Hell NO GMO Weed: "As legally allowed medical marijuana becomes more widespread,…

Hell NO GMO Weed: “As legally allowed medical marijuana becomes more widespread, it is no surprise that many are realizing there is legal money to be made off of this traditionally illegal cash crop”.
I have to correct a statement in this article: “genetically altered plants are able to resist the herbicide & are able to planted closer together than traditional crops allowing farmers to gain greater yields from the same amount of farmland”. This is total BS, the chemicals deplete & poison soils, weeds & pests become resistant, a 20% refuge area must be planted & yields decrease. There are many sustainable farming methods proven to provide consistantly higher yields using seeds bred by FARMERS!

Is Monsanto Ready To Enter The Medical Marijuana War
As legally allowed medical marijuana becomes more widespread, it is no surprise that many are realizing there is legal money to be made off of this traditionally illegal cash crop. Even Illinois has …read more    

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