Anleitung Project XIII für Windows 8 Phone 1. App downloaden und installieren Im Shop nach der App Project XIII suchen, downloaden und installieren. (Zusatzinfo: Zeitzone beachten; Deutschland = UTC+01:00 Amsterdam, Berlin…) 2. Account erstellen Die installierte App Project XIII anklicken. Auf eine Internetverbindung achten. Es erscheint User Name und darunter …read more
Monthly Archives: August 2013
I love looking at theses while high, lifes HD button! 3:)
I love looking at theses while high, lifes HD button! 3:) …read more

a bit of light shopping;]

Dank Yoda OG Nugs from THC Finder –
Dank Yoda OG Nugs from …read more
Global Mediation 8.30.13 Shifting into ONENESS
Global Mediation 8.30.13 Bob Wright from the 5D Media Network leads a global meditation. In ONENESS of intent co-create a wave of compassion, activation, and transformation to usher in the NEW REALITY of our choosing. …read more

Wall share :)
I dare you to buy weed here! 3:)
I dare you to buy weed here! 3:) …read more

Beautiful looking Purple Cream nug from THC Finder See more:…
Beautiful looking Purple Cream nug from …read more

Obama is backing down, thank you everyone!
Obama is backing down, thank you everyone!
Obama seeking congressional OK for Syria action
President Barack Obama says he has decided that the United States should take military action against Syria but seeks Congressional vote. …read more

C-99 Weed from THC Finder –
C-99 Weed from …read more

Spain Considers Trial Release of Genetically-Modified Olive Flies
Genetically-modified olive flies will be released in a Catalan olive grove if a field trial is approved in Spain. …read more

Beautiful White Fire buds from THC Finder –
Beautiful White Fire buds from …read more
These 3D drawings are so incredible they will blow your mind! #9 is out of this…
These 3D drawings are so incredible they will blow your mind! #9 is out of this world …read more

Tasty Blueberry from THC Finder –
Tasty Blueberry from …read more
Think twice before getting such horrifying face tattoos
Think twice before getting such horrifying face tattoos …read more
If you love shrooms you have to check this out! 3:)
If you love shrooms you have to check this out! 3:) …read more

Vader OG from THC Finder –
Vader OG from …read more
Who has yet to catch breaking bad? 3:)
Who has yet to catch breaking bad? 3:) …read more

only comic I ever read…
College majors that let you rake in the cash. Get stoned, but stay in school man…
College majors that let you rake in the cash. Get stoned, but stay in school man! …read more

LIKE if you're STONED! :) Winner's Circle…
LIKE if you're STONED! 🙂
Winner's Circle – Just Couchin' It (Ep. 2)
The Second Episode of our new series “Just Couchin' It” Light one up and come blaze with us and MaNIH! Produced & Filmed by Weightless! Beat by FlawlissD Pro… …read more
Ive just installed this on my phone! Better than instagram or pinterest! Sign up…
Ive just installed this on my phone! Better than instagram or pinterest! Sign up …read more
To level up you must complete the following tests high! :)
To level up you must complete the following tests high! 🙂 …read more
Bored? You'll never say that again with these games on your phone!…
Bored? You'll never say that again with these games on your phone! …read more

Sexy Girl Scout Cookies nugs from THC Finder –
Sexy Girl Scout Cookies nugs from …read more

My night :)
Cannabis Encyclopedia strain review: Golden Goat
Want to know more about the herb you’re smoking? So do we, so we’ve asked Ry Prichard – a fellow Colorado cannabis nerd, grower, photographer and founder of the Cannabis Encyclopedia project whi… …read more
Awareness is not a commodity that can be bought. Yet, many people try to purchas…
Awareness is not a commodity that
can be bought. Yet, many people try
to purchase it as if it were. But, it is
only found in the same way you
discover an ant in your refrigerator.
That is, it crept in by accident while
you weren’t looking, and you found it
only because it was momentarily
trapped. …read more
What is the best strain of green to blaze when you write a college paper? How ab…
What is the best strain of green to blaze when you write a college paper? How about when you are star gazing? We break it down in this quick segment from yesterday's show… …read more
Things i wish i knew before going to college! How to do college right; this is r…
Things i wish i knew before going to college! How to do college right; this is really good info! …read more
<3 Like if you love beer!
♥ Like if you love beer! …read more
Study: marijuana is the most popular drug in the world
In news-you-already-knew news today, a study out of the University of Washington found that marijuana is the most popular drug in the world (alcohol was not included).
The study of illicit dru… …read more

cigaweed ;)
What are you guys doing this weekend?
What are you guys doing this weekend? …read more

have you ever seen…

Amazing Hennessey OG Nug from THC Finder –
Amazing Hennessey OG Nug from …read more
Stay ahead of the game with these next generation gadgets—>
Stay ahead of the game with these next generation gadgets—> …read more

