not be familiar with the basics by now?

**Petition here:**

Even though it was open to the public, videotaping (in a private capacity) was stopped before the gov depts could do their summarized responses. Told off that "only press & house recordings allowed". The chair welcomed Abram Salamuddi, who’d arrived late, back to parliament after his bout of illness.

The diabetic 70 year old pointed out that he’d “never contracted any harm from my two bowls of pap a week”. He later criticized all departments present for not conducting their own studies, leaving a loop-hole for pro-gmo biotech to come along with their own studies saying that it is safe. He was very supportive of biotech giants and GMOs, especially in the realm of profit above all in the name of capitalist enterprise.

ACDP’s Cheryllyn Dudley brought up the futility of labeling in our current situation. Stating that it would be pointless to label if there are no facilities to test actual pesticide content. That the homogenizing nature of our mills (where gmo & non-gmo are stored and mixed up willy-nilly) adds to this labelling issue. She also questioned the fact that 2,4-D (repackaged Agent Orange) is officially banned or resticted in parts of SA, but now government is entertaining importing these crops for food & feed!!

Please be aware; 2,4-D is is cytotoxic, mutagenic and is linked to leukemia & cancers.

Haidee pointed out that SA had lost a huge tender to export non-gmo because we couldn’t deliver, and restated the fact that there are only ten companies in control of our entire maize refining process (seed sales through to milling) and asserted that SA Breweries uses non-gm.

Salmuddi and Dept Forestry and Fishing said that there were small mills, but neither specified that these were not local branches of biotech companies trading as independent contractors. Is there a record of these independent millers? Therefore there is production capacity available for non-gmo. Salmuddi suggesting that government should look into expanding this area.

Please note; commodity approvals for import of 2,4-D crops have been granted in Australia, New Zealand, Japan & South Africa, yet there are no approvals for cultivation anywhere in the world!
…continue onto Part2

**Petition here:**

#GMOBan #bangmos #gmo #gmofoods #labelfood #nogmo #marchagainstmonsanto #monsanto #marchMay24 #SAnews …read more    

Had a good laugh at this (y)

Had a good laugh at this (y)

Monsanto Develops Hardier Strain Of Corn That Yields 4 Times Normal Litigation
ST. LOUIS—Agricultural biotech giant Monsanto unveiled its latest strain of genetically modified corn Wednesday, claiming that the new, hardier seed yields 400 percent more litigation against small independent farms than the company’s previous… …read more    

Doesn't this just make your flessh crawl? Who the hell asked for these things? M…

Doesn’t this just make your flessh crawl? Who the hell asked for these things? Monsanto themselves create the demand, & the next thing you know, they’ve taken over every growing thing. And Really – in a world full of diabetes, who needs more sugar? Food is food – not a toy to be tinkered with.

Monsanto Is Going Organic in a Quest for the Perfect Veggie – Wired Science
Monsanto’s new veggies are sweeter, crunchier, and more nutritious—with none of the “Frankenfoods” ick factor. Nicholas Cope In a windowless basement room decorated with photographs of farmers clutching freshly harvested vegetables, three polo-shirt-and-slacks-clad Monsanto execu

A year ago for every stoner there where at least two cop out to get you. That ha…

A year ago for every stoner there where at least two cop out to get you. That has now gone up to six cops per stoner. No wonder dagga smokers get paranoid. The worst thing that can happen to a person from smoking dagga is getting arrested.

Photos of The Dagga Couple
Our brave police force: if 5 policemen (1 sergeant and 4 constables) arrest someone with 17 'stoppe' (and then find 4 plants), it's such a monumental achievement they get their picture in the paper. That's 3,4 stoppe per policeman or 1,25 policeman per plant or 5 policemen per person to be famous. …read more    

We're becoming more and more speechless with this charade. This must be national…

We’re becoming more and more speechless with this charade. This must be national policy from the highest level. It’s everywhere.

