Monthly Archives: February 2014

Stoner story numero uno Break time at work today and I went n smoked you guys k…

Stoner story numero uno
Break time at work today and I went n smoked you guys know the whole kit and cabootle(excuse me my English dictionary doesn’t include this) and then it was on to BKs while driving back I unwrapped the straw and stupidly grabbed my lighter to light up a straw hmmmm am I the only one who’s done this.
Let me know if you guys want me to keep up the stoner stories.
-ze scientist. …read more    

Nebulizers: is it possible to nebulize cannabis oil. Is that a thing. I haven't…

Nebulizers: is it possible to nebulize cannabis oil. Is that a thing. I haven’t asked aunty Google yet. I do think it might be a beneficial method of applying cannabinoids in lung cancer cannabis patients. In conjunction with raw cannabis and ingesting the oil. Backyard cannabis research. Don’t let the MCC find out… …read more    

BAIL ME OUT, South Africa's first cannabis 'bust insurance' is going live tomorr…

BAIL ME OUT, South Africa’s first cannabis ‘bust insurance’ is going live tomorrow. By becoming a member of THE GREEN NETWORK’ at cannabis non profit organisation ‘Fields Of Green For ALL’ – you’ll get some bail peace of mind when you need it most.
Check it out……

‘Bail Me Out’ goes LIVE | The Dagga Couple
The Dagga Couple are proud to announce that South African cannabis non profit company Fields of Green for ALL have partnered with BailMeOut™. …read more    

Saffron Road, the food brand of American Halal Co., recipient of the prestigious…

Saffron Road, the food brand of American Halal Co., recipient of the prestigious ‘Best Halal Food Company in the World’ Award at the Global Islamic Economy Summit (GIES) in Dubai, U.A.E. in 2013, now has 15 Non-GMO Verified products available 🙂

Saffron Road Products Earn Non-GMO Project Verification
Frozen Entrées, Thai Basil Chili Tofu & Manchurian Dumplings as well as Simmer Sauces, Lemongrass Basil & Tikka Masala are Now Verified …read more    

"The apartheid regime was terrified of white people interacting with black peopl…

“The apartheid regime was terrified of white people interacting with black people, and saw cannabis as a dangerous enabler. They ensured it stayed prohibited, perceiving it as a “danger” to race relations.”

The war on dagga sobers up
The prohibition of cannabis now appears as regressive as the culture in which it was outlawed. …read more    

“What I am noticing here is a wrong excitement by people believing that we are g…

“What I am noticing here is a wrong excitement by people believing that we are going to use a disease of one individual, the problem that one particular individual is facing, to start applying to everybody…”

Minister of Health Downplays Cannabis Legalisation Speculation
Aaron Motsoaledi, South African Minister of Health, responded to a call by Minister of Health downplays legalisation speculationMember of Parliament Mario Ambrosini to legalise cannabis in South Africa for medicinal use. …read more    

Latest updates from the courtroom in Steve Marsh vs Baxter – as predicted, Monsa…

Latest updates from the courtroom in Steve Marsh vs Baxter – as predicted, Monsanto is challenging interpretations of the Organic Certification Standards.
If anyone is interested in the nitty gritty, you can find actual courtroom transcripts here:
Steve Marsh GMO Court Case Live on Sustainable Pulse
The GMO contamination of Steve Marsh’s organic farm in Western Australia has received worldwide attention over the past month under the hash tag #IamSteveMarsh . The WA Supreme Court has started hearing the case today! Marsh, an organic farmer from Kojonup, south of Perth, lost organic certification… …read more    

The war on dagga sobers up The apartheid regime was terrified of white people i…

The war on dagga sobers up

The apartheid regime was terrified of white people interacting with black people, and saw cannabis as a dangerous enabler. They ensured it stayed prohibited, perceiving it as a “danger” to race relations.

It has not always been considered off limits in South Africa. In Basotho tradition, cannabis has long been used to ease childbirth – an appreciation for its analgesic properties shared by many civilisations around the world.

Queen Victoria was prescribed cannabis to ease her menstrual cramps, and her physician wrote in the medical journal The Lancet: “When pure and administered carefully, it is one of the most valuable medicines we possess.”

A Chinese medical book from 2737 BC said cannabis treated gout, constipation, rheumatism and absent-mindedness. Shamans in the Middle East would burn it to enter a trance state, which led to them being called “those who walk on smoke”. Pipes dug up in William Shakespeare’s backyard were found to have traces of cannabis.

The arrival of Dutch settlers limited consumption in South Africa. Cannabis sativa

Not your every day gardening: Uprooting for the sake of the community? Members…

Not your every day gardening: Uprooting for the sake of the community?

Members of the Primrose police and the Crime Prevention Youth Desk recently organised an anti-drug operation in the Makause informal settlement.

The operation, lead by Capt Patricia Fakude, was organised at the urging of the Youth Desk.

During the operation, that took place on February 22, several dagga plants were uprooted and confiscated.

“Capt Fakude is impressed with the Youth Desk’s determination.

