Violent repression of protesters in Malvinas, Argentina The camp protesting Mo…

Violent repression of protesters in Malvinas, Argentina

The camp protesting Monsanto in Malvinas was ambushed and brutally attacked this morning. According to various alternative media sources in Córdoba, several trucks arrived to the camp around 7AM this morning and approximately 60 men entered the camp, beat the protesters with clubs and stones and set fires in the campsite. Reports of at least 20 people injured, some with serious head injuries. Among the injured are Sofia Gatica and Celina Molina, two outspoken activists from Malvinas Lucha por la Vida.

Provincial police were on the scene but stood by and did nothing to stop the violent crackdown on the protesters. Some of the attackers claimed to be delegates of UOCRA, a local trade union, but others contradicted those claims stating they were provincial employees.

Urgent calls for people to go to the camp en masse went out via social media this morning and protesters are attempting to establish a road block on Route 88. Besides several serious injuries and damage done to the campsite, the attackers also stole computers and phones. Recent reports say the Infantry Guard is now in place and detouring traffic away from the camp on Route 88.

ECOS Córdoba is on the scene and uploading photos to their Facebook page.

Malvinas: agreden a manifestantes que se oponen a Monsanto
Una patota desalojó y golpeó a asambleístas que acampan frente al predio de la empresa multinacional en Malvinas Argentinas. …read more    

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