Wall submit :)
Wall submit 🙂
Photos of 420
@[1238120036:2048:Frederick-alain Bernier] & @[100000249017514:2048:Brendon Nounours Sergerie] …read more
We like Hillary Mulholland's suggestion :) "I think we should get every politica…
We like Hillary Mulholland's suggestion 🙂 “I think we should get every political party in South Africa to tell us what their official policy is on GMO's with elections coming up next year. People should know if they are voting for GMO's because of the party they are supporting”. …read more

For generations, people have devoted their lives to breeding seeds with love, sk…
For generations, people have devoted their lives to breeding seeds with love, skill & intelligence. Many cannot afford to register, & the process is time-consuming. Seed is Life, coming from the Earth. Unregistered Seed will now be criminals. Only the corporations will own seed, & biodiversity will shrink & shrink…well, they can lock us up now. Coz we're saving ours.
European Commission To Ban Heirloom Seeds and Criminalize Plants & Seeds Not Registered With…
The European Commission is changing the European Union’s plant legislation, apparently to enhance food safety across the continent. This move has sparked a heavy opposition from many, saying that the measure will threaten seed diversity and favour large agrochemical businesses. This new law creates… …read more

Wayne Mowzie shared this with us. "MIRACLE GROW: Treated water results in larger…
Wayne Mowzie shared this with us. “MIRACLE GROW: Treated water results in larger, healthier crops, says Professor Austin Darragh of Limerick University”.
Wave goodbye to global warming, GM and pesticides –
A GROUNDBREAKING new Irish technology which could be the greatest breakthrough in agriculture since the plough is set to change the face of modern farming forever. …read more
I dare you to buy weed from here! 3:)
I dare you to buy weed from here! 3:) …read more

This new technology could bring an end to GMO's. It also confirms Masaru Emoto's…
This new technology could bring an end to GMO's. It also confirms Masaru Emoto's research on water crystals.
Breakthrough: Radio Wave-treated Water Works “Miracles” « Just Wondering – Alternative News and…
While we?ve known that the influence of vibration on water even on the quantum level has tremendous implications, here we?re seeing the tested use of this technology for good. …read more

List of companies who donated to stop GMO labelling in the US:
List of companies who donated to stop GMO labelling in the US:
Comprehensive Boycott Guide
Comprehensive Boycott Guide Pepsico, Inc.� $2,485,400.00 ●������� Pepsi-Cola Brands ●������� Frito-Lay Brands ●������� Tropicana Brands ●������� Quaker Brands ●������� Gatorade Brands …read more

Yup. No-one is accountable, no-one is responsible…but they're all in bed toget…
Yup. No-one is accountable, no-one is responsible…but they're all in bed together.
Photos of NO GMO South Africa
It can get you censored by FB, but if you really want to get the word out on something, like the photo I'm posting, for instance. Search for (Say… GMO) open tabs of the dozen or so that have the highest “Like” and “Friend” scores and paste your stuff in each. It's very effective. …read more
Santa Barbara cops rip out 4,000 plant guerrilla grow
Attention: If you had a sizable clandestine grow in Santa Barbara County, California near Santa Rosa Road between Lompoc and Buellton, don’t bother showing up to harvest it in a few weeks.
Acco… …read more

Orange orchards are monocrops where the bugs travel through like wiildfire once…
Orange orchards are monocrops where the bugs travel through like wiildfire once they grow resistant to the pesticides. Pest predators are anihilated. The soils are depleted. The trees are weak. Of course, the only solution is to gm oranges with pig genes. So the corporations can own our oranges & make fat profits. Adopting sustainable farming methods which have been used since way back when is definitely NOT the answer 😛
Orange juice may soon contain pig genes | RAW FOR BEAUTY
The future of orange crops are at risk and pig genes may be considered part of the solution. (I’m not kidding) On July 27, the New York Times (NYT) officially staked its flag into Big Ag’s garden and into the soil of the GMO camp with its wildly controversial piece, “A Race to Save the […] …read more

Did the corporations sit together & roar with laughter, as they said "You can ge…
Did the corporations sit together & roar with laughter, as they said “You can genetically mutate People's Food to Express Poisons, & they'll pay for it & eat it”. ?