Photos of The Dagga Couple
Our brave police force: if 5 policemen (1 sergeant and 4 constables) arrest someone with 17 'stoppe' (and then find 4 plants), it's such a monumental achievement they get their picture in the paper. That's 3,4 stoppe per policeman or 1,25 policeman per plant or 5 policemen per person to be famous. …read more    

Police Chief Cites Satirical Story On Marijuana Deaths As Evidence For Weed Ban ___________________________________________________ โ€œThe first day of legalization, thatโ€™s when Colorado experienced 37 deaths that day from overdose on marijuana,โ€ Police Chief Pristoop said during a testimony at a Maryland Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee hearing Tuesday. Sen. Jamie Raskin, who has proposed a bill that would legalize recreational pot, responded with an immediate correction: โ€œUnless you have some other source for this, Iโ€™m afraid Iโ€™ve got to spoil the party here, but your assertion that 37 people died of a marijuana overdose in Colorado was a hoax on the Daily Currant and the Comedy Central website.โ€ Pristoop was referencing a story written by the Daily Currant, a satirical website, which was titled โ€œMarijuana Overdoses Kill 37 in Colorado On First Day of Legalizationโ€ and was widely shared on Facebook.

Police Chief Cites Satirical Story On Marijuana Deaths As Evidence For Weed Ban

Testifying against a bill in Maryland to legalize marijuana, Annapolis Police Chief Michael Pristoop cited a hoax story that claimed 37 people died the first day marijuana was legalized in Colorado. …read more    

Africa must see the writing on the wall at the end of the GMO road – this is the…

Africa must see the writing on the wall at the end of the GMO road – this is the result and no-one escapes.

Timeline Photos
GMO agriculture is devastating Filipino farmers and they've made a video to share their stories. Monsanto gets them hooked and after a few years, they double their prices. Farmers are forced to take out loans to cover the cost of the seeds and chemicals. If the farmers can't pay their debts, their cattle and land are confiscated. Their farmland is depleted, their bank accounts are depleted and they can't eat what they grow because it makes them sick. With a lack of availability of conventional corn seed, what are these farmers to do?


#Philippines #GMO #GMOcorn #corn #usury #labelGMOs #NeedToKnowGMO #freedom2chooz #gmofreePhilippines #gmofreecanada #gmofreeusa — with Maritza Helfer Carcamo. …read more    

Good – challenge these eco-criminals on every front.

Good – challenge these eco-criminals on every front.

Timeline Photos
It's on! Lawyers for the Environmental Defenders Office of Queensland just lodged the paperwork, and the case to save the Reef – funded by 16,000 GetUp members – is officially on its way to the courts. Thank you!

Our tremendous respect and gratitude also goes out to the North Queensland Conservation Council, whom the Queensland EDO are representing in this landmark case.

Share this link with friends who might like to support the campaign to protect the Reef: …read more    

Brilliant Articles by South Africans Glenn Ashton – "Roundup is toxic" – and Mar…

Brilliant Articles by South Africans Glenn Ashton – “Roundup is toxic” – and Mark Wells – “Multiple studies show Roundup toxicity” – challenging Hans (Wors) Lombard’s dangerously misleading letter “Herbicide safe for the soil”. Published by the
iBloga – Multiple Studies Show that Monsanto’s Roundup is Toxic
Monsanto, one of the most unethical corporations.. Post your photos or images and blog about them. Make articles, build a journal, create a group and invite others, create a community around you and your life. This is about SHARING, your opinions, your ideas, your trips, your hobbies, your interests… …read more    

To decarb or not; that is the question and also rule of thumb when deciding to g…

To decarb or not; that is the question and also rule of thumb when deciding to give medical dagga to children.

First of all get to know your Cannabinoids.

THCA is not active THC.

You can think of THCA as the raw plant. It does not give a high if you eat it as a salad or juice the leafs and buds.

It’s only when THCA is heated or burned that it’s converted to THC and becomes active.

I have made a non decarboxylated tincture before and I can tell you nobody will be running around goofed off their heads from THCA.

Vegetable glycerine tinctures are great substitute for alcohol based tinctures.

You need to combine at least a trinity of strains for a SUPER medicine, the more the merrier the saying goes.

