Wonderful News for Cape Town! Congratulations to all who took action!

Wonderful News for Cape Town! Congratulations to all who took action!

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Breaking news!

Anton Bredell Minister of Local Government,
Environmental Affairs and Development Planning turns down MSP development application in the Philippi Horticultural Area in terms of the Land Use Planning Ordinance- LUPO

This is a victory for the people of Cape Town!
This is a victory for the PHA for Food & Farming campaign!
This is a victory for activism and democracy!
This is a victory for food security and a better deal for the poor and emerging farmers!
This is a victory for people over political party loyalty and vested interests!

Thank you to all of you who have spoken out and supported the PHA cause. Lets rejoice in this sweet victory but be mindful the battle is not over.

A media statement will follow. …read more    

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