Monthly Archives: September 2013

Sometimes we get overwhelmed with life and can't seem to steer our course. So wh…

Sometimes we get overwhelmed with
life and can’t seem to steer our
course. So when that happens, just
remember that we are the drivers of
our own lives.
This is your life! Get back in the
driving seat and take charge of the
direction you are heading, otherwise
someone else may feel the need to
drive for you. I’ve been a passenger
on other people’s journey’s for too
long. I’m ready to let go of fear, to
knock down the barriers I built , to
put in the hard work, and drive
myself down the road to a happier
future. Time to take ownership. …read more    

Jeremy David Acton Iqela Lentsango: The Dagga Party of South Africa I would li…

Jeremy David Acton

In the Cape Town High Court on Tuesday 3rd September, dagga legalisation in South Africa got a further boost when the two dagga prosecutions of a member of the Rastafarian religion, Ras Menelek Barend Wentzel of Robertson, were ordered postponed in the lower courts in order to allow Wentzel to summo… …read more    

Wow grow some more. Well guess u camt in prision moron

Wow grow some more. Well guess u camt in prision moron

Weed is Not Worth a Life
On Friday The Oregonian reported the story of a 48-year-old man who stabbed a 16-year-old. The teenager had jumped his fence and was trying to steal some of the middle-aged man’s pot plants. Now the man is facing charges of attempted murder, assault, possession of a firearm and unlawful manufacture… …read more    

There was a young man who was so well-endowed that it was bothering his knee. Th…

There was a young man who was so
well-endowed that it was bothering
his knee. Three doctors and one
nurse were in the operating room to
remedy the situation.
The first doctor said, “We’ll just take
a big hunk off the end.” They
discussed it and decided that would
affect his sensitivity.
The second doctor said, “We’ll just
take a big hunk out of the middle of
it.” They discussed it and decided it
would change the texture and feel of
The third doctor said, “We’ll just take
a big hunk off the base of it.” They
discussed it and said that would give
him erection problems.
The doctors looked at the nurse who
had tears running down her cheeks.
The nurse cried, “Can’t we just make
his legs longer?” …read more    

It's ok to posses 10 grams of dagga in Switzerland if you are willing to pay a R…

It’s ok to posses 10 grams of dagga in Switzerland if you are willing to pay a R990 fine the relaxed law takes affect from 1st October 2013

Mixed feelings over new Swiss cannabis law
From October 1, an adult caught smoking cannabis in Switzerland can escape formal legal proceedings by simply paying a fine. Reactions to the relaxed law, which brings the Swiss in line with other western nations, are divided. …read more    

A Colorado Springs three-year-old boy has cancer. His mom is swapping out chemo…

A Colorado Springs three-year-old boy has cancer. His mom is swapping out chemo for medical dagga. It’s a choice conventional doctors are calling dangerous, but the mom says it’s the right choice for her child as he’s now in remission.

Mom chooses cannabis over chemo
A Colorado Springs three-year-old boy has cancer. His mom is swapping out chemo for cannabis. …read more    

If you are able to grow R2 million's worth of dagga in the house you live we all…

If you are able to grow R2 million’s worth of dagga in the house you live we all could effectively be millionaires. Just saying that poverty does not exist in an industrialized dagga economy where everyone has the potential to get rebate from crops grown in their house, balcony or yard whether for medical or other industrial applications.

Pretoria cops make R2m dagga bust – Crime & Courts | IOL News |
South Africa’s Premier Online News Source. Discover the world of IOL, News South Africa, Sport, Business, Financial, World News, Entertainment, Technology, Motoring, Travel, Property, Classifieds & more. …read more    

And don't forget that woman who found an entire chicken head squashed into her c…

And don’t forget that woman who found an entire chicken head squashed into her chicken burger. Eeuw…

Strange Fibers Found Embedded Inside Chicken McNuggets
This video speaks for itself in that McDonald’s chicken mcnuggets seem to contain some strange ingredients and substances that currently have no explanation. Health Ranger Mike Adams purchased a 10-piece chicken mcnugget meal from a McDonald’s restaurant and decided to examine them under carefully c… …read more    

Lol! Coke Ad…not…

Lol! Coke Ad…not…

The Brutally Honest Coca-Cola Commercial You’ll Never See On Television
Coca-Cola plans to run its very first ad defending aspartame and the safety of artificial sweeteners. This move comes as a result of a dramatic drop in diet cola sales within the past year. This is great news as it goes to show how much of an impact we can really make by raising awareness […] …read more    

I would like to announce that prosecutions against citizens for POSSESSION OF DA…

I would like to announce that prosecutions against citizens for POSSESSION OF DAGGA can be immediately stopped in any province with a simple High Court application that can be easily served by the accused on the necessary departments, and you don’t need a lawyer!!

