1. Cannabis seeds are not narcotic and when ground as flour provide up to 24% protein, and all the amino acids necessary for human nutrition.
2. Cannabis seeds contain Omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids in a perfect balance for human cardiac and mental health.
3. Cannabis seed oil, which is non-narcotic and identical to hemp oil, can be used in cooking, for energy, and as a health supplement.
4. Cannabis fibres can be used for biodegradable plastics, fuel, textiles, livestock bedding, construction materials, paper, packaging and many other products.
5. Cannabis is not physically addictive like tobacco, alcohol, or many over-the-counter drugs.
6. Cannabis is safer to use than tobacco and alcohol, which together cause 100 times more deaths than the total combined deaths resulting from all other illegal drugs.
7. Cannabis used in a mix with tobacco mitigates the cancer and heart disease impacts of tobacco.
8. Cannabis, used moderately, in conjunction with harm minimisation techniques, does not adversely affect motor coordination, driving skills, cognitive skills, workplace safety, lung function, quality of work, or motivation in experienced smokers.
9. The estimated LTD50% (lethal toxic dose for 50% of subjects) for Cannabis is 750kg to be consumed within fifteen minutes, a physical impossibility. (Cannabis is safer than sugar!)
10. No deaths have ever been directly caused by the use or abuse of Cannabis in over 10 000 years.
11. The narcotic ingredient in Cannabis, THC (delta 9-Tetrahydrocannibinol), is useful for the treatment of pain, nausea, asthma, colds and flu, menstrual cramps, opiate addiction, alcoholism, Crohn’s disease, spastic colon, muscular spasm in Multiple Sclerosis, glaucoma of the eye, AIDS-related wasting, motor neurone disease, mental irritability, depression, ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder, pain in haemochromatosis, and it is supportive in radiation and chemotherapy against cancer. Cannabis has been shown to cure many different cancers.
12. One Cannabis joint boosts melatonin levels in our body by up to 4000% 2 hours after smoking a joint. Melatonin is a natural brain hormone which is a powerful antioxidant. Melatonin soaks up free radicals produced by our metabolism and which cause cancer and the aging process. Cannabis thus slows aging and helps prevent and cure cancers.
Despite the present ‘reefer madness’ propaganda against Dagga, this wonderful plant clearly has great potential to benefit South Africa, providing carbon- neutral, healthy, environmentally sustainable resources for all citizens.
Read more on http://daggaparty.co.za/