“This operation and future operations, of the same nature, will help in the fight against drugs,” said Sgt Styles Maome, communications officer for the Primrose police.

…read more    

Why am I not surprised!

Why am I not surprised!

Celeb Bono Partners with Monsanto, G8, to Biowreck Africa
Last year, at the G8 Summit held at Camp David, President Obama met with private industry and African heads of state to launch the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition, a euphemism for monocultured, genetically modified crops and toxic agrochemicals aimed at making poor farmers debt slaves t… …read more    

This is not the daggafarian way. Because there are evil people in the world that…

This is not the daggafarian way. Because there are evil people in the world that use dagga don’t judge all dagga users as rubbish.

Giving alcohol to a baby is wrong. Blowing a toddler with dagga smoke is wrong.

Not even daggafarians will stand for this. >>>

CALITZDORP. – Sy is maar net drie jaar oud, maar haar familie maak haar dronk en laat haar dagga inasem.

Die kind se ma, Katriena Dulman, het dit skaam-skaam aan Son erken.

Sy vertel: “Dit was ‘n familielid wat dit aan haar gedoen het toe ek nie by die huis was nie.

“Sy het dit al met my ander kinders ook gedoen.

“Ek soek haar nie meer by my plek nie.”

Nog erger is dat die pa glo dagga by die kind se mond ingeblaas en haar neus en mond toegedruk het.

Hierop sê Katriena, wie se hande en arms vol snymerke is: “Hy het ons aangerand.

“Dan blaas hy dagga in die kind se mond en hou haar mond dan toe.

“Sy het toe skeef getrek, maar ek het hom gelos.

“Dis mos nie reg dat hy my so aangerand het en dan sulke gemors met die kind aanvang nie.”

Son het gesien die kind het sere onder haar neus en rondom haar mond. “Dis ‘n kiem of virus wat die kind het,” het die ma toe verduidelik.

Almal in die huis was onder die invloed van drank.

Eunice Strydom, hoof van die Afrikaanse Christelike Vroue-vereniging (ACVV), het onderneem om ‘n maatskaplike werker na die huis te stuur om die kind se omstandighede te gaan ondersoek.

Die Son – driejarige meisie dronk gemaak met drank en dope
Son het gesien die kind het sere onder haar neus en rondom haar mond. “Dis ‘n kiem of virus wat die kind het,” het die ma toe verduidelik. …read more    

@Huisgenoot says the cause of alzimers is related to dagga and repost the German…

@Huisgenoot says the cause of alzimers is related to dagga and repost the German propaganda that dagga causes heart attacks. SIES!

Die afgelope tyd is daar dikwels berig oor die wettiging van dagga. Party wil dit net gewettig hê vir medisinale doeleindes, in die vorm van ‘n vloeistof wat pasiënte drink, terwyl ander wil hê die regering moet ook die sosiale rook daarvan wettig.

In ‘n onlangse studie aan die Universiteitshospitaal van Düsseldorf het wetenskaplikes bevind jy kan jou lewe kortknip wanneer jy dagga rook. Hulle sê die daggawalms kan jou hart óf te vinnig óf te stadig laat klop en gevolglik gaan staan dit heeltemal.

Dié sogenaamde hart-aritmie word volgens die navorsers veroorsaak deur dagga, aangesien die pasiënte kort voor hul dood die dwelm gerook het en nog nooit voorheen enige hartprobleme gehad het nie.

Verskeie studies het al ‘n verband bewys tussen dagga en Alzheimer se siekte, depressie en skisofrenie.

Dagga kan jou doodmaak
Die afgelope tyd is daar dikwels berig oor die wettiging van dagga. Ons bekyk die gevare daarvan. …read more    

If you haven't yet done so, please visit the Radio RSG decriminalisation poll an…

If you haven’t yet done so, please visit the
RSG – Dis die een! || Tuisblad
The South African Broadcasting Corporation is a public service and commercial broadcasting organisation. The SABC’s core business is to deliver a variety of high quality programmes and services through television, radio and new media platforms that informs, educates, entertains and supports the pu… …read more    

Rihanna, Usher, and Justin Bieber were walking over a bridge. Rihanna trips and…

Rihanna, Usher, and Justin
Bieber were walking over a
Rihanna trips and gets her
head jammed between the
Without a sideways glance,
Usher pulls aside her G-
string and fucks her
senseless !
He stands back and tells
Justin “Your turn!”
Justin bursts out into tears.
“What’s wrong? asks Usher.
Justin sobs, “My head won’t
fit into the railings.! …read more    

A woman in her forties went to a plastic surgeon for a face-lift… The surgeon…

A woman in her forties went
to a plastic surgeon for a
The surgeon told her about
a new procedure called “The
Knob,” where a small knob
is placed on the back of a
woman’s head and can be
turned to tighten up her
skin to produce the effect
of a brand new face lift.
Of course, the woman
wanted “The Knob.”
Over the course of the
years, the woman tightened
the knob, and the effects
were wonderful — the
woman remained young
looking and vibrant.
After fifteen years, the
woman returned to the
surgeon with two problems.
“All these years, everything
has been working just fine.
I’ve had to turn the knob
and I’ve always loved the
results. But now I’ve
developed two annoying
“First, I have these terrible
bags under my eyes and the
knob won’t get rid of
The doctor looked at her
closely and said, “Those
aren’t bags, those are your
She said, “No point asking
about the beard then…… …read more    

