Monthly Archives: April 2013

Statutes are only applicable to servants of government, if you assume or presume that you are then it becomes law.

Dagga prohibition only applies to agents of the government (public servants) or any person acting as an agent of government.

Therefor the drug and trafficking act does not have jurisdiction over any human being not acting as a public servant or agent of government.

You have caused no harm or loss to another.

There is no contract to prove you were acting as an agent of government.


The justice system uses this against you.

When you continue your court case as per their procedures you are confirming that you are an agent of government,

How can you be a public servant when you are not paid.

At birth your name is registered like you would expect but the registration is sort of like a contract for a permanent job, your profession is a public servant as you are paying taxes and the government is the beneficiary.

However the government cannot be the beneficiaries. They are the public servants. They are in trust of God’s green earth. We, the people, are the beneficiaries.

Government is suppose numerate us with money not the other way around.


There is no contract between you and government unless you verbally agree or give consent.

God’s law is the highest form of law as it is non negotiable.

As long as you do not cause harm or loss to another human being your are not breaking any laws just statutes.

Statutes are only applicable to servants of government and if you assume or presume that you are then it becomes law.


– Dean C Clifford

Dean C Clifford Q & A regarding Law

A Statute, otherwise known as an Act of Government only carries the force of law upon you if you consent to it.
Legal versus Lawful! What does that mean?
You may ask, are they not one, and the same?
If something is lawful, does it not follow that it is also legal?
The answer is most definitely NO!
There are only three basic LAWS we could or should be accountable for

1) Injury to person (covers murder, assault, rape, slander, libel defaming ones name etc. etc)
2) Injury to property (includes physical property, intellectual property, income, loss of revenue etc.)
3) Mischief (fraud) in our contracts verbal or otherwise: (Speaks for itself)

The only Law you need to follow in life is – ‘Do No Harm.’

Dean C. Clifford – “The more legal identification you have, believe me the more problems your going to have.

Jurisdiction is the problem not the definitions of the words.
How about i just figure out who I am and just stop caring about what they are!

It’s just you got to understand, who you are, then all the nonsense, the layers and layers and layers and layers and layers of deception they put on top of everything go-away at that point.”

PetroSA chairmain resigns after Hemp Bio-Fuel questions

Former PetroSA chairperson Benny Mokaba.

Former PetroSA chairperson Benny Mokaba.

JOHANNESBURG – More details are expected to emerge on Monday about the sudden departure of PetroSA’s Chairman Benny Mokaba.

A statement from the Central Energy Fund, which owns the company, only confirms that Mokaba has vacated his position.

The Dagga Movement has asked PetroSA why industrial hemp bio fuel has not been considered as a alternative green and sustainable source of fuel / energy source yet?

PetroSA said it had started its own investigations after concerns were raised.

There are unconfirmed reports that Mokaba was fired from his post over the so-called Oilgate 2 scandal.

It is claimed he was handed a letter on Sunday informing him of a decision taken by Energy Minister Dipuo Peters.

However, the Central Energy Fund statement is vague about whether Mokaba jumped or whether he was pushed.

It says his departure follows an question on how hemp bio-fuel has not been considered as alternative, green and sustainable source of energy by PetroSA.

The Energy Ministry is yet to comment.

It has also been reported the Hawks are investigating a series of alleged irregular payments.

Mokaba was appointed to the PetroSA board in 2011.

The Email
SUBJECT: Industrial Hemp Bio Fuel

FROM: Dagga Movement <>
DATE: Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 9:49 AM


I would like to find out why industrial hemp bio fuel has not been considered as a alternative green and sustainable source of fuel / energy source?



Michael Hawthorne
Dagga Movement


SUBJECT: Out of Office: Industrial Hemp Bio Fuel
FROM:  Courtoreille JESSICA <>
DATE: Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 9:31 AM
To: Dagga Movement <>
I will be out of office until 2 May.

Notice of Disclaimer: Please note that this e-mail,
and the contents thereof, is subject to the Standard
PetroSA e-mail Disclaimer which is available from

The Petroleum Oil and Gas Corporation
of South Africa (SOC) Ltd
known as “PetroSA” Reg. No. 1970/008130/07.
Dr A M B Mokaba – Chairman,
Ms N N Nokwe (Group Chief Executive Officer),
Adv M B Madumise, Mr S Mncwango,
Mr V Sibiya, Mr G C Smith, Mr S Mokoena
Mr M M Zwane, Mr A Rhoda,
Mr A C G Molusi, Ms E Letlape,
Ms P S V Ngaba (Company Secretary).

Cannabis Awareness Drive: 21 Days Notice to Government

We have made it incredibly easy for you to participate in the awareness drive.

Click on this link

· Enter your name and your e-mail address

· And the automated system will send the “Message” below

· to all the “Recipients listed below on your behalf,

· using your e-mail address in the “From” field.

· We do NOT store or save your details at all. It is used once only in this particular e-mail campaign.

What is this this “Awareness Drive” about?


In order to spread the good news about the Dagga Movement, OPPT and the UCC filings far and wide through our beautiful rainbow nation, our path is to
inform everyone that they have been freed from slavery. One of the most effective methods to bring an important issue to the fore, is to use the
“flash-mob” technique.

A “flash-mob” is a coordinated action where

· many people send a

· specific message to

· one or more selected individuals

· during a specified (short) time period.

29 April 2013 to 20 May 2013

The aim is to have (at least) two coordinated “flash-mob” awareness drives per week, which will be announced on the Dagga Movement Facebook page

( Every awareness drive will have a new list of

contact details and a new date range.

