Two unlawfully stopped and searched then arrested for dagga The first arrest t…

Two unlawfully stopped and searched then arrested for dagga

The first arrest took place on Saturday in Durban Drive, Slovo Park, when Sector 4 patrols searched a suspicious looking man.

“They approached him and also searched him when they found dagga in his possession,” says Springs police spokesman Captain Johannes Ramphora.

The second arrest was made in Fourth Street, Springs CBD, on Sunday at 9:30pm.

According to Capt Ramphora the police were doing their normal patrols when they say another suspicious looking man.

“They did the stop and search procedure, just to find dagga in his possession as well,” says Capt Ramphora.

Both men were arrested and taken to the Springs police cells. They will appear in the Springs Magistrate’s Court soon.

Two arrested with dagga | Springs Advertiser
Two arrests for possession of dagga were made this weekend by the Springs police. …read more    

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