You are required to also SUMMONS THE STATE TO JUSTIFY THE LAW prohibiting dagga within 60 days of stopping the prosecution, so I can assist you to serve those papers too, at the same time.

No bust is too big or too small. Each applicant to cover their own basic costs, serve their own papers, (with assistance) and cover the costs of their guide to the process. (No lawyers or their rates are involved). Cases can be combined to save costs.

If you have a case you want to stop you can learn more about the successes of the Dagga legalization movement here:

Then email so we can assist you with the necessary documents.


– Jeremy David Acton

Jeremy David Acton
I would like to announce that prosecutions against citizens for POSSESSION OF DAGGA can be immediately stopped in any province with a simple High Court application that can be easily served by the accused on the necessary departments, and you don’t need a lawyer!! You are required to also SUMMONS THE STATE TO JUSTIFY THE LAW prohibiting dagga within 60 days of stopping the prosecution, so I can assist you to serve those papers too, at the same time. No bust is too big or too small. Each applicant to cover their own basic costs, serve their own papers, (with assistance) and cover the costs of their guide to the process. (No lawyers or their rates are involved). Cases can be combined to save costs. If you have a case you want to stop you can learn more about the successes of the Dagga legalization movement here: Then email so we can assist you with the necessary documents. AMANDLA!! …read more    

Eternity is with us, inviting our contemplation perpetually, but we are too frig…

Eternity is with us, inviting our
contemplation perpetually, but we
are too frightened, lazy, and
suspicious to respond; too arrogant
to still our thought, and let divine
sensation have its way. It needs
industry and goodwill if we would
make that transition; for the process
involves a veritable spring-cleaning of
the soul, a turning-out and
rearrangement of our mental
furniture, a wide opening of closed
windows, that the notes of the wild
birds beyond our garden may come to
us fully charged with wonder and
freshness, and drown with their music
the noise of the gramophone within.
Those who do this, discover that they
have lived in a stuffy world, whilst
their inheritance was a world of
morning glory: where every *tiny
bird* is a celestial messenger, and
every thrusting bud is charged with
the full significance of life …read more    

Please sign and share for a better future

Please sign and share for a better future

Legalize Hemp Farming in the United States
I just signed a petition to The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Barack Obama: This petition calls to amend the Controlled Substances Act to exclude industrial hemp from the definition of “marihuana.” To define “industrial hemp” to mean the plant Cannab… …read more    



Good day,
I wasn’t sure who else to turn to for advice since local lawyers had no useful advice other than move. Let me give you a brief overview of the situation.

I have been suffering for over 10yrs with severe chronic pain and stomach conditions. I have been put on over 100 different medications during that time, most of them leaving me with more issues then when i started. Almost years ago I was blessed with twins. After they were born my conditions started to go from handled to unbearable. Several doctors, specialists and prescriptions later I decided to try and go as holistic as I could because the medical system wasn’t working with or for me any longer. I then found an OD and got my medical marijuana card which aloud me to get off of most medications and live an overall more comfortable and active life.

Around 2 months ago our neighbor snuck into my garage and found my 3 plants I had growing and instantly called the property manager. A week later the manager shows up with an eviction notice and says its do to the marijuana. I tell her about the card and she says well now i cant evict you but no one will be allowing you to renew your lease. Keep in mind, at this time I just got out of the hospital, husband was at work and deploys in 2 months. I then asked her about getting rid of my card and plants. Id rather be back on 15 different pills than have to make my family move right now. She said with her nose in the air, absolutely not.

Within the last month she has come by on numerous occasions without notice or real reason. My self and one of my children (my 11 yr old) is constantly worried on top of having to relocate before a major life change. After first being told they would not be renewing the lease we called the manager and said we would be out then before our lease is up due to deployment (legally breaking the lease). She replied, thats fine just try and give me a couple weeks notice if you can. We rushed to find a place and did. Paid a deposit on that place and called her august 20th and told her we would be out Oct st. We told her we would send her it in writing as soon as my husband got the letter from his command that he needed to be released from the lease early with a request to not be penilized for short notice.

Yesterday she stopped by again without notice and started walking towards the back when I stopped her. She handed me a paper and said she will be making us pay for the entire 28 days etc.

I have contacted a couple lawyers because I need legal advice. This doesnt seem fair or just. My family would not be suffering right now if I would have just stayed on pills. I am not a criminal. I am a loving wife and mother as well as an active member in my community. It seems that my right to pursue happiness and not be discriminated against has been trampled all over. My husband defends those rights with his life so I just want to be sure I am doing all I can do on this end. If not for myself and family but perhaps for the next family that may go through this. I need to remain anonymous for now because my husband and I are not sure of how this could effect his career.

Thank you,
Robin (OAHO) …read more    

And we have GMO food-like Products in Africa too, thanks to Monsanto et al. Oh l…

And we have GMO food-like Products in Africa too, thanks to Monsanto et al. Oh look, B&M Gates Foundation ALSO invested in Monsanto!