If one understand the basics of cannabis, which should be mandatory part of education any person could potentially utilize high THCA content cannabis with high ratio CBDA (Which is the precursor of CBD like wise THCA is the precursor to THC) strains, without the psycho-active effects.

The basic rule of thumb would be decide if you require active or non active cannabinoids and then follow or ignore decarboxylation instructions in any recipe whether it’s tinctures or oil or edibles or alternatively 50/50 active to non active for a much broader spectrum of cannabinoids…

I would also like to point out, although I have not had personal experience, there are children with serious terminal life hindering diseases or conditions where the active cannabinoids make life altering improvements.

Also being high is not about being goofed off. At least it’s not my experience. It frees my mind from mental slavery. It’s a medicine for my mind, for the brain & for the soul.

Also I do not condone dagga use by children but as other activist pointed out. Older kids rebel and they will be enticed by prohibition to try dagga or even drink alcohol and smoke tobacco.

While dagga is illegal children have easier access to dagga.

“Would you rather have you kids buy dagga from a stranger or give adults their right to choose dagga over alcohol and tobacco and buy from a responsible “dispensary” or Smart Shop where regulation controls and restrict the sale of dagga to minors like with alcohol.” – Buzz

Being high
is being responsible ~ MickeyD …read more    

Add your comment to the Medical Dagga bill. Liberate the herb.

Add your comment to the Medical Dagga bill. Liberate the herb.

The Dagga Couple
This is a status update from Dr Mario Ambrosini Dear Friends and Foes: Following on the presentation of my Medical Innovation Bill I received an avalanche of messages of support as well as some criticism, both on Facebook and by email and telephone messages. I am very humbled and touched by all this. However, on account of my limited energy I am just not in the position of answering all such messages. What is essential is that anyone with something to say does not say it to me but expresses his or her view as a comment on my Bill by writing to with cc to It is essential that as many comments as possible be sent and that everyone commenting requests the opportunity to be heard by the Portfolio Committee of Parliament at a public hearing. We need to be sure that public hearings be held so that the voice of the people is heard in Parliament. Otherwise it will become easy to kill my Bill and ignore the issue. The deadline is tight. Comments must be in by 21st of March, the vernal of equinox. Therefore, let us waste no time, let us mobilize, let us the voice of people, the voice of common sense, the voice of reason be heard once more. IT IS IMPERATIVE YOU ALL MOBILISE AND WRITE YOUR COMMENTS TO THE ABOVE EMAIL ADDRESSES. THIS BILL WILL SURELY DIE OTHERWISE. THE TIME IS NOW, THE TIME IS RIGHT AND YOU ARE THE CHANGE YOU’VE BEEN WAITING FOR……… Please share this post far and wide. …read more    

This is a status update from Dr Mario Ambrosini Dear Friends and Foes: Followin…

This is a status update from Dr Mario Ambrosini

Dear Friends and Foes:
Following on the presentation of my Medical Innovation Bill I received an avalanche of messages of support as well as some criticism, both on Facebook and by email and telephone messages. I am very humbled and touched by all this. However, on account of my limited energy I am just not in the position of answering all such messages.
What is essential is that anyone with something to say does not say it to me but expresses his or her view as a comment on my Bill by writing to with cc to It is essential that as many comments as possible be sent and that everyone commenting requests the opportunity to be heard by the Portfolio Committee of Parliament at a public hearing. We need to be sure that public hearings be held so that the voice of the people is heard in Parliament. Otherwise it will become easy to kill my Bill and ignore the issue. The deadline is tight. Comments must be in by 21st of March, the vernal of equinox.
Therefore, let us waste no time, let us mobilize, let us the voice of people, the voice of common sense, the voice of reason be heard once more.

