Dagga has always been legal in South Africa

Dagga laws come from the apartheid days and we don’t support any laws brought into power that discriminates and punish humans when they have not caused harm or loss to another person.

As far as I know all governments and banks are foreclosed by The One People, formerly known as The One People Public Trust or OPPT, and the UCC filings that was done. This means that the drug and trafficking act is not legal and therefor any person who enforces this or any other act is doing so in their private capacity and in full liability.

Dagga is legal for free men and woman! A judges order is only enforceable if you accept it. The name of the game is “Offer and Acceptance” Do you accept what someone is Offering? Overstand your common law rights.

Therefore dagga is legal. It is the enforcement of the drug and trafficking act that is illegal!



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