EU-US TAFTA Trade Deal to benefit US Corporations at the price of reduced safety…

EU-US TAFTA Trade Deal to benefit US Corporations at the price of reduced safety to The People. It allows Chemical Companies like Monsanto to sue the EU. US Corporate Sovereignty will override the laws of countries, the Rights of People & Democracy. Europe does not want to be dictated to by the Monsanto Mafia. This shows some of the tricks the corporations are trying to pull in Europe after the massive upraising against Monsanto that had GMOs banned in several countries, its time to wake up South Africa & stop GMOs in this country. Its seriously sick business that has only caused harm.

Corporation Above Nation: EU-US trade deal to harm consumers
Europe and the US are in negotiations which they hope will result in a much needed boost to their cash flows. They’re sitting down to hammer out the Transatl… …read more    

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