South Africans Should Beware of GMO Foods
19 June 2013
On Tuesday the IFP raised a motion in Parliament requesting a debate on the dangers associated with the consumption of genetically modified foods, as well as measures that could be put in place to ensure the safety of the populace from certain multinational corporations that supply such foods not having the best interests of South Africans at heart.
IFP Spokesperson on Agriculture, forestry and fisheries, Inkosi RN Cebekhulu, MP, said, "I have brought this issue before parliament as a motion for debate as I am deeply concerned about safety regarding human consumption of GMO's. Genetically modified foods could possibly have disastrous consequences for our health and environment. We urge government to undertake a full and independent scientific study into the health risks associated with the consumption of GMO's."
He further added that, "The large majority of South Africa's maize and soya crops come from GMO seeds. Maize and soya are the staple foods of this nation. Our people have their right to know what they are consuming and if there are any dangers associated therewith."
The IFP calls on the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to ensure that this country thoroughly investigates all GMO crops. South Africa is a country blessed with abundant soil, water and sunshine. We therefore see no need for GMO foods in this country.
Issued by: IFP Spokesperson on Agriculture, forestry and fisheries
Inkosi RN Cebekhulu,MP, 082 975 5107
IFP Parliamentary Caucus' Media Liaison Officer
Mr PhendulaniBiyase, 073 024 5675