Food for thought from a DC supporter @Tony Matthew: Here are some very interest…

Food for thought from a DC supporter @Tony Matthew:

Here are some very interesting facts : According to the police, 2077.7997 tons of cannabis were confiscated in the 2012/2013 year. Thats 2077 799.7 kg or 2077799700 grams.

We are told this was all “destroyed” If one assumes that we get just 5% oil from weed (its more like 8 to 10%) that gives us 103889985 grams of oil.

According to most info, a course of 60 grams of oil over 60 to 90 days can cure cancer (amongst other diseases). In essence what the police are saying, is that they confiscated and destroyed medicine which could have cured 1 731 499 cancer patients.

Is this morally or ethically right ? I think not

The real crime here is that the police, our supposed protectors, are responsible for the destruction of life saving medicine which could have cured just under 1.75 million patients. …read more    

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