Michael C. Ruppert THIS IS TOO SICK. Is the world really, really going to allow…
Michael C. Ruppert
Is the world really, really going to allow the United States to carry out a limited missile strike just to save face? Really?!
The US marshaled diplomatic power, military power, and put all its prestige on the line for what was intended and blasted to be a full-scale, multi-national attack including a No-Fly and regime change. The rhetoric was a five-alarm fire. The world suddenly reacted in a complete state of fear and arousal. China stated they believed this was an attempt at regime change, the trigger for World War III.
So now, as seven billion of us are reeling with a FEAR HANGOVER, we are expected to feel relief and ALLOW the US to launch a limited strike (with regime change off the table) just so that it can save face and we are not incinerated?????
“Those who would sacrifice liberty for the sake of security, deserve neither.”
If the world rolls over for that then I wash my hands of the whole human race. Instead if the bully killing us outright we should all just sit back and accept it while he cuts of (just) another finger, or a foot. What a bunch of gutless, spineless, cowering wretches we have become!
I truly believe and see that there are evil ones — The Powers That Were — who derive their energy and power from keeping and making us afraid. They have just enjoyed a ridiculous feast.
And all of us should have had just about enough of being yanked around this way, yard by bloody yard, inch by inch, day by day, and year by year.
Fukushima and Climate Collapse are still there. And we have just been suckered into expending the energy we need for them.
Today is one of those days when I ask whether the human race actually deserves to survive, whether our spirit has totally caved in? That may actually have been the spiritual warfare that has was waged so effectively on us this last week.
Where is the human spirit? What has become of it? When is enough, enough?
Let them that have eyes, see. Let them that have ears, hear.
Kerry makes case for limited military action on Syria
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Friday made a broad case for limited U.S. military action against Syria for its suspected use of chemical weapons, saying it could not go unpunished …read more

Jack White Flowering from THC Finder –
Jack White Flowering from …read more

It's gonna be a good day! :) Winner's Circle
It's gonna be a good day! 🙂
…read more
St. Louis woman allegedly calls 911 on her herb dealer for overcharging
Arlene Starks, 54, was apparently not pleased when she realized her drug dealer had overcharged her for marijuana. She was, in fact, so concerned about the unfair price of the pot that she felt … …read more

Positive Energy Questions Discussion… All of it Moves All of US Forward
Positive Energy Questions Discussion… All of it Moves All of US Forward Last evening August 29, 2013 there was a conversation in the RTS Skype room. Early this morning (I am PDT, time zone) D read through the conversation that had taken place when she was sleeping and quoting parts of …read more
Magenta Pixie: Communicating with the Cells and Organs of Your Own Body
Magenta Pixie: Communicating with the Cells and Organs of Your Own Body Published on Aug 26, 2013 Embracing the Unity between the microcosmic and macrocosmic universes within your paradigm. …read more

At roughly R500/g this 'cannabis caviar' looks like you'd cough your brains out…
At roughly R500/g this 'cannabis caviar' looks like you'd cough your brains out for a while. Dank.
young-jz: “ lmurphy55: “ This is known as Cannabis Caviar and at $1,400 an ounce you better believe you’re going to get some extremely potent grass. They get midgrade nugs and soak them in high grade… …read more
Feds to allow Wash. and Colo. recreational marijuana stores (so long as they follow state laws)
The federal government will not sue Colorado and Washington to stop laws allowing for the possession sale and (in the case of Colorado) cultivation of cannabis from being enacted, nor will they … …read more

Madjat (@djatbox) posted a photo on Twitter
Get the whole picture – and other photos from Madjat …read more

Do we have any Sour Diesel fans around? from THC Finder –
Do we have any Sour Diesel fans around? from …read more

gonne be a cold weekend!!!!


