The government better get it’s act together or be prepared to look
like fools to the Americans and any other country that realizes the
benefits of medical dagga.
To: Western Cape Dep of Health
Medical dagga has been available in the US for over 15 years now it’s
even available in 20 US states. Dagga is also legalized /
decriminalized in Uruguay, Switzerland, Jamaica, Netherlands.
North Korea does not even consider dagga a drug and it is legal and
unregulated in that country.
Just because the South African Government Corporation deems dagga an
illegal substance does negate the medicinal qualities of dagga.
Considering that the drug and trafficking act of 1992 states that
dagga has zero medicinal benefits just shows that the act is deceitful
and incorrect.
I find your response to Mr Dowding’s email ignorant and how you spell
cannabis just proves that you and your whole department is uneducated
on the subject of dagga.
The MRCSA has confirmed that they are not busy doing research on dagga
and will not do so in the foreseeable future. Which seems against
current medical trends around the world.
I think it’s time that your department catch up with the rest of the world.
Dagga laws stem from British segregation from 1870 when the British
used dagga laws to control the indian work force in Durban and then
later the apartheid regime also used dagga laws to arrest Africans on
Saying sorry you can’t speak about something because something is
wrongfully and unjustly prohibited is not an answer at all.
How do you support dagga prohibition knowing this?
Your department better get it’s act together or be prepared to look
like fools to the Americans and any other country that realizes the
benefits of medical dagga.
Dagga Movement
Dagga is a healthy lifestyle not a crime. …read more