On the 6th of November 2013 in the High court of Cape Town, 13 cops from Khayelitsha were charged of killing a Rastafarian man and assaulting his brother, in Bellville South. CT.
As was reported to Jeremy David Acton of the Dagga Party of South Africa from Rastafarian Lawyer Gareth Prince to me, the Dagga Couple and various activists yesterday.
Sorry for yelling at you digitally. However YOU need to wake the FFFflip up.
The war on dagga is not a war on drugs anymore. It’s a war on people!
Rastafarians or nonspecific-religion dagga users, Daggafarians, are not necessarily hooligans, lunatics, murders or rapists.
Most of us are otherwise law abiding. I am a white African man. Brought up in an Afrikaans home, I am productive so much so that it’s might not be for my own good but it’s dagga that unites people of all races more so than any democracy, sport, or take you pick can ever dream of achieving.
I do not follow the Rastafarian religion. I have much respect for the Rastafarian religion, just as have respect to which ever religion you prefer to practice in the privacy of your own church, home and life that is what defines me as free thinker.
I just can’t fathom how we as a society can have waged a war against human beings for choosing a safer drug over alcohol and tobacco and then have it continue doing so when we can clearly see the rest of the world is changing. The rest of the world is waking up.
Dagga was first outlawed in South Africa in 1870 to control Indian workers in KwaZulu-Natal (Dagga is a traditional herb in the Hindu faith). By 1911 dagga was outlawed for all Africans except mineworkers and by 1925 the exception was revoked to control and oppress the members of the newly formed National Union of Mineworkers (NUM). Effectively doing so by making Dagga illegal. The oppressive racist State disrupted the economic wellbeing and culture of indigenous people.
We allow Datura Inoxia, a dilliriant known as Moon Flower and Poppy, a source of heroin and morphine to be grown ornamentally with no thought of child or pet who might ingest the toxic moon flower but we want to make criminals of people who grows a plant that is non-toxic and is non-psycho active until heated by flame or otherwise smoked, baked or cooked.
By having dagga illegal and unregulated it’s played into the hands of corruption and every person desperate enough to consider the risk of persecution, a criminal record and jail time.
Uruguay is now selling dagga in a legalized regulated market for $1 per gram. If we apply this model in South Africa. The South African police have confiscated R18 Billion of dagga during the course of 2012 to2013, the total of 2000 metric tons of dagga.
The South African recreational cannabis market is currently valued at anywhere between R4 Billion to an optimistically R195.6 Billion.
Now add the cost of the enforcement of the drug and trafficking act of 1992 all of a sudden that optimistic amount becomes more plausible. Now factor in the Industrial application of hemp. Don’t you rather want that kind of money to help build people homes? Hemp is a low THC high CBD strain of the cannabis sativa we commonly call dagga grown specifically for fibre that also has various medicinal application one of which for people suffering epileptic seizures but is also recommended for children because of its very low THC content, parents don’t want their children high and I agree. Charlotte Figi a young girl that helps reduce her seizures from 300 a day to 1 a week. Is a girl using oil made from a low THC high CBD Sativa strain called Charlotte’s Web.
Now back to this case. It’s not an isolated occurrence. It’s rife across the country. Rastafarians are at the fore front of this battle because of their association with the herb: the healing of a nation.
Humans are targeted and victimized for their culture. So are all daggafarians.
Now I will ask you for a second time where do we draw the line!
I do not know the particulars of this case as it has yet to be uploaded to the online database.
You will notice mainstream news have not yet reported anything I could find. It’s rather strange it did not make headlines when these charges were brought before the court involving 12 or 13 police officers.
It’s speculated that this is the case as enlisted on the court roll for the 6th of November 2013: DIVISION C – State vs T A Jam-Jam & 12 others
Do we keep silent and allow this to continue or do we cry with the loved ones of the fallen and shout out in outrage!
The war on drugs is a costly war, costing lives, resources and monetary wealth.
Even the Anti-Drug Alliance of SA is waking up to the truth.
At What Cost? By Quintin van Kerken, Anti-Drug Alliance of SA
Listen to an interview of Quintin van Kerken by Udo Carelse on 702 on the 5th November 2013.
Wake up my friends. We are one.
Please note this article has been updated on 8th November as new information has come to light.