dope. :)

Bet you can relate to this:

eargasm <3
eargasm ♥
Jason Van Wyk & JPL Ft Cat Martin Every Mile Away Original Mix)
Nice trance tune! …read more

<3 before I die

Struggle to get weed out of your grinder? Struggle no more! Visit our online he…
Struggle to get weed out of your grinder? Struggle no more!
Visit our online headshop @ …read more

Beautiful Fire OG buds from THC Finder –
Beautiful Fire OG buds from …read more

Shared from the wall :)
Shared from the wall 🙂
Photos of 420
Most herb farmers use pit-bulls for security. Myself, I use a pack of highly trained Beagle/Dachshunds. …read more
Photo – Friday is BONG DAY!

Woman faints in court after Dagga possession conviction A 35 year old woman o…
Woman faints in court after Dagga possession conviction
A 35 year old woman of new Mushili compound in Ndola, yesterday fainted in Serenje magistrate court when magistrate Philip Chisenga sentenced her to two years simple imprisonment for unlawful possession of psychotropic substance namely, dagga.
Before Mr. Chisenga were Loveness Nyama 44 of house number 1976 new Mushili compound who was charged with one count of unlawful possession of government trophy and Marjory Chibale also of Mushili compound who was charged with two counts.
Chibale was charged with unlawful possession of government trophy and in the second count was charged with unlawful possession of dagga.
Chibale, who tried holding back her tears throughout the session, had also 3.4kg of dagga wrapped in a transparent plastic bag in the second count which she told the court she was to use it to treat her hair.
The two were arrested on Monday this week by Zambia wildlife authority (ZAWA) officers at Kanona check point along great North Road in Serenje when they were traveling from Mpika to Ndola on Checha bus registration number ABC 7292.
According to the facts ready by ZAWA prosecutor Henry Munalula, Nyama and Chibale were found with seven pieces of buffalo meat each in their traveler’s bags.
Chibale, who tried holding back her tears throughout the session, had also 3.4kg of dagga wrapped in a transparent plastic bag in the second count which she told the court she was to use it to treat her hair.
In mitigation, Nyama pleaded for leniency because she had eight children including two orphans and that all of them were school going and if she was jailed nobody would take care of them.
He fined both K900,000 in default six months simple imprisonment in the first count of unlawful possession of government trophy.
Mr. Chisenga sentenced Chibale to two years imprisonment for being found in possession of psycho tropical substance.
Just upon pronouncement of the sentence, Chibale fell on to the chair that was behind and shouted “My Jesus” and openly wept before Mr. Chisenga.
Chibale, who later gained strength, was picked by Nyama and a DEC officer who helped her walk up to the police inquiries.
Zambia : Woman faints in court after Dagga possession conviction
Lusaka – Zambia: A 35 year old woman of new Mushili compound in Ndola, yesterday fainted in Serenje magistrate court when magistrate Philip Chisenga sentenced her to two ye …read more

bad things ;)
Photo – You got any cool smoking games you play with your mates?
You got any cool smoking games you play with your mates? …read more

A USA yogurt company that supplies the US armed forces is to take out the 'hemp'…
A USA yogurt company that supplies the US armed forces is to take out the 'hemp' seeds from it's products because of the military's strict anti drug policies.
Chobani Gives In To The Man On Hemp
If you like yogurt that comes with hemp seeds, Chobani is no longer the brand for you. The Greek yogurt company announced plans this week to remove hemp seeds from one of its flavors, which had earlier been banned by the Air Force. …read more

Are you still eating sushi or any seafood from the Pacific Ocean? Well you might…
Are you still eating sushi or any seafood from the Pacific Ocean? Well you might want to reconsider after reading this article. When it comes to environmental disasters, the nuclear fallout at Fukushima has to be amongst the worst that has happened in the past few decades. Andrew Kishner, founder…
Fukushima: Your Days of Eating Pacific Ocean Fish Are Over
Are you still eating sushi or any seafood from the Pacific Ocean? Well you might want to reconsider after reading this article. When it comes to environmental disasters, the nuclear fallout at Fukushima has to be amongst the worst that has happened in the past few decades. Andrew Kishner, founder… …read more