Please share this post far and wide. …read more    

A man is dining in a fancy restaurant and there is a gorgeous redhead sitting at…

A man is dining in a fancy
restaurant and there is a
gorgeous redhead sitting at
the next table.
He has been checking her
out since he sat down, but
lacks the nerve to talk with
her. Suddenly, she sneezes
and her glass eye comes
flying out of its socket
towards the man.
He reflexively reaches out,
grabs it out of the air, and
hands it back.
“Oh my, I am so sorry,” the
woman says as she pops
her eye back in place. “Let
me buy your dinner to make
it up to you,” she says.
They enjoy a wonderful
dinner together, and
afterwards the theater
followed by drinks. They
talk, they laugh, she shares
her deepest dreams and he
shares his.
After paying for everything,
she asks him if he would
like to come to her place
for a nightcap ……… and
stay for breakfast.
The next morning, she
cooks a gourmet meal with
all the trimmings. The guy
is amazed!! Everything had
been SO incredible!!!! “You
know,” he said, “you are the
perfect woman. Are you this
nice to every guy you
“No,” she replies, “You just
happened to catch my eye.” …read more    

More criminal negligence & dereliction of duty from the Environmental Protection…

More criminal negligence & dereliction of duty from the Environmental Protection Agency – WHY are taxpayers paying their salaries ?!?

EPA Approves Exemption for Bt Residues from GM Crops
The US EPA has approved unlimited genetically modified BT toxin residues in your food, with unknown health consequences — what’s next? …read more    

A new peer-reviewed study on Glyphosate has been published this month:

A new peer-reviewed study on Glyphosate has been published this month:

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Breaking New Study!: Dr Jayasumana: Roundup Has Destroyed Renal Tissues of Thousands of Farmers:
#Roundup #Farmers #GMOs #Glyphosate …read more    

A recent new study shows that Cannabinoids improve the efficiency of Mitochondri…

A recent new study shows that Cannabinoids improve the efficiency of Mitochondria and remove damaged brain cells.

New Study Shows Cannabinoids Improve Efficiency Of Mitochondria And Remove Damaged Brain Cells
A recent study conducted by Andras Biokei-Gorzo at the Institute of Molecular Psychiatry at the University of Bonn in Germany is suggesting that marijuana(or the activation of the brain’s cannabinoid system) triggers the release of antioxidants, which act as a cleansing mechanism. This process is kn… …read more    

According to this German study, cannabis is deadly, and people have died from us…

According to this German study, cannabis is deadly, and people have died from using the plant.
The report was released a week or so ago; we’ve been keeping an eye on it and now the study has come in for some flak:

Doctors criticized for ‘cannabis can kill’ study – The Local
UPDATE: German researchers who claimed in a study that cannabis can be deadly have faced criticism for exaggerating the dangers of marijuana. …read more    

So this is what we have so far on the parliamentary meeting today, with thanks t…

So this is what we have so far on the parliamentary meeting today, with thanks to Brent Hill for updates :-

Today was interesting. Here’s a very brief rundown but will add something more substantial soon.
*African Centre for Biosafety presented its case, providing scientific data and research.
*An old aunty from the ANC presented her concerns about GMOs.
*An old man in the state structure called Braam said that he eats GMO food everyday, has diabetes and is totally healthy.
*Trade and Industry said that labeling was important.
*Department of Forestry and Fishing said that too many were talking about scientific data which was retracted, despite the fact that the data presented by ACB was never retracted and didn’t provide his own data which was not retracted.
*The Health Department said that their studies showed GMO in our food to be within the legal permissible range, and didn’t provide info on their studies conducted to prove that GMOs are unhealthy or that GMOs are healthy.
*The Department of Science and Technology echoed the Department of Forestry and Fishing, and added that they followed stringent procedures to ensure the safety of Agent Orange Maize, without providing information as to what stringent procedures they were following to ensure the safety of Agent Orange in our crops, when it was used in the deforestation of Vietnam to make the Viet Cong visible.

*Haidee reiterated scientific information and cleared up any confusion which may have occurred on what she said.
*The Monsanto Guy said we shouldn’t focus on the risk and hazard too much. The only valid information he provided was that he should provide more information.
*The guy from AfriBio told a beautiful fairytale about a starving dog which was dying before biotech companies came along, waved a magic wand, and now the dog lives happily ever after…something irrelevant like that.
He used data from the Jurassic age which claims that planting of GMO crops result in increased yield, despite recent peer-reviewed studies to the contrary.