We have compiled this “template” document outlining the good news message about the Dagga Movement and the OPPT.

There are currently over 260 members on the Dagga Movement facebook page and 2000 members on this OPPT-SA FB group.

We have also collected contact details of many individuals to share the message with. All that is needed now, is the DO-ing of sending the information out.
This is where YOU come into the picture.

Number of participants:  91 people have sent this email!

How to use this information

Click on this link, fill in YOUR name and YOUR email address.

Click on “Send”, and relax, knowing that you are contributing to our new paradigm!

Let us get this beautiful message of our new, freedom oriented world out to everyone!

Click and participate!

Contact List



29 April 2013

RE: Cultivation, possession & USE of cannabis. Safer in the hands of the people, the beneficiary AND EXECUTOR of the last will and testament of God.

To whom it may concern

I– as in context of Rastafari culture. Translated to WE in English.

As the beneficiary of the last will and testament of God I am allowed to anything as long as I do no harm to another.

You have 21 days to provide scientific facts as to why I am prohibited from cannabis.

If I do not receive scientific proof as to why I am not allowed to cultivate, posses and use cannabis within 21 days I will assume that I am allowed to
cultivate, posses and use cannabis.

Cost of liability;
Breach / Violation of Rights

I, the beneficiary & executor of the last will and testament of God would like to make it publicly known that the cost of violation / breach of any
of my rights, especially related to cannabis, are subject to individual worth. However in light of the current situation regarding cannabis prohibition I
will seek the maximum value possible in your monetary system.

Cost of liability per any violation of rights:
R (infinite / ∞) Individual Worth

[Minimum but not limited to R 1000 000 000 or 25 000 times the current cannabis market value.]


The South Africa Drugs and Drug Trafficking Act no 140 of 1992 is in breach of my rights to cultivate, posses and use cannabis.



Dagga Movement
Dagga is a healthy lifestyle not a crime.


South African OPPT CN


Spread the good news: Share this information far and wide!

The One People’s Public Trust (OPPT) announced the foreclosure of the world’s banks and “governments” on December 25th 2012 stemming from prior
investigation into massive fraud across the entire system. See report at:

What happened?

The OPPT posed to the world’s Banks and Governments:

1. that they had by deceptive acts and practices been stealing from the people for hundreds of years, and;

2. nothing stood between the Creator and each of the Creator’s creations, and gave due opportunity to rebut both statements. They could not and did not. To
understand this fully please read the

Declaration of Facts at > UCC Filings > 2012 ptII > Declaration of Facts.
Here are two excerpts:

Government Charters Cancelled:

(Refer: DECLARATION OF FACTS: UCC Doc # 2012127914 Nov 28 2012)

“…That any and all CHARTERS, inclusive of The United States Federal Government, UNITED STATES, “STATE of …”, Inclusive of any and all abbreviations,
idem sonans, or other legal, financial or managerial forms,any andall international equivalents, inclusive of any and all OFFICES,
inclusive of any and all OFFICERS, PUBLIC SERVANTS, EXECUTIVE ORDERS, TREATIES, CONSTITUTIONS, MEMBERSHIP, ACTS, and any and all other contracts and
agreements made thereunder and thereby, are now, void, worthless, or otherwise cancelled, unrebutted; ...”

Bank Charters Cancelled:

(Refer: TRUE BILL: WA DC UCC Doc# 2012114776 Oct 24 2012)

“Declared and ordered irrevocably cancelled; any and all charters for Bank of International Settlements (BIS) members thereto and thereof including all
beneficiaries, including all certain states of body owning, operating, aiding and abetting private money systems, issuing, collection, legal enforcement
systems, operating SLAVERY SYSTEMS …commandeering lawful value by unlawful representation…”

Orders to Cease and Desist:

Attention is drawn to DECLARATION AND ORDER: UCC Doc # 2012096074, Sept. 09 2012, duly reconfirmed and ratified by COMMERCIAL BILL UCC Doc. No. 2012114586
and TRUE BILL UCC Doc. No.2012 114776 which states:

Volunteers within the military … “to arrest and take into custody any and all certain states of body, their agents, officers, and other actors,
regardless of domicil by choice, owning, operating, aiding and abetting private money systems, issuing, collection, legal enforcement systems, operating
SLAVERY SYSTEMS against the several states citizens, …”, and “Repossess all private money systems, tracking, transferring, issuing, collection, legal
enforcement systems operating SLAVERY SYSTEMS…”

“…all beings of the creator shall forthwith assist all Public Servants identified herein, to implement, protect, preserve and complete this ORDER by all
means of the creator and created as stated herein, by, with, and under your full personal liability…”

Search document numbers listed at the Washington DC UCC Registry:

What does this mean to you?

Are you paying a “debt” to a foreclosed entity..? e.g. mortgage, credit card, car loan?

OPPT has foreclosed on hierarchy. No one stands between you and your creator… not even “Government”.

Because a CEASE AND DESIST order exists, you are free to offer terms and conditions to individuals acting on behalf of a foreclosed Bank or “Government”,
by issuing a Courtesy Notice.

What does this mean to Banks & “Governments”?

All beings now act in the capacity of individual entities without a corporate safety net and with full personal liability for each and EVERY ACTION THEY
TAKE under common law, protected and preserved by public policy UCC 1-103, and Universal law, the governing law laid out in the OPPT UCC filings. (Refer:
WA DC UCC Ref Doc # 2012113593)

Should any individual pursue any actions on behalf of a foreclosed Bank or “Government”, causing another individual any damage as herein described, they in
their individual and unlimited capacity are absolutely liable. Such actions may result in the receipt of a Courtesy Notice.