The 10 Reasons Dagga Is Far Safer Than Alcohol For The Consumer and Community B…
The 10 Reasons Dagga Is Far Safer Than Alcohol For The Consumer and Community
Both cannabis (marijuana) and alcohol have very different and complex actions on the brain. The long term effects of both are often quite different from their short term effects. We have been led to believe that cannabis is a dangerous and addictive drug that has destroyed the lives of countless teens and adults. We have also been encouraged to accept through poorly designed scientific studies, that cannabis causes lung cancer and is a “gateway” to harder drugs. The government has even tried to convince the public that people who use cannabis are more at risk to themselves and the public than those who use alcohol. What we have been led and encouraged to believe through mainstream education about cannabis and its reality, are two entirely different things.
The health impact of any drug depends on how it’s used, who’s using it, how much is used, and under what circumstances. Cannabis and alcohol are no exception, so comparing them directly is difficult — each possesses the potential for unique risks or benefits.
Both alcohol and cannabis can be considered a narcotic or hallucinogen, that affects the central nervous system, causing changes in behavior and often addiction. But there are major differences in how each reacts with the human body.
Alcohol, regardless of its type (i.e. beer, wine, liquor, etc) is a class A1 carcinogen which are confirmed human carcinogens. Alcohol consumption has been causally related with breast cancer for some time. Increasing evidence indicates a stronger association with neoplasms, though the risk is elevated for other types of breast cancers too. Regardless of how much alcohol is consumed, it will always be a class A1 carcinogen. That doesn’t mean you will get cancer from drinking a beer or a glass wine, but the classification for the substance is clear.
Cannabis on the other hand is a plant and it is one of the most powerful healing plants in the world which can make cancer essentially disappear. Cannabis compounds are responsible for halting the growth factors that are responsible for metastatic growth. Cannabinoids can also reduce heart attacks by 66% and insulin dependent diabetes by 58%.
However, the therapeutic effects of cannabis come from juicing the leaves or extracting its medicinal compounds, NOT smoking it. “If you heat the plant, you will decarboxylate THC-acid and you will get high, you’ll get your 10 mg. If you don’t heat it, you can go up to five or six hundred milligrams & use it as a Dietary Cannabis. . . and push it up to the Anti-oxidant and Neuro-protective levels which come into play at hundreds of milligrams,” stated Cannabis clinician Dr. William Courtney.
So there is clearly a major difference in therapeutic value based on how the majority of cannabis users experience the plant, rather than the methods to maximize cannabinoid delivery into the blood stream.
Cannabis – whether Sativa, Indica, Ruderalis, male, female, hermaphrodite, wild, bred for fiber, seeds or medicinal resin – is a vegetable with every dietary essential we can’t synthesize: Essential Amino Acids, Essential Fatty Acids, Essential Cannabinoid acids and hundreds of anti-Cancer compounds.
As social element, there is nothing wrong with smoking cannabis either, but it will not provide the same therapeutic value is all. Smoking it is not “bad” or “wrong” or “immoral.” It is simply something that millions of responsible adults choose to do with their own time, just like drinking a glass of wine. Despite alcohol being more toxic, more addictive, more harmful to the body, more likely to result in injuries, and more likely to lead to interpersonal violence than cannabis, the latter is demonized.
Below are just a few facts that highlight the very different impacts of these two popular substances on those who consume them and on the broader community. A vast amount of additional information can be found in the book, Marijuana is Safer: So why are we driving people to drink? (Chelsea Green, 2009), which was foreword by the former Chief of the Seattle Police Department.
1. Many people die from alcohol use. Nobody dies from cannabis use. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that more than 37,000 annual U.S. deaths, including more than 1,400 in Colorado, are attributed to alcohol use alone (i.e. this figure does not include accidental deaths). On the other hand, the CDC does not even have a category for deaths caused by the use of cannabis.
2. People die from alcohol overdoses. There has never been a fatal cannabis overdose. The official publication of the Scientific Research Society, American Scientist, reported that alcohol is one of the most toxic drugs and using just 10 times what one would use to get the desired effect could lead to death. Cannabis is one of — if not the – least toxic drugs, requiring thousands of times the dose one would use to get the desired effect to lead to death. This “thousands of times” is actually theoretical, since there has never been a case of an individual dying from a cannabis overdose. Meanwhile, according to the CDC, hundreds of alcohol overdose deaths occur in the United States each year.
3. The health-related costs associated with alcohol use far exceed those for cannabis use. Health-related costs for alcohol consumers are eight times greater than those for cannabis consumers, according to an assessment recently published in the British Columbia Mental Health and Addictions Journal. More specifically, the annual cost of alcohol consumption is $165 per user, compared to just $20 per user for cannabis. This should not come as a surprise given the vast amount of research that shows alcohol poses far more — and more significant — health problems than cannabis.
…read more