The Centre for Integrated Research on Biosafety- Centre for Integrated Research on Biosafety -…
In a recent peer-reviewed publication, we looked at yield and pesticide use trends in staple crops from two similar modern agroecosystems, North America (US and Canada) and Western Europe (region defined by FAOSTAT). …read more    

Waiting for updates on the parliamentary hearing ~

Waiting for updates on the parliamentary hearing ~

African Centre for Biosafety
News from parliament-industry came there with four people; Hans Lombard, the head of Africbio, a small scale farmer and the American attachรฉ. go figure. We gave a good presentation on all the issues. it is still underway. our team are there now in this pit of vipers. …read more    

"with a street value of….." how comes the newspapers love that phrase? it's as…

“with a street value of…..” how comes the newspapers love that phrase? it’s as if the real crime were making informal money.
The picture of this “huge” bust doesn’t really do the “huge” bust justice and if you do the ‘with a street value’ maths kg for kg – this zol was valued at +/- R350/kg.
Sounds like a bargain to us, but it looks like there is laaank pips……

Randfontein police make huge dagga bust
Police made the bust after a tip-off from a community member. …read more    

Thank you Alex for sharing this event with us. We certainly support this initiat…

Thank you Alex for sharing this event with us. We certainly support this initiative ~

Cover photos
Water is life. It is all about Water. On March 22nd, let's unify our collective intention here on Earth, Gaia to restore balance and reverence for the life giver, water. Without it, YOU would not be. At our world-wide rate of negligence, the poisoned water in your cells needs a collective will to heal.
The event is a date & and intention. Anything more than that is up to you. I ask, invite your friends please:

Feel free to tag yourself in the graphic if this is something you truly care about. Apologies if I tagged you and you don't approve – I thought you would. My bad. ๐Ÿ™‚ This is our opportunity to as a species, truly put our collective intention towards something real and something of infinite importance – we have never had the means to focus us all in one moment on one thing like we can today. Working to connect US to what connects EVERYTHING – Water … gratitude. — with Louise Cottreau and 20 others. …read more    

Refuse to accept the propaganda of government and their inability to distinguish…

Refuse to accept the propaganda of government and their inability to distinguish medical patients from criminals and the ignorance they use to protect the profits being made on prosecuting, jailing, housing daggafarians and the budgets to keep dagga illegal.

They know it’s medicine, it’s food, it’s fuel, it’s clothing, its building material.

Dagga prohibition was never drafted to protect people. It’s an excuse for the genocide & incarceration of a minority.

As a fellow Daggafarian said dagga cures cancer not spelling problems. ๐Ÿ˜› …read more    

We Love the way Paul Stamets just pours out the facts, a mile a minute, he's jus…

We Love the way Paul Stamets just pours out the facts, a mile a minute, he’s just got so much to share!

6 ways mushrooms can save the world
Mycologist Paul Stamets lists 6 ways the mycelium fungus can help save the universe: cleaning polluted soil, making insecticides, treating smallpox and even flu … Read more. …read more    

Be Savvy, South Africa! Vote with your money ~ support our local good People, no…

Be Savvy, South Africa! Vote with your money ~ support our local good People, not the GMO Industry ๐Ÿ™‚

South Africa Deltasaad Maize Bred to suit all kinds of Climates in SA, for Commercial & smaller Crops: (100% uncontaminated, gmo-free) Contact Willie Visser Marketing Manager …read more    

Russian drugs boss rules out marijuana legalization; Poor Russia. The head of R…

Russian drugs boss rules out marijuana legalization; Poor Russia.

The head of Russia’s Federal Drug Control Service has called marijuana a dangerous gateway drug and said the authorities did not plan to legalize it, or to allow methadone treatment for heroin addicts.

“Marijuana users have a 50 or 60 times higher risk of switching to heroin. There is one step from dope to heroin,” Viktor Ivanov said in an interview with the Interfax news agency. Quoting unnamed medical research he said that those who smoke marijuana for recreational purposes later suffer from depression,dissatisfaction with life and schizophrenia.

