Although the Indian Hemp has been used in Persia, and throughout India, for many hundred years, for producing inebriation, and also as a medicinal agent, it has only been very recently introduced into British medicine, through the exertions of Dr. O’Shaughnessy, late of Calcutta; consequently the observations made on its medicinal virtues have been as yet very limited. In its action on the system it is decidedly narcotic, producing at first the effects of a powerful stimulant, which, if the dose taken be sufficiently large, are soon followed by those of a direct sedative. The preparation of the Indian hemp have been chiefly employed in the treatment of neuralgic and painful affections, in most of which they have proved very beneficial. Thus, they have been given in tetanus, hydrophobia, infantile convulsions, sciatica, chorea, neuralgic pains, and chronic rheumatism; they have also been used to subdue sleeplessness, or disturbed rest, provided it don’t arise from inflammation in the head. All who have tried the effects of this remedy in the British isles have come to the conclusion that the Indian hemp must be given in much larger doses in this country than in the East, and since his, return home, this has been acknowledged by Doctor O’Shaughnessy himself. The trials made with it in the diseases above enumerated, would seem to show that the cannabis Indica may be used with benefit as a substitute for opium, in cases for which that drug is unsuited, from idiosyncrasy, or any other cause ; and also that it will occasionally succeed in abating, sometimes in completely removing pain, where this agent totally fails us. In consequence of its stimulating properties, the use of the Indian hemp is contraindicated in acute inflammatory diseases. The preparations of this drug, which are at present in use, are the resinous extract, and a tincture; they are prepared as follows:
Extractum Cannabis.-Take of the dried flowering tops, rejecting the steins, any quantity; rectified spirit, a sufficiency; boil the tops in the spirit until all the resin is dissolved out ; distil off the spirit with the heat of a vapour bath, so as to obtain an extract of a proper consistence. Dose : Ten to twelve grains, gradually increased until a tendency to coma is produced, half a grain to a grain and a half is the dose usually given in the East, and this quantity frequently produces marked effects there. It is best given in the form of a pill.
Tinctum Cannabis (O’Shaughnessy). Extract of Indian hemp, three grains ; proof spirit, one fluid drachm; dissolve. Dose: One to two fluid drachms, frequently repeated, until the desired effect is produced. This tincture is decomposed by water, the resin being precipitated in the form of a pale yellow powder. It should, therefore, be suspended in aqueous vehicles, by means of mucilage, syrup, or yolk of egg. – Dr. Neligan.
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Propaganda, Power, and ultimately Racism, has left this wonderfully medicinal Plant in ravages over the past 90 Years. It is now time for the world to see what has been taken and hidden from us, in the name of Money, Power & Greed.