This article only applies to tobacco mixing cannabis smokers. They calculated th…
This article only applies to tobacco mixing cannabis smokers. They calculated the estimation by taking the ratio of tobacco death to user and applying it to the amount of estimated dagga smokers. Dagga has been proven not to cause lung cancers or diseases.
Cannabis 'kills 30,000 a year'
More than 30,000 cannabis smokers could die every year, doctors warn today. Experts writing in the British Medical Journal say cannabis could be a major contributor to UK deaths …read more
Hello Jozi. This Sunday, 1st September, is Spring Day. Come and meet and share w…
Hello Jozi. This Sunday, 1st September, is Spring Day. Come and meet and share with your Jo'burg stoner community at the RHODES Park prohibition smokedown from 2pm. The DC will be there for a 4.20 smoke up. Bring a friend and bring some blunts. FAYA.

Federal government will not challenge new dagga laws in 2 states.…
Federal government will not challenge new dagga laws in 2 states.
No federal challenge to pot legalization in 2 states
The federal government won't try to block laws legalizing pot for recreational use in Colorado and Washington, Attorney General Eric Holder said Thursday. …read more
Wake n Bake time here in the UK:]
Wake n Bake time here in the UK:] …read more

Frosty looking Death Star OG nugs from THC Finder –
Frosty looking Death Star OG nugs from …read more
In nóg ’n voorval het oplettende passasiers van ’n bus wat Dinsdag (27 Augustus)…
In nóg ’n voorval het oplettende passasiers van ’n bus wat Dinsdag (27 Augustus) van die Oos-Kaap na Kaapstad op pad was, tot die inhegtenisneming van ses vroue gelei.
Volgens Mkhontwana het die bus by ’n kitskosrestaurant in Graaff Reinett gestop om passasiers op en af te laai. Sommige passasiers het gesien dat verdagte pakkies hande verwissel en het die polisie in kennis gestel.
Die bus is in Touwsrivier voorgekeer. Die polisie het ’n sak saamgeperste dagga, versteek in ’n tas, gevind.
Niemand wou eienaarskap vir die tas aanvaar nie. Die polisie het egter ooggetuie inligting opgevolg en ses verdagtes in hegtenis geneem. Die ses vroue (tussen 18 en 70 jaar oud) is vir die besit van dagga in hegtenis geneem.
Die dagga het ’n straatmarkwaarde van sowat R15000.
In Mei vanjaar het die Laingsburg-polisie sy grootste daggavonds nóg gemaak toe hy op 38 sakke dagga beslag gelê het.
Dié reuse vonds is gemaak toe verkeersbeamptes ’n voertuig op die N1 voorgekeer en die dagga geruik het. Die dagga, wat 1052kg geweeg het, het ’n geskatte straatmarkwaarde van R2,5miljoen gehad. …read more
The Dagga Couple have been away on the road in Limpopo Province for the first ti…
The Dagga Couple have been away on the road in Limpopo Province for the first time as the DC. Thank you all for supporting us and coming to listen to our presentations. It was fantastic to finally meet supporters we've known by email for the last couple of years and put the faces to the names. A special mention must go to our hosts Johan And Lee at Eduard Farm outside Polokwane for opening up their conference facilities for us and making us so comfortable during our stay. Thank You. …read more

Here is a masterpiece piece of rolling from one of the DC's reps in Mpumalanga….
Here is a masterpiece piece of rolling from one of the DC's reps in Mpumalanga. Nice one Andre.
Any body else out there got any groovy party piece rolling skills?