Courtesy Notice

The Courtesy Notice contains the information of this flyer and offers terms and conditions for future dealings.

Whereas Banks and “Governments” have been foreclosed worldwide… Acts, Statutes, Codes, Courts, Executive Orders etc were thereby foreclosed, thus without
a lawfully binding contract – individual to individual, no instrument exists to compel performance.

The Courtesy Notice offers new terms to any individual of a foreclosed entity for their acceptance and the method of acceptance is clearly

Individuals are now downloading and sending Courtesy Notices worldwide; 64,000 were downloaded in the first two days following release in
early Feb 2013. See

What is the UCC – Where and to whom does it apply?

The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) is the ‘bible’ of commerce and used world wide, but sometimes in disguise. UCC is not taught in law schools; it is used
in high level banking and government corporations. Accordingly most lawyers, attorneys and magistrates know nothing about UCC and will argue it has no

1. Executive Order 13037 dated 04 Mar 1997 defined humans as capital. See: http://

2. UCC Doc # 0000000181425776 filed 12 Aug 2011 evidences sale of US citizens in transaction between The Federal Reserve System and The United States Department of the Treasury 1789 for $14.3 trillion. (Linked above)

3. UCC Doc #2001059388 evidences the template the Federal Reserve Bank of New York uses to secure the collateral in major banks around the world…
including chattel paper, goods and the unborn young of animals. See

Those who would regard the UCC as irrelevant outside the US are thereby claiming former funding arrangements with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York null
and void.

Due Diligence

Given the usage of UCC filings in the upper levels of “government” and banks worldwide, due diligence is a necessity.

If there is a dispute, error, or falsity make AND deliver a duly verified sworn DECLARATION OF REBUTTAL to the duly verified, sworn and REGISTERED OPPT
DECLARATION OF FACTS, point by point, with specificity and particularity, with full responsibility and liability, under the penalty of perjury under any
law you identify, that the forgoing is true and accurate, signed by your wet-ink signature.

To date, no such rebuttal has been registered.

Further Research

Radio shows:

All People Declared Free of Debt

(Refer Notice of Declaration of Absolute Truth UCC# 2013032035) The final filing of the OPPT occurred on March 18, 2013. This document terminated all
remaining man-made entities and returned all people of this planet to absolute freedom. In this document the creator is referred to as “absolute essence”
and all creations people are referred to as “absolute essence embodied”.

Article VI states…”I duly verify, with full responsibility and liability, by DECLARATION OF ORDER, that eternal essence IS made transparent and known by
the DO’ing of any and all embodiment of eternal essence in eternal essence’s universe, IS free and free of debt, unrebutted.”

This means THERE IS NO DEBT.

You have no debt… No one has debt… it is done.


Inform yourself:
1. Your government is a registered for-profit corporation. Watch this 50min video for more background:

2. What is the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)? Watch the 6 min clip from Jordan Maxwell on the UCC available here:

3. Learn the basics of OPPT here:

4. Read this published article:—by-Gabriel-Donohoe-130306-401.html

5. Visit

6. Join the OPPT-SA Facebook group at:



Marijuana is safer: Why are we driven to drink.

Cannabis Links, Study’s, Facts & Educational information You can help by sharing!!!

Cannabis Educational Videos & links


Collection of links:


(In Pot We Trust)

(American Drug War – The Last White Hope)


(Run From The Cure – The Rick Simpson Story)

(Medicinal Cannabis and its Impact on Human Health)

(Clearing the Smoke: The Science of Cannabis) Videos:–g&feature=related


Main Cannabinoids:


(THC) Endocannabinoid system:

(A Endocannabinoid, Similar to THC) (acetaminophens effects on the endocannabinoid system)


(Memory) Cannabis & Driving:

Cannabinoids & Pregnancy & Birth:

Cancer & Cannabis:,_Breast_And_Lung_Cancer_Cells.html

HIV & Cannabis:


Study: Marijuana Not Linked With Long Term Cognitive Impairment

Cannabis & Neuroprotection:

Pot Compound Protects Against Alcohol-Induced Brain Damage

Mental Illness:

Medical Marijuana:



Worth Repeating: 7 Cannabis Studies That Will Change Everything

Cover Ups:

(He & Nixon started all this crap)




Drug War:


‘Magic Mushrooms’ Can Improve Psychological Health Long Term


Religion & Drugs: Christianity:

Organisations: Norml ( Leap ( Students for Sensible Drug Policy ( Drug War Facts ( Safer Choice
( Marijuana Policy Project ( Project CBD ( Cannabis Science (

Previous discussions

Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 11:45 AM


Dear Dagga Movement

From what you have said, wouldn’t it be better then, to ask Agricultural Resource Centre about how they went about getting permission on this?

