A post by one of my FB friends inspired me to write this. I hope the person concerned finds peace and love and meaning in whatever he or she believes…
a snake sheds its skin in order to
grow, you grow spiritually,
emotionally and mentally when you
shed belief codes, negative thinking
and behaviors that keep you from
shining your inner light. The easiest
and quickest way to transform is to
simply note when you are saying and
doing things that do not reflect your
true inner thoughts, then make any
necessary changes in that moment.
Today, be mindful of every thought,
word and action you perform.
THOUGHTS: Before you lock yourself
into a spiral of fear-filled thinking,
stop yourself and literally, think
again. WORDS: Before you utter or
type a single word, T.H.I.N.K. and
ask yourself if it is Timely… Honest…
I (ego centered)… Necessary… Kind.
ACTIONS: Consider each action before
you proceed. Does it reflect what you
truly desire?
Include these disciplines each
moment of every day until it becomes
habitual. In so doing, you will find it
easier to walk in your Truth while
developing deeper relationships with
those you encounter. …read more