The Cannabis plant, indigenous to Central-and South Asia, was historically recog…
The Cannabis plant, indigenous to Central-and South Asia, was historically recognised for its variable applications which could be non-exclusively grouped among fields of clothing, building material, sustenance and medicine. For millennia it was regarded as a resource to mankind rather than the wicked designation bestowed upon it through institutionalised deception during the 20th century.
In 1923 the South-African government, a pioneer in the prohibition campaign, suggested to the League of Nations Advisory Committee on Traffic in Opium and Dangerous Drugs that cannabis in its entirety as a plant was a habit forming drug which should be prohibited. International prohibition was already underway when the International Opium Convention in 1912 displayed desire for a scientific and statistical study to be completed to ascertain the nature of cannabis usage. The resulted war being waged behind this prohibition was degraded to an ideological platform of race politics which was baseless of any scientific fact or evidence. This trend was observed throughout the then conservative western world which was in its infant stages of shunting the legacy of slavery and segregation. The South-American, Asiatic and African populace, who were generally seen as regular consumers of cannabis, was the object of the prohibition war as opposed to the cannabis plant itself. The South-African government argued that the inauspicious productivity levels of the African labour force in the mining sector were as a direct consequence of cannabis usage. The prohibition crusade in the United States of America was conducted by the infamous Harry Anslinger who was appointed as the director of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. The following quotes were from Anslinger and are evident of the racial manipulation the prohibition of cannabis was subjected to:
“There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos, and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz, and swing, result from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers, and any others.”
“…the primary reason to outlaw marijuana is its effect on the degenerate races.”
“Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity, criminality, and death.”
“Reefer makes darkies think they’re as good as white men.”
“Marihuana leads to pacifism and communist brainwashing”
“You smoke a joint and you’re likely to kill your brother.”
“Marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind.”
In the scientific context of perilousness to individuals, the dependency forming features of cannabis is proven to be lower than that of caffeine, alcohol, nicotine or the obvious hazardous cocaine and heroin. A small portion of heavy cannabis users develop a certain degree of dependency, although the physical addiction to cannabis has not been proven to exist. This supports the fact that a very small proportion of first time users will resort to regular use enforcing the argumentative position for recreational usage, challenging the conventional addiction perspective associated with heavier drugs, of which caffeine and alcohol is included, for measure to non-cannabis users.
A recent study, the biggest of its kind in history, conducted by the University of California in Los Angeles, surprisingly found that smoking cannabis does not cause lung cancer, irrespective of the volume and frequency of consumption. The reason behind this revelation was that the chemical compound found in cannabis, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), could kill of aging cells which are responsible for becoming cancerous.
Schizophrenia was previously believed to be a condition potentially triggered in some cases by the use of cannabis, although evidence from various studies on this contradicts one another. Dissimilar to this theory, there are studies which have shown that cannabidiol (CBD), “a non-psychoactive constituent of the Cannabis sativa plant, can in fact be utilised as a treatment for schizophrenic symptoms.
The health benefits concomitant with cannabis has been well studied and documented in the last few decades, although it poses a threat to the sustainable profiteering of pharmaceutical corporations, therefore justifying the suppression of information pertaining to these facts by big business and governments alike. Marco Torres, a specialist writer and researcher in the fields of Public Health and Environmental Science has listed “The top 10 health benefits of marijuana”, which was well researched based on scientific principles. These benefits included, but are not exclusive of, proven cancer inhibition, the treatment of symptoms from Tourette’s syndrome, the treatment of seizures, migraines, Glaucoma, Multiple sclerosis, ADD and ADHD, IBS and Crohn’s, Alzheimer’s and the feminine condition of premenstrual syndrome. Various other studies have documented that there are many more pharmaceutical applications of cannabis, which are currently blatantly over looked and silenced.
Through the 20th century, an indoctrinated stigma was progressively allocated to cannabis, which steered the general populace to believe that cannabis was socially unacceptable and that there existed a string of negative social and health connotations to the plant. Since the 1970’s, studies were conducted on a large scale to establish the impact of cannabis through scientific principles and evidence. A series of myths, needless to say which were baseless of factual evidence, were exposed by Lynn Zimmer, Associate professor of Sociology at Queens College and John P. Morgan, Professor of Pharmacology at the City University Medical School in the paper “Exposing marijuana myths: a review of scientific evidence”. These myths ranged from social issues, addictive properties and statistical usage to the regularly sited health myths.
The current legislation on recreational substances in South-Africa allows for alcohol to be marketed and sold nationwide. The World Health Organisation argues that strong evidence in various countries has suggested that alcohol severely exacerbates the frequency and degree of domestic violence, household financial problems and psychological complications for children under these circumstances.
Opposed to this, cannabis is a mood relaxer which induces a decreased probability for these situations to develop, which makes cannabis …read more
“After all the money your father and I
spent on braces, this you call a
“I don't care what you've discovered,
you didn't call, you didn't write.”
“A ceiling you paint? Not good
enough for you the walls, like the
other children?
Do you know how hard it is to get
that schmutz off the ceiling?”
“You're not hiding your report card?
Show me!
Take your hand out of your jacket and
show me!”
“Again with that hat! Why can't you
wear a baseball cap like the other
“Next time I catch you throwing
money across the Potomac,
you can kiss your allowance good-
“Okay, so I'm proud that you invented
the electric light bulb.
Now turn it off already and go to
“I don't care where you think you
have to go, young man,
midnight is long past your bedtime!”
“Your senior photograph and you
couldn't have done something with
your hair?”
“Desert, schmesert! Where have you
really been for the last forty years?”
“It would have killed for you to
become a doctor?” …read more
The feds give the thumbs up to Colorado and Washington's #cannabis legislation experiment.
Marijuana advocates hail ‘major step’ – World News | IOL News |
South Africa’s Premier Online News Source. Discover the world of IOL, News South Africa, Sport, Business, Financial, World News, Entertainment, Technology, Motoring, Travel, Property, Classifieds & more.