Why is the Gates foundation investing in GM giant Monsanto? | John Vidal
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s investments in Monsanto and Cargill have come under heavy criticism. Is it time for the foundation to come clean on its visions for agriculture in developing countries? …read more    

So we Do have Water in Africa, thanks to Nestle (who teamed up with B&M Gates Fu…

So we Do have Water in Africa, thanks to Nestle (who teamed up with B&M Gates Fundation, check 3 previous posts):

Nestle’s wet dream: they mark up water 53 million percent
The directors of Nestle must be breathing a sigh of relief as the world targets Monsanto with a barrage of negative publicity, global protests, and grassroots campaigns. While we’re all distracted… …read more    

And just look how that worked out for Kenya: The people's milk is under constant…

And just look how that worked out for Kenya: The people’s milk is under constant threat from trade agreements, cheap imports of powdered milk & industry-led measures to attack its milk as unsafe:

GRAIN — The great milk robbery: How corporations are stealing livelihoods and a vital source of…
GRAIN is a small international non-profit organisation that works to support small farmers and social movements in their struggles for community-controlled and biodiversity-based food systems …read more    

The East Africa Dairy Development is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Founda…

The East Africa Dairy Development is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation with various partners like Nestle, ABS – for breeding and genetics, ICRAF – for feed and fodder, Nestlรฉ & Tetrapak.

East Africa Dairy Development Project
Starting 2007 in Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda, the project is a ten-year plan aimed at improving the lives of around 179,000 dairy farming families, representing approximately one million people in total. In financial terms, the project’s target is to bring an average 240% increase in net dairy income (… …read more    

Well, that's just not true! B&M Gates Foundation has ALSO teamed up with Nestle,…

Well, that’s just not true! B&M Gates Foundation has ALSO teamed up with Nestle, who makes a fortune out of bottled water.

Poor African Countries Get Vaccines but No Food or Clean Water | Health Impact News
By Dr. Mercola As one of the world’s most well-known and respected voices, Microsoft founder Bill Gates has a unique opportunity to call …read more    

Several studies by top medical researchers, including from Harvard University, h…

Several studies by top medical researchers, including from Harvard University, have concluded that the drug cannabis sativa (aka marijuana) provides more effective treatment for different types cancer than chemotherapy, without the severe side effects associated with the exposure to radiation.

Cancer patients denied cannabis, made to do chemo instead –
Several studies by top medical researchers, including from Harvard University, have concluded that the drug cannabis sativa (aka marijuana) provides more effective treatment for different types cancer than chemotherapy, without the severe side effects associated with the exposure to radiation. …read more    

If you are NOT registered to vote, you must do it now so you can support the DAG…

If you are NOT registered to vote, you must do it now so you can support the DAGGA PARTY.

Go to the link below, select your province to find a list of IEC offices, then go to your nearest office with your ID book to register.

Then you can sign this form to help the Dagga Party register nationally:
IEC (Electoral Commission of South Africa)
Wishing all citizens of this rainbow nation a happy Heritage Day and a delicious Braai Day, enriched by the company of family and friends. …read more    

May 2002 Wall Street Journal: B&M Gates Foundation, pimping vaccines in Africa m…

May 2002 Wall Street Journal: B&M Gates Foundation, pimping vaccines in Africa made by Big Pharma companies they invest in: Top 5 investments in pharmaceutical firms, in millions:
Merck $76.9
Pfizer $37.3
J & J $29.7
Wyeth $12.7
Abbott Labs $11.9

Bill Gates and Big Pharma – Grillo Parlante
La guerra degli OGMOggi, in Piemonte, eliminati altri 18 ettari di mais transgenico. Il pm Guariniello: “Biotech, danoso il via libera europeo” Ogm, รจ guerra dei ricorsi contro la distruzione dei campi Ma il ministro Alemanno avverte che dall’anno prossimo saranno aperte delle coltivazioni legali an… …read more    

B. Gates, Pusher Man for dodgy vaccine experiments on African children:

B. Gates, Pusher Man for dodgy vaccine experiments on African children:

120 Arrested for Refusing Polio Vaccine in Niger – “Preachers” Threatened with Jail if They…
Thanks to American cultural values and faith in vaccines, countries like Niger in Africa are forcing vaccinations upon their people, throwing them in jail or collecting fines if they refuse. This includes religious leaders who do not preach the government position on vaccines. …read more    

Expect Major Dissolutions and Collapses of Outdated Old Paradigm Systems

Gaia Portal September 28th Expect Major Dissolutions and Collapses of Outdated Old Paradigm Systems Vibrational attunements reaching peak frequency and intensity at this now moment as Gaia fully accepts and embraces Higher Gaia intentions. Peak frequency of attunement applies to all Gaia Hue-manity, yet is being sensed by …read more