Audio log 266-58 Hello my dear patients some of you may have already met me some…

Audio log 266-58
Hello my dear patients some of you may have already met me some of you may have not my name is ze scientist and here is my little bio my little test subjects. I began experimenting cannabis approximately 15 or 16 years of age and I was born in Michigan still live here in fact but I will not disclose the location of my laboratory. And I will not disclose my age. And I am in fact an animal lover. And for the record I know my truck has high oil pressure that’s not a problem I am a mechanic in real life so that will be fixed soon. Btw if you stonas were wondering I drive a 03 tahoe z71 ex undercover cop truck.

…read more    

DBreaking The Silence:BE the WAVE

Three Degrees out of Phase: BE the WAVE By D, Removing the Shackles, published on February 27, 2014 All things have their own measurable frequency, including ourselves. We automatically gravitate to the frequencies that we are most comfortable with, guided by our internal oscilloscope which tells us, consciously or unconsciously,what resonates with our …read more    

DuH! Taxing the rich won't hurt the economy! Just make sure you get all their "p…

DuH! Taxing the rich won’t hurt the economy! Just make sure you get all their “philanthropic” foundations & offshore accounts. Coz if they weren’t so busy plundering developing countries, they wouldn’t be so filthy rich in the first place. Just sayin’…

IMF says taxing super rich can boost economic growth
A new International Monetary Fund study has found that taxing the super wealthy doesn’t stunt the economic growth of a country, and that redistribution can actually spur gross domestic product. …read more    

Can you believe this? Americans are in a tooth & nail battle for GMO labelling,…

Can you believe this? Americans are in a tooth & nail battle for GMO labelling, and their First Lady gives them… Info on Calories? This is not what people want, Lady. We want to know about laboratory synthetic non-nutritional chemical additives & GMO CONTENT! But thanks for the distraction…

US plans sweeping food label changes
First Lady Michelle Obama is to unveil plans for the most sweeping overhaul of nutrition labels on US food packages in more than two decades. …read more    

Whaaaat?!? Have we got GMOs in our National Parks? :O

Whaaaat?!? Have we got GMOs in our National Parks? :O

Petition Seeks Nationwide Refuge Ban of GE Crops and Neonicotinoid Pesticides
Beyond Pesticides joined Center for Food Safety (CFS), Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER), and Center for Biological Diversityearlier this week in filing a formal petition for rulemaking with the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI). The petition demands that the U.S. Fish and… …read more    

He Dongxian, Assoc. Prof. at China Agricultural University: "Almost every farm i…

He Dongxian, Assoc. Prof. at China Agricultural University: “Almost every farm is caught in a smog panic.” The smog is blocking photosynthesis resulting in poor seedling quality which will have a severe effect on agricultural output this year.

Scientists liken Chinese smog to ‘nuclear winter’
Air pollution in parts of China is now so extreme it could lead to conditions similar to a “nuclear winter,” scientists say. The smog that covers the country has become so thick it is impeding photosynthesis, potentially disrupting China’s food supply. …read more    

"Growing your own food is like printing your own money!" Ron Finley, The Guerill…

“Growing your own food is like printing your own money!” Ron Finley, The Guerilla Gardener of South LA

Ron Finley: The Guerilla Gardener of South Central LA – Organic Connections
Ron Finley plants vegetable gardens in South Central LA—in abandoned lots, traffic medians, along the curbs. …read more    

Toxins are sneaky – you can't see 'em – but they're everywhere. Protect your you…

Toxins are sneaky – you can’t see ’em – but they’re everywhere. Protect your young ones – Go Organic.

Timeline Photos
Babies, toddlers and kids are more vulnerable than adults to pesticide exposure. Young digestive tracts absorb toxins more readily than adults’, and young kidneys don’t detoxify as efficiently as adult kidneys. As a result, toxins circulate longer in babies’ bodies, boosting exposure to four times that of adults. Learn more here:

#Pesticides #HumanHealth #MomApproved #HealthyChild …read more    

Read your labels, Folks! Never mind eating your hat, it could be the exercise mat!

Read your labels, Folks! Never mind eating your hat, it could be the exercise mat!

Hundreds of foods in U.S. contain ‘ADA’ plastics chemical: report
(Reuters) – Nearly 500 foods found on grocery store shelves in the United States, including many foods labeled as “healthy,” contain a potentially hazardous industrial plastics chemical, according… …read more    

“We can't be afraid of change. You may feel very secure in the pond that you are…

“We can’t be afraid of
change. You may feel very
secure in the pond that you
are in, but if you never
venture out of it, you will
never know that there is such
a thing as an ocean, a sea.
Holding onto something that
is good for you now, may be
the very reason why you
don’t have something
better.” …read more