Does this sound familiar?: “Few published studies on vaccine effects include bef…

Does this sound familiar?: “Few published studies on vaccine effects include before-and-after studies of immune parameters or brain function studies such as electroencephalograms, or long-term safety monitoring,” says Dr. Harold E. Buttram, M.D., about the lack of proper scientific inquiry into the harmful side effects of vaccines. “Inadequate consideration has been given to the additive or synergistic adverse effects of multiple simultaneous vaccines.”

Shaken Baby Syndrome often just a cover story for children who are brain damaged by vaccines »…
Child abuse comes in many forms, and can result in serious and permanent health conditions such as Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS), a type of brain damage that typically afflicts children younger than one-year-old. But the cause of such abuse is not always physical trauma as many experts claim — pediatri… …read more    

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