Bhungani Mzolo

Tell: 012 395 8479

>>> < > 2013/04/24 12:39 PM >>>

Message type: Problem

Subject: a permit to cultivate dagga legally

Name: Dagga Movement


Response requested: Yes

Date submitted: 24 April 2013

Comments: Hi I would like more information regarding acquiring a permit to cultivate cannabis legally as was awarded to the Agricultural Research Centre. –
Who has the authority to issue such or any relating permits? – Are there any doctors in the Western Cape who support medicinal cannabis? How is it then
possible that a permit has been issued to the Agricultural Research Council? See court case no 356/09 which states that the Agricultural Research Council
has a special permit from the Department of Health. We also know that House of Hemp has a license to grow hemp yet it is illegal with our current laws in
place! Also why has the Medical Research Council of South Africa not yet released any info after their public statement five years ago that they will do
more research on cannabis for medicinal purposes. Cannabis is now legal in many countries. Cannabis is a safe alternative to tobacco and alcohol. Cannabis
causes apotheosis in cancer cell. Cannabis stimulates the growth of brain cells. It\’s our basic human right to choose to ingest a natural non intoxicating
vegetable. Cannabis does not become psychoactive until it is smoked or heated. Cannabis is the most important vegetable on the planet. The only negative
impacts of cannabis is prohibition that jail and criminalizes otherwise law abiding citizen. Politicians who support prohibition knowingly support
organized crime. South Africa can end world hunger with gruel and cannabis milk which is both made with cannabis seeds and are non-psychoactive. We the
dagga culture of South Africa understand that cannabis threatens the oil, alcohol, tobacco, cotton and many other industries. We are also aware that the
prohibition of cannabis is unconstitutional and deny us our basic human right to a natural alternative that is safer to consume than our municipal water
supply that is fluoridated by the Department of Water Affairs knowing that fluoride serves only topical medicinal application and becomes toxic once
ingested. Again abusing our basic human right to choose what to ingest into our body. There are 44000 deaths attributed to tobacco in South Africa each
year. There has been no fatality attributed to cannabis. Denying our basic human rights are also a criminal offence. Regards Michael Hawthorne Dagga


The end of dagga prohibition is here!

Finaly we are free!

We the beneficiaries of this planet are not bound to the laws of a corporation or government.

Anyone may grow cannabis. There is hope!

The corporations and governments of the world are being shut down! The earth was left for us. No man made law bind us without contract. There is no contract signed between you and the government. Therefor their laws are meaningless. Don’t get me wrong. Murder is murder… but dagga prohibition for corporate profit? Bank cartels fraudulently making money out of thin air? NO MORE!

Watch the videos of Dean Clifford at the bottom of this article!



Spread the good news: Share this information far and wide!

The One People’s Public Trust (OPPT) announced the foreclosure of the world’s banks and “governments” on December 25th 2012 stemming from prior investigation into massive fraud across the entire system. See report at:

What happened?

The OPPT posed to the world’s Banks and Governments:

  1. that they had by deceptive acts and practices been stealing from the people for hundreds of years, and;
  2. nothing stood between the Creator and each of the Creator’s creations, and gave due opportunity to rebut both statements. They could not and did not. To understand this fully please read the

Declaration of Facts at > UCC Filings > 2012 ptII > Declaration of Facts. Here are two excerpts:


Government Charters Cancelled: (Refer: DECLARATION OF FACTS: UCC Doc # 2012127914 Nov 28 2012)

“…That any and all CHARTERS, inclusive of The United States Federal Government, UNITED STATES, “STATE of …”, Inclusive of any and all abbreviations, idem sonans, or other legal, financial or managerial forms, any andall international equivalents, inclusive of any and all OFFICES, inclusive of any and all OFFICERS, PUBLIC SERVANTS, EXECUTIVE ORDERS, TREATIES, CONSTITUTIONS, MEMBERSHIP, ACTS, and any and all other contracts and agreements made thereunder and thereby, are now, void, worthless, or otherwise cancelled, unrebutted; ...”


Bank Charters Cancelled: (Refer: TRUE BILL: WA DC UCC Doc# 2012114776 Oct 24 2012)

“Declared and ordered irrevocably cancelled; any and all charters for Bank of International Settlements (BIS) members thereto and thereof including all beneficiaries, including all certain states of body owning, operating, aiding and abetting private money systems, issuing, collection, legal enforcement systems, operating SLAVERY SYSTEMS …commandeering lawful value by unlawful representation…”


Orders to Cease and Desist:

Attention is drawn to DECLARATION AND ORDER: UCC Doc # 2012096074, Sept. 09 2012, duly reconfirmed and ratified by COMMERCIAL BILL UCC Doc. No. 2012114586 and TRUE BILL UCC Doc. No.2012 114776 which states:

Volunteers within the military … “to arrest and take into custody any and all certain states of body, their agents, officers, and other actors, regardless of domicil by choice, owning, operating, aiding and abetting private money systems, issuing, collection, legal enforcement systems, operating SLAVERY SYSTEMS against the several states citizens, …”, and “Repossess all private money systems, tracking, transferring, issuing, collection, legal enforcement systems operating SLAVERY SYSTEMS…”

“…all beings of the creator shall forthwith assist all Public Servants identified herein, to implement, protect, preserve and complete this ORDER by all means of the creator and created as stated herein, by, with, and under your full personal liability…”

Search document numbers listed at the Washington DC UCC Registry:


What does this mean to you?

Are you paying a “debt” to a foreclosed entity..? e.g. mortgage, credit card, car loan?

OPPT has foreclosed on hierarchy. No one stands between you and your creator… not even “Government”.

Because a CEASE AND DESIST order exists, you are free to offer terms and conditions to individuals acting on behalf of a foreclosed Bank or “Government”, by issuing a Courtesy Notice.


What does this mean to Banks & “Governments”?