Ivanov completely ruled out the possibility of legalizing marijuana in Russia, saying that such a move would put people in danger if it were used by air traffic controllers, bus and taxi drivers and the like.“Today we live in the age of high technology, a lot of things are managed with the help of computer systems. Someone who works at a nuclear power plant can wreak real havoc after smoking marijuana,” the official added.

The top Russian drug enforcer also questioned the effectiveness of modern measures taken to help drug addicts, such as methadone and handing out clean syringes. He said that there was no reliable evidence that methadone therapy was effective, and some European countries were disappointed with such programs. “If we want to hand out syringes we should do it in places with addicts, to prevent the spreading of diseases. If there are no addicts why would we give syringes to the people? Who would approve of people handing out syringes near his own home?” Ivanov told the agency.

Previously the head of the Russian drug enforcement agency opposed the legalization of soft drugs, both in Russia and in other countries. In December last year Ivanov said that Uruguay’s moves towards marijuana legalization was a mistake.

Russia has strict drug laws with no distinction between soft and hard drugs and lengthy prison sentences for dealing and trafficking. At the same time, addiction to drugs is not criminalized and treatment of addicts is strictly voluntary.

About 8.5 million Russians use drugs and psychoactive substances according to a government report published in mid-2013. However, the Health Ministry puts the number of drug addicts registered at specialist dispensaries at about 600,000.

Russian drugs boss rules out marijuana legalization
The head of Russia’s Federal Drug Control Service has called marijuana a dangerous gateway drug and said the authorities did not plan to legalize it, or to allow methadone treatment for heroin addicts. …read more    

Refuse to except the propaganda of government and their inability to distinguish…

Refuse to except the propaganda of government and their inability to distinguish medical patients from criminals and the ignorance they use to protect the profits being made on prosecuting, jailing, housing daggafarians and the budgets to keep dagga illegal.

They know it’s medicine, it’s food, it’s fuel, it’s clothing, its building material.

Dagga prohibition was never drafted to protect people. It’s an excuse for the genocide & incarceration of a minority. …read more    

Please visit Pam & Gary Hart & their Team at Hart Nursery in Cape Town. If you w…

Please visit Pam & Gary Hart & their Team at Hart Nursery in Cape Town. If you want eco-friendly alternatives to GMO seeds & toxic agro-chemicals, this is a good place to begin your journey ๐Ÿ™‚

Timeline Photos
Come and celebrate with us.

We would like every one in Cape Town to spread the word or make a note.
We will be celebrating our 21st birthday for 1 full month in March.(1st -31st)

All shrubs, trees, fruit trees, and indoor plants -less 20%
All accessories , pots, garden tools ,garden ornaments etc..are all less 10%
As the month progresses we will be posting lots, lots more on special.

Hope to see you all. …read more    

65 year old man arrested after small dagga garden was found in his yard in Chart…

65 year old man arrested after small dagga garden was found in his yard in Chartstone, Phoenix

How small do we need a microscope?

On Friday, 21 February, members of Phoenix SAPS, Phoenix SAPS Sector 6 Manager, Warrant Officer MZ Mthembu, Phoenix SAPS Sector 6 Commander Lieutenant Tania Pillay, Ward Councillor Bradley Singh, and Community Policing Forum(CPF) Sector 6 Chair for Ward 52 Dinesh Reddy converged on the house in Chartstone and found the dagga plants.

“We received a tip-off from community members informing us about dagga plants being grown in a backyard. We informed Phoenix SAPS via our sector manager W/O Mthembu and the raid was planned,” said Reddy.

Acting on the information supplied, the team of police officers and ward council members found about ten dagga plants, each about 2-meters tall, growing in the backyard of the house in Chartstone. The dagga plants were enclosed in a high fence and shielded from eyesight by plastic coverings all around them.

According to Reddy, after questioning, the suspect revealed more drugs that were hidden on his property. Reddy alleged that the suspect offered him a R400 bribe to let him go. With more questioning, the suspect revealed that he and his wife were using the marijuana for the treatment of their asthma. “But he could not give a proper account as to why there was so many plants on his property,” claimed Reddy.

