16 people were arrested for possession of dagga on 14 August after community members tipped off police.
15 arrested for possession of Dagga To curb the spread of crime, 15 people were arrested for dagga possession this past weekend.
12 people arrested for possession of dagga
Twelve people were arrested in the Westenburg policing area weekend for the possession of marijuana, and they appeared before the Polokwane magistrate’s court last Monday.
10 held in Ficksburg dagga bust
Eight men and two women have been arrested for possession of dagga with an estimated street value of R750 000 near Ficksburg in Free State.
7 people arrested for possession of dagga, over the weekend, in Orlando, Soweto.
Another four people arrested on coast for possession of dagga
Two females and two males were arrested on Tuesday in Betania and Umzumbe for possession of dagga. A 26-year-old woman was arrested at a house in Umzumbe after a 20 litre bucket full of dagga and 23 parcels dagga were found . The weight of the dagga was 961 grams. A 45-year-old woman was arrested in Betania with nine parcels dagga weighing 60 grams in her possession. Two males (28) and (44) were also arrested in Betania with one parcel of dagga weighing 4 grams and 30 parcels dagga weighing 70 grams respectively. The woman in Southport appeared in court on Wednesday and the other three were given fines.
Human rights violations in the search for dagga
“Toe sê hulle ons moet ons broeke aftrek en ons ‘h-lle’ oopmaak, hulle wil kyk wat daarin is. Toe skyn hulle hul flitsligte daarin en sê ons moet afsak. Toe moet ons met ons broek wat afgetrek is, staan – amper asof daar nou iets moet uitval.
“Maak oop jou p**s dat ek die dagga kan sien.”
Met dié woorde het Vrouemaand afgeskop vir ’n 58-jarige antie van Epping Forest, Elsiesrivier, toe cops haar na bewering aangerand en kaal uitgetrek het.
’n Ontstoke Patricia Claasen (58) sê die cops het haar 05:55 by haar huis in Debden-laan wakker gemaak.
Sy sê: “Hulle het gesê hulle is hier om te skud. Toe ek vra of ek eers toilet toe kan gaan, toe sê hulle ja.
“Maar ek het nog op die toilet gesit toe twee polisievroue inbars en begin om my in die gesig te slaan.
“Hulle het my toe kaal uitgetrek en teen die bad gegooi.
“Toe sê die een polisievrou: ‘Maak oop jou p**s dat ek die dagga kan sien.’”
Die cops het egter niks gekry nie. Vir Claasen is die sout in dié wonde dat die cops volgens haar met haar R20 verdwyn het.
Haar 27-jarige dogter, Roseline, sê sy is baie ontevrede oor die voorval.
“Ek sal dit nie daar los nie,” belowe sy.
“Sedert Dinsdag se skietvoorval toe ’n vrou in ons straat doodgeskiet is, word ons nou deur die polisie geteiken.
“Die polisie sê die mense het by ons huis geskiet, maar dis nie so nie.”
Lt.kol. André Traut, polisiewoordvoerder, bevestig ’n saak van aanranding is by die plaaslike polisiekantoor aangemeld.
Traut sê: “Bewerings van brutaliteit en wangedrag teen ons lede word as ernstig gesien.