All beings now act in the capacity of individual entities without a corporate safety net and with full personal liability for each and EVERY ACTION THEY TAKE under common law, protected and preserved by public policy UCC 1-103, and Universal law, the governing law laid out in the OPPT UCC filings. (Refer: WA DC UCC Ref Doc # 2012113593)

Should any individual pursue any actions on behalf of a foreclosed Bank or “Government”, causing another individual any damage as herein described, they in their individual and unlimited capacity are absolutely liable. Such actions may result in the receipt of a Courtesy Notice.

Courtesy Notice

The Courtesy Notice contains the information of this flyer and offers terms and conditions for future dealings.

Whereas Banks and “Governments” have been foreclosed worldwide… Acts, Statutes, Codes, Courts, Executive Orders etc were thereby foreclosed, thus without a lawfully binding contract – individual to individual, no instrument exists to compel performance.

The Courtesy Notice offers new terms to any individual of a foreclosed entity for their acceptance and the method of acceptance is clearly defined.

Individuals are now downloading and sending Courtesy Notices worldwide; 64,000 were downloaded in the first two days following release in early Feb 2013. See


What is the UCC – Where and to whom does it apply?

The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) is the ‘bible’ of commerce and used world wide, but sometimes in disguise. UCC is not taught in law schools; it is used in high level banking and government corporations. Accordingly most lawyers, attorneys and magistrates know nothing about UCC and will argue it has no application.

  1. Executive Order 13037 dated 04 Mar 1997 defined humans as capital. See: http://
  2. UCC Doc # 0000000181425776 filed 12 Aug 2011 evidences sale of US citizens in transaction between The Federal Reserve System and The United States Department of the Treasury 1789 for $14.3 trillion. (Linked above)
  3. UCC Doc #2001059388 evidences the template the Federal Reserve Bank of New York uses to secure the collateral in major banks around the world… including chattel paper, goods and the unborn young of animals. See

Those who would regard the UCC as irrelevant outside the US are thereby claiming former funding arrangements with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York null and void.


Due Diligence

Given the usage of UCC filings in the upper levels of “government” and banks worldwide, due diligence is a necessity.

If there is a dispute, error, or falsity make AND deliver a duly verified sworn DECLARATION OF REBUTTAL to the duly verified, sworn and REGISTERED OPPT DECLARATION OF FACTS, point by point, with specificity and particularity, with full responsibility and liability, under the penalty of perjury under any law you identify, that the forgoing is true and accurate, signed by your wet-ink signature.

To date, no such rebuttal has been registered.


Further Research

Radio shows:


All People Declared Free of Debt (Refer Notice of Declaration of Absolute Truth UCC# 2013032035) The final filing of the OPPT occurred on March 18, 2013. This document terminated all remaining man-made entities and returned all people of this planet to absolute freedom. In this document the creator is referred to as “absolute essence” and all creations people are referred to as “absolute essence embodied”.

Article VI states…”I duly verify, with full responsibility and liability, by DECLARATION OF ORDER, that eternal essence IS made transparent and known by the DO’ing of any and all embodiment of eternal essence in eternal essence’s universe, IS free and free of debt, unrebutted.”

This means THERE IS NO DEBT.

You have no debt… No one has debt… it is done.


Inform yourself:

  1. Your government is a registered for-profit corporation. Watch this 50min video for more background:
  2. What is the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)? Watch the 6 min clip from Jordan Maxwell on the UCC available here:
  3. Learn the basics of OPPT here:
  4. Read this published article:—by-Gabriel-Donohoe-130306-401.html
  5. Visit
  6. Join the OPPT-SA Facebook group at:







Question to PetroSA & Salsol: Why not hemp bio fuel?

Dagga Movement <>
Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 9:31 AM


I would like to find out why industrial hemp bio fuel has not been considered as a alternative green and sustainable source of fuel / energy source?



Michael Hawthorne
Dagga Movement

National Dep. of Health’s response to online message submission.

Bhungani Mzolo <>
Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 11:45 AM

Dear Dagga Movement

From what you have said, wouldn’t it be better then, to ask Agricultural Resource Centre about how they went about getting permission on this?

Bhungani Mzolo

Tell: 012 395 8479

>>> < > 2013/04/24 12:39 PM >>>
Message type: Problem

Subject: a permit to cultivate dagga legally

Name: Dagga Movement


Response requested: Yes

Date submitted: 24 April 2013

Comments: Hi I would like more information regarding acquiring a permit to cultivate cannabis legally as was awarded to the Agricultural Research Centre. – Who has the authority to issue such or any relating permits? – Are there any doctors in the Western Cape who support medicinal cannabis? How is it then possible that a permit has been issued to the Agricultural Research Council? See court case no 356/09 which states that the Agricultural Research Council has a special permit from the Department of Health. We also know that House of Hemp has a license to grow hemp yet it is illegal with our current laws in place! Also why has the Medical Research Council of South Africa not yet released any info after their public statement five years ago that they will do more research on cannabis for medicinal purposes. Cannabis is now legal in many countries. Cannabis is a safe alternative to tobacco and alcohol. Cannabis causes apotheosis in cancer cell. Cannabis stimulates the growth of brain cells. It\’s our basic human right to choose to ingest a natural non intoxicating vegetable. Cannabis does not become psychoactive until it is smoked or heated. Cannabis is the most important vegetable on the planet. The only negative impacts of cannabis is prohibition that jail and criminalizes otherwise law abiding citizen. Politicians who support prohibition knowingly support organized crime. South Africa can end world hunger with gruel and cannabis milk which is both made with cannabis seeds and are non-psychoactive. We the dagga culture of South Africa understand that cannabis threatens the oil, alcohol, tobacco, cotton and many other industries. We are also aware that the prohibition of cannabis is unconstitutional and deny us our basic human right to a natural alternative that is safer to consume than our municipal water supply that is fluoridated by the Department of Water Affairs knowing that fluoride serves only topical medicinal application and becomes toxic once ingested. Again abusing our basic human right to choose what to ingest into our body. There are 44000 deaths attributed to tobacco in South Africa each year. There has been no fatality attributed to cannabis. Denying our basic human rights are also a criminal offence. Regards Michael Hawthorne Dagga Movement


Dagga Movement <>
Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 12:16 PM
To: Bhungani Mzolo <>

Hi first of all I would like to thank you for you reply it is much appreciated.