Reddy also discovered remains of burnt dagga plants on the property. “From the residue of the burnt patches, it was evident that the suspects were harvesting the drugs and preparing them for sale to the public,” said Reddy.

The plants were removed and destroyed. “We salute the community members who were brave enough to inform us about this. We have a directive from our provincial commissioner Lieutenant General Betty Mmamonnye Ngobeni to take down drugs in KZN. We in Phoenix are serious about this,”said W/O Mthembu.

Councillor Bradley Singh said they will be clearing drug dens in Whetstone. “We are not afraid and we are going to clean up our town. Our people need to know that they can speak out
and we will hear their voices. We have been watching them cry all these years, now we are hearing their voices and we are acting on what they are saying. I want the people to know that if local authorities are not able to assist us, we are prepared to seek the assistance of our authorities to help us bring the drug dens in Phoenix down,” said Councillor Bradley Singh.

The 65-year old suspect was arrested and is awaiting his court appearance.

…read more    

Another dagga arrest at Port Shepstone bus rank Sgt Mduduzi Zimema from Port Sh…

Another dagga arrest at Port Shepstone bus rank

Sgt Mduduzi Zimema from Port Shepstone SAPS has arrested a 24-year old man at the Port Shepstone bus rank with 316,8 grams of dagga. The suspect is from the Oshabeni area. The suspect will appear in court tomorrow. Drug sellers and users often resort to other crimes such as robbery and house breaking and theft to sustain their drug habits.

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Motsoaledi must resign as he is not keen on decriminalising dagga Health Minist…

Motsoaledi must resign as he is not keen on decriminalising dagga

Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi has downplayed suggestions that dagga will be decriminalised for medical purposes.

Motsoaledi was responding to a call by Inkatha Freedom Party MP, Mario Ambrosini, in Parliament to legalise the drug for medicinal use. The IFP MP is suffering from lung cancer, but Motsoaledi says people shouldn’t get too excited.

The Minister says, “What I am noticing here is a wrong excitement by people believing that we are going to use a disease of one individual, the problem that one particular individual is facing, to start applying to everybody.”

Motsoaledi says the excitement also comes from even those not affected by a similar problem as Ambrosini.

What is new here is that it was raised in parliament, politically, not medically, by a very prominent member of parliament who spoke directly to the President and maybe that’s what is making people excited

Motsoaledi says he has passed the issue to the Medical Control Council and will come out to the public and say to outline issues at hand. “All I am saying is that it is being debated as if it has never happened before that human beings went to the MCC to ask permission for remedies that are otherwise not applicable in the country.”

“What is new here is that it was raised in parliament, politically, not medically, by a very prominent member of parliament who spoke directly to the President and maybe that’s what is making people excited.”

Ambrosini, who suffers from a rare form of lung cancer, has come out to say the National Health Insurance will not become viable unless Government allows for alternative cancer treatment. He claims he has benefited from a cannabis-based treatment, instead of undergoing the more conventional and expensive chemo-therapy. He told a news conference in Parliament that he intends introducing a private members Bill, aimed at decriminalising dagga for medical use.

SABC – Motsoaledi not keen on decriminalising dagga:Wednesday 26 February 2014
Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi has downplayed suggestions that dagga will be decriminalised for medical purposes. …read more    

Man caught with 435kg dagga estimated to be worth R2.1 million The 28-year-old…

Man caught with 435kg dagga estimated to be worth R2.1 million

The 28-year-old man who was arrested last week for possession of dagga worth R435000 will appear again in the Harrismith Magistrate’s Court tomorrow for a formal bail application.

The police spokesperson, Const Maselela Langa, said Nzuza was arrested for dealing in dagga and he first appeared in court last week on Friday.

He was remanded in custody.

Langa said Nzuza, who also had no driver’s licence, was arrested while driving a Toyota Hilux bakkie with a canopy and a GP registration on the N3 road between Harrismith and Warden last week on Thursday.

“After he was stopped, the police found 35 bags of dagga weighing 435kg in the back of the bakkie with a street value of R435000,” said Langa.

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