Another great article by one of our Happy Hempers.. Check out…
Another great article by one of our Happy Hempers.. Check out
Health and Healing with Hemp | Seed Oil and Seed Protein Powder
As the name implies, hemp seed oil is cold pressed from the seeds of the industrial hemp plant. …read more
Timeline Photos
Pesticides Lower Intelligence in Children
—->Read Full Article Here:
Aside from the fact that pesticides can harm the DNA of all living things, there's another reason their use isn't a smart idea — they contain chemicals that lower IQ in children, even before they are born.
@[134953239880777:274:Healthy Holistic Living] …read more

Wild Goji OG from THC Finder –
Wild Goji OG from …read more

State Threatens To Seize Infant Who was Fed Goat’s Milk Instead of Approved GM…
State Threatens To Seize Infant Who was Fed Goat’s Milk Instead
of Approved GMO Soy Formula ~ Seriously?? Oh wait this is 2013 on planet Earth of course yes, the times of madness..
State Threatens To Seize Infant Who was Fed Goat’s Milk Instead of Approved GMO Soy Formula
State Threatens To Seize Infant Who was Fed Goat’s Milk Instead of Approved GMO Soy Formula A young mother in Maine is being threatened by the Depar … …read more

Please make informed choices about these vaccines. There have been casualties. P…
Please make informed choices about these vaccines. There have been casualties. People taking part in experiments have the right to know & must sign their consent. Taxpayers are footing this experiment. Please sign & share the petition:
Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, MP, Minister of Health South Africa: Stop 2014 mass HPV Vaccination in…
The South African Minister of Health, Dr. Aaron Motsoaledi, has announced that the government will be buying 520 000 doses of the HPV Vaccine to be… …read more
You have to be really high!!! 3:) too enjoy this link!!
You have to be really high!!! 3:) too enjoy this link!! …read more
Are you gonna buy a PS4 or Xbox One? Are you a stoner gamer? This might change y…
Are you gonna buy a PS4 or Xbox One? Are you a stoner gamer? This might change your mind! …read more

ready and rolled!!!
ready and rolled!!!
Madjat (@djatbox) posted a photo on Twitter
Get the whole picture – and other photos from Madjat …read more

hell yes!!!!

All the way!!!
All the way!!!
Madjat (@djatbox) posted a photo on Twitter
Get the whole picture – and other photos from Madjat …read more

bobs heading for 420k likes ;)
I double dare you to buy weed in one of these! 3:)
I double dare you to buy weed in one of these! 3:) …read more
Evolution is messed up. #6 will haunt your nightmares. Smoke a blunt before you…
Evolution is messed up. #6 will haunt your nightmares. Smoke a blunt before you check these out man! …read more