However, I would like to know from the Department of Health how to go about getting a permit seeing that it was the Department of Health that has issued this permit.


Michael Hawthorne
Dagga Movement

The Dagga Couple on 3rd Degree 13th March 2012

The Dagga Couple (Jules & Myrtle) got some great air time on ETV’s 3rd degree, hosted by notorious super-journalist, Deborah Patta. Firstly, I’d like to give props to Jules and Myrtle for going on the show and bringing the discussion to the greater South Africa, much respect to you guys for standing on the front line!

If you haven’t watched the show yet, you can check it out a bit further down, but to sum it up, it was the usual short and sensationalist cannabis on the t.v. scenario.
Read more on BTL…

Great Puffing Day For Dagga Smokers

Jozi marks 420:Global Dagga Day in style

For a few hours this past weekend, downtown Johannesburg was transformed into a dagga smokers’ paradise.

FESTIVAL OF SMOKE: “Mo” at the 420:Global dagga Day at Maboneng Precinct in Johannesburg on  Saturday. There were hundreds of followers, some from as far from Western Cape, who marked the day while listening to live music.

The city was among the 364 cities around the world where marijuana joints were being rolled up in honour of the 420:Global dagga Day this past Saturday.

Despite the rainy and cold weather, droves of people came out to celebrate at The Maboneng Precinct. Some were seen walking the streets with their joints in hand, enveloped in clouds of smoke. Others danced to the live music coming from the elaborately decorated balcony in a cordonedoff area at the arty precinct.

A man was handing out dagga seeds, telling people to “plant this in your community, in your yard and at the police station ”.

Below the stage erected for acts to entertain the crowds was a brightly coloured graffiti mural with the defiant words: “They can ’ t arrest us all!”

The festival attracted smokers of all races and ages, including a man who was hoping to recruit voters for a dagga political party.

“The police are here, there are quite a few undercover policemen. The reason why we do this is because we are not scared,” said festival organiser Myrtle Clarke.

Clarke and her partner Julian Stobbs, who are popularly known as the “Dagga Couple ”, have been on a mission since 2010 to get dagga legalised.

The couple also have a Facebook page with thousands of followers and a website where they get people to sign a petition, offer legal advice and give information about the drug.

Stobbs said although they had secured a normal permit from the city to hold a street party, they did not have the permission to smoke.

In keeping with the festival tradition, everyone lighted up their joint at 4.20pm and there was smoke everywhere and the distinct smell of dagga.

The time signifies where the festival idea originated from a group of high school children in California called the Waldos, who used to meet up after school every day at the time to light up some joints.

It was later adopted by dagga smokers around the world who use the term 420 as a secret code to indicate when they want to hide away somewhere to smoke.

For years activists the world over have come out strongly to debunk government laws against dagga smoking. They argue, among other things, that dagga is not a recreational drug, that it is safer than tobacco or alcohol and has lots of health benefits that are being overlooked.

Reggae songstress Sister Ites said she and her two children eat, drink and smoke dagga for its medicinal and meditative properties. The hemp variation of the dagga plant is known to be an environmentally friendly material for making clothes, footwear and accessories, among other things.

Tommie le Roux, of the Dagga Party, travelled all the way from Western Cape to support the cause. Le Roux was also there to help get 500 signatures so that his party can enter the 2014 national elections. “So if you see a green leaf on the ballot, vote for us,” Le Roux said.

He added that he would be attending another dagga demonstration due to take place in Cape Town next month.

Meanwhile, Sowetan caught up with actor Pallance Dladla, who was seen wearing a white scarf around his face. When asked what he was doing at the dagga bash, Dladla said he was there to have fun with his friends and to enjoy the good music. He explained that he did not smoke the herb.

As night time fell, more people descended upon the precinct, with the skater boys putting up a spectacle by gliding through Fox Street.

Cafes and restaurants such as Pata Pata and Eat Your Heart Out were filled to capacity with festival goers.

“Dagga is all about peace and love. You can drink and fight, but you can ’ t smoke and do stupid things,” said Fortune Tshabalala as he puffed away.


Letter to Western Cape Dep. of Health

Tony from Hemporium standing in the first legal industrial dagga field in South Africa.

Tony from Hemporium standing in the first legal industrial dagga field of South Africa.

Michael Hawthorne <>
Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 9:21 AM
Subject: Information regarding permit for cannabis research


I would like more information regarding acquiring a permit to cultivate cannabis legally as was awarded to the Agricultural Research Centre.

Michael Hawthorne


Angelique Jordaan <>

Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 2:03 PM
To: Michael Hawthorne <>

Dear Michael

Thank you for your enquiry.

Apologies for the delay in replying, but please note that I was on annual leave from 29 March – 22 April 2013.

In South Africa it is a criminal offence to grow, sell, smoke or use cannabis medically and we do not have the authority to issue such a permit.


Kind regards
Angelique Jordaan


Western Cape Government

5th Floor, 8 Riebeeck Street, Cape Town

Tel: 021 483 3563
Fax: 021 483 6169


Michael Hawthorne <>
Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 2:48 PM
To: Angelique Jordaan <>

Thank you for the reply!

– Who has the authority to issue such or any relating permits?
– Are there any doctors in the Western Cape who support medicinal cannabis?

How is it then possible that a permit has been issued to the Agricultural Research Council?

See the attached court case which states that the Agricultural Research Council has a special permit from the Department of Health.

Also why has the Medical Research Council of South Africa not yet released any info after their public statement five years ago that they will do more research on cannabis for medicinal purposes.

Cannabis is now legal in many countries.
Cannabis is a safe alternative to tobacco and alcohol.

Cannabis causes apotheosis in cancer cell.
Cannabis stimulates the growth of brain cells.

It’s our basic human right to choose to ingest a natural non intoxicating vegetable. Cannabis does not become psychoactive until it is smoked or heated. Cannabis is the most important vegetable on the planet.

The only negative impacts of cannabis is prohibition that jail and criminalizes otherwise law abiding citizen.

Politicians who support prohibition knowingly support organized crime.

South Africa can end world hunger with gruel and cannabis milk which is both made with cannabis seeds and are non-psychoactive.

We the dagga culture of South Africa understand that cannabis threatens the oil, alcohol, tobacco, cotton and many other industries.

We are also aware that the prohibition of cannabis is unconstitutional and deny us our basic human right to a natural alternative that is safer to consume than our municipal water supply that is fluoridated by the Department of Water Affairs knowing that fluoride serves only topical medicinal application and becomes toxic once ingested.

Again abusing our basic human right to choose what to ingest into our body.

There are 44000 deaths attributed to tobacco in South Africa each year.
There has been no fatality attributed to cannabis.

Denying our basic human rights are also a criminal offence.
Attachement: sca10-097.pdf


Angelique Jordaan
Cc: “”

Dear Michael

Unfortunately I cannot answer all your questions as abide by the laws made by the South African National Government. I suggest that you contact the National Department of Health directly as the Medicines Control Council; that safeguards and protects the public through ensuring that all medicines that are sold and used in South Africa are safe, therapeutically effective and consistently meet acceptable standards of quality; is appointed by the National Minister of Health.

We also cannot answer for the Medical Research Council of South Africa, but have copied them into this e-mail.

Kind regards

Angelique Jordaan



Western Cape Government

Death attributed to dagga

The first and only report of a death attributed to dagga!

Dagga Movement has brand new recycled website.
Dagga Essential Aid To Health if you will.

Cannabis: Our basic human right
It is our basic human right to choose to ingest cannabis. It is not the place of government to decide what is and is not prohibited to ingest because it is a threat to the oil, cotton, alcohol and tobacco industries all this while government allows cancer causing GMO crops and add fluoride to our drinking water when it only has topical medicinal value and is in fact toxic if swallowed.

Did you miss out on the 1st 420 South African Celebration?
Where were you last Saturday!? If you did not find yourself amongst a friendly crowd, smoking, laughing and having a fun time you seriously missed out on the biggest festival the world has yet seen!


Celebrated around the world 420, 20th April, is the day dedicated to dagga smokers and the history of 4:20PM (16:20)

Johannesburg, Maboneng Precinct was the host to the 420 Dagga Day where the dagga culture of South Africa came together and celebrated their basic rights!!!

“Thanks go to all of you out there who braved the cold to make our D.Day 4.20 party a huge success. We’re stoked. We estimate 3500 people saw the event, but it’s really hard to tell. See you at the next DC blast sometime this winter” – The Dagga Couple

If you did miss this awesome event don’t worry it’s almost the 1st Saturday of May!!!

This article has been submitted to MyNews 24

420 DDay Celebrations in Jozi 2013

Thanks go to all of you out there who braved the cold to make our D.Day 4.20 party a huge success. We're stoked. We estimate 3500 people saw the event, but it's really hard to tell. See you at the next DC blast sometime this winter.....

Thanks go to all of you out there who braved the cold to make our D.Day 4.20 party a huge success. We’re stoked. We estimate 3500 people saw the event, but it’s really hard to tell. See you at the next DC blast sometime this winter…..


End world hunger in 4 months

Ok. So there is a plant that can be planted in the same soil for 20 years or more that grows in 4 months that could be used for many things but one of which is a staple food similar to oats uses much less water than cotton.

This knowledge is in the papers that guides South African drug law regarding cannabis please read this excerpt and tell me we don’t have a solution to world hunger issues or at least some try at cheap low cost staple food that would put Jungle Oats out of business…

“The cannabis plant is a weed that requires little care. It grows well almost everywhere and thrives well in temperate regions. It resists pests and therefore requires no pesticide. It develops deep roots, and when its leaves fall off, they produce minerals and nitrogen, which are returned to the soil. It can be planted in the same soil for up to 20 years in a row without any noticeable depletion of the soil.

The seed serves as food. Gruel, which resembles oatmeal, can be prepared from the seed. The leaves of the plant contain much roughage, while the seeds are a good source of protein and oil without saturated fat, thus reducing the risk of heart attack.”
You can pick this document cannabis prohibition is based upon to shreds.

So many holes they never wanted it to become public knowledge.,_2004

Article on News 24

Dagga is a healthy lifestyle not a crime

Have you heard? Dagga is safer than sugar!

As seen on News 24

The governments of the world do everything in their power to keep dagga illegal, the “effects” of dagga is that it breaks down cultural and racial barriers and brings people together in a social settings from where they then learn that the differences which they think they had is only cosmetic and nothing so serious that the groups can’t get along.

Governments don’t like people from different groups gelling well, because they thrive on the wedges they drive between us, this is what keeps them in power.

This is also why the government fluoridate our municipal water supply without consent.

Except for the topical application of fluoride once ingested serves no medical purpose however studies have shown more negative impacts from fluoride than from dagga.

Yet fluoridation is legal and dagga is not.

On an annual basis, 1 acre of dagga will produce as much fiber as 2 to 3 acres of cotton. Dagga fiber is stronger and softer than cotton, lasts twice as long as cotton, and will not mildew.

Hemp can be used to produce fiberboard that is stronger and lighter than wood. Substituting dagga fiberboard for timber would further reduce the need to cut down our forests.

Dagga can be used to produce strong, durable and environmentally-friendly plastic substitutes. Thousands of products made from petroleum-based plastics can be produced from dagga-based composites.

It takes years for trees to grow until they can be harvested for paper or wood, but dagga is ready for harvesting only 120 days after it is planted.

Dagga can grow on most land suitable for farming, while forests and tree farms require large tracts of land available in few locations.

Harvesting dagga rather than trees would also eliminate erosion due to logging, thereby reducing topsoil loss and water pollution caused by soil runoff.

By using hemp hurds (the cellulose from the centre of the hemp stalks) for the production of methanol after we have extracted the fibres, we get to make fuel from carbon that has been extracted from the atmosphere, not from under the ground.

When it is burnt, the carbon goes back into the atmosphere. The next crop would sequester that carbon again for reuse as energy or to be permanently sequestered in a hemp block (for example).

Cannabis hemp allows us to have a carbon neutral energy cycle, which is a VASTLY better technological option that using finite and polluting fossil carbon.

We don’t need electric vehicles if we have hemp hurd methanol. This cuts out the inefficiency of the batteries in an electrical system.

Ideally we could also geo-engineer our planet back to health by the mega-scale planting of cannabis, not only for carbon neutral energy, but ALSO to sequester all those fossil carbon emissions that are damaging our climate system. In other words, we have to fill our empty coal mines and oil wells up with carbon from hemp in order to fix the atmosphere (and leave resources for future generations.)

You don’t need to have cancer to use dagga as medicine. Word of the day PREVENTATIVE!

Every time you consume dagga whether it is by smoking, eating or drinking, you are self medicating and preventing cancer.

Why are we arrested for wanting to live a healthy lifestyle!

Dagga is a lifestyle not a drug.
Dagga is a way of life not a crime.


Police: You can’t have DAGGA unless you pay a bribe or sorry but it is my job and dagga is illegal.
Politicians: You can’t have DAGGA we have some corporate solution that are much worse but profits my bank account much better thank you!
Drunkards: *Unavailable for comment* beating his wife or passed out.
Daggaheads: Puff Puff Pass! To the Left!

To an ignorant prohibitionist everything I say is used to justify my behaviour.
• The expression ‘drug addiction’ should no longer be used and we should talk instead of substance abuse and dependency;• Between 5% and 10% of regular dagga users are at risk of developing a dependency;
• Physical dependency on dagga is virtually non-existent;
• Psychological dependency is moderate and is certainly lower than for nicotine or alcohol;• Most regular users of dagga are able to diverge from a trajectory of dependency without requiring treatment;
• There are many forms of treatment but nothing is known about the effectiveness of the different forms of treatment for dagga dependency specifically;
• As a rule, treatment is more effective and lesscostly than incarceration;
• Studies of the treatment programs should be conducted, including treatmentsprograms for people with cannabis dependency; and
• Studies should be conducted on the interaction of the cannabinoid and the opioid systems.

Dagga is therapeutic to the mind, it allows for the freedom of thought with reasoning. You don’t get mental illness because you smoke cannabis. You smoke cannabis because you have a mental illness, as well.

The prohibition puts dagga in the hands of children and corrupts the police force.

Most stoners are responisble and know when to stop.
Stoners do not lose judgement; The body has been designed to use dagga. When it has had enough it is functional when it has had enough it sleeps.

Bring down alcohol abuse TODAY! MR Zuma Mrs Zille You have that power! Create JOBS! Clean Energy! Cheap Housing! END WORLD HUNGER IN 4 MONTHS!

We have to march for our freedom. We aren’t criminals.

We shouldn’t be made to feel ashamed when they label us potheads and criminals. They the government and everyone who is prohibitionist are the guilty party.

Attention South African peeps! Do not forget to jot down the Global Dagga March in your calendar 4MAY2013 10AM CAPE TOWN Cnr Keizergracht / Chapel St!

In South Africa 3666.67 people die every month because of tobacco. Not a single life has ever been taken by dagga yet it is illegal. I want to choose a safe alternative to alcohol and tobacco but I am branded a criminal for doing so!

I am exposed to the black market where a person of any age could buy any illegal item.

I am driven to drink by our government who is strongly influenced by the tobacco, alcohol and oil industries.

Countless jobs could be created with dagga.
Countless lives could be saved with dagga.

Bring real crime down by freeing the SAPS of 1 000 000 hours they spend on booking and jailing dagga users. Bring down the road death toll. Bring down prohibition.

If we start now South Africa can solve world hunger in 4 months.

There is no madness except the madness of prohibition.

Word wakker mense!
Collective Resource: