Tag Archives: SAPS

Most dagga arrests in shortest time

16 people were arrested for possession of dagga on 14 August after community members tipped off police.



15 arrested for possession of Dagga To curb the spread of crime, 15 people were arrested for dagga possession this past weekend.



12 people arrested for possession of dagga

Twelve people were arrested in the Westenburg policing area weekend for the possession of marijuana, and they appeared before the Polokwane magistrate’s court last Monday.



10 held in Ficksburg dagga bust

Eight men and two women have been arrested for possession of dagga with an estimated street value of R750 000 near Ficksburg in Free State.



7 people arrested for possession of dagga, over the weekend, in Orlando, Soweto.


Another four people arrested on coast for possession of dagga

Two females and two males were arrested on Tuesday in Betania and Umzumbe  for possession of dagga.  A 26-year-old woman was arrested at a house in Umzumbe  after a 20 litre bucket full of dagga and 23 parcels dagga were found . The weight of the dagga was 961 grams.  A 45-year-old woman was arrested in Betania with nine parcels dagga weighing 60 grams in her possession. Two males (28) and (44) were also arrested in Betania  with one parcel  of dagga weighing 4 grams and  30 parcels  dagga weighing 70 grams respectively.  The woman in Southport appeared in court on Wednesday and the other three were given fines.



Human rights violations in the search for dagga

“Toe sê hulle ons moet ons broeke aftrek en ons ‘h-lle’ oopmaak, hulle wil kyk wat daarin is. Toe skyn hulle hul flitsligte daarin en sê ons moet afsak. Toe moet ons met ons broek wat afgetrek is, staan – amper asof daar nou iets moet uitval.


“Maak oop jou p**s dat ek die dagga kan sien.”
Met dié woorde het Vrouemaand afgeskop vir ’n 58-jarige antie van Epping Forest, Elsiesrivier, toe cops haar na bewering aangerand en kaal uitgetrek het.

’n Ontstoke Patricia Claasen (58) sê die cops het haar 05:55 by haar huis in Debden-laan wakker gemaak.
Sy sê: “Hulle het gesê hulle is hier om te skud. Toe ek vra of ek eers toilet toe kan gaan, toe sê hulle ja.

“Maar ek het nog op die toilet gesit toe twee polisievroue inbars en ­begin om my in die gesig te slaan.

“Hulle het my toe kaal uitgetrek en teen die bad gegooi.
“Toe sê die een polisievrou: ‘Maak oop jou p**s dat ek die dagga kan sien.’”

Die cops het egter niks gekry nie. Vir Claasen is die sout in dié wonde dat die cops volgens haar met haar R20 verdwyn het.
Haar 27-jarige dogter, ­Roseline, sê sy is baie ontevrede oor die voorval.

“Ek sal dit nie daar los nie,” belowe sy.
“Sedert Dinsdag se skietvoorval toe ’n vrou in ons straat doodgeskiet is, word ons nou deur die polisie geteiken.
“Die polisie sê die mense het by ons huis geskiet, maar dis nie so nie.”

Lt.kol. André Traut, polisiewoordvoerder, bevestig ’n saak van aanranding is by die plaaslike polisie­kantoor aangemeld.
Traut sê: “Bewerings van brutaliteit en wangedrag teen ons lede word as ernstig gesien.


Who pays SANDF & SAPS for doing gardening, illegally burning waste & harassing otherwise law abiding citizens?

In January 2012 police cut down what was essentially a dagga forest in Soweto worth R4 million. Then illegally disposed of the dagga bio mass by burning it, presumably where it was cut & piled up.


“Residents watched from a distance as throngs of soldiers and police in more than 30 vehicles descended on Meadowlands hostel at 8.30am while a police helicopter hovered above.


Think about it for a moment. More than 31 government vehicles including a helicopter, a battalion of soldiers and police officers armed with assault rifles and tactical gear. Swooping down on harmless plants then unleashes an onslaught of terror until the last weed has yelp its crackling cry and billowing smoke in reminiscence of the Soweto uprising of 1976, condolences to the lives lost, however this is an equal violent act upon not only the daggafarians of Soweto but also the community’s access to medicine, an industrial sector and a wealth generator.  Consider the quality of service delivery by municipality if they could have the budget that funds an all out war on a harmless weed.


Imagine the waste of burning this bio mass needlessly without a purpose that is beneficial to the community in which it is illegally burned.

Who is paying the South African National Defense Force & South African Police Service for doing gardening, illegally burning bio-waste & harassing otherwise law abiding citizens? Never mind the tax on the carbon emissions of all the dagga that has to be incinerated annually or the otherwise law abiding citizens that needs to be housed and fed daily in a correctional facility?

Victims of rape, murder and victims of other real crimes are the ones who ultimately pay the price.



Open letter to Mark Wiley in response to remarks on Jeremy Veary’s t-shirt

Good day sir,

I have read your comments on this article on Die Burger’s website regarding the t-shirt given to Jeremy Veary by his sons on fathers day and I cannot agree with you. I believe that you are ignoring not only the health and wellbeing of all South African Rastafarians but also all cannabis users and patients alike who’s families are broken up by the stringent persecution and and who’s basic human rights are being violated on a daily basis.

Jeremy Veary

Jeremy Veary

Politicians who support prohibition knowingly support organized crime.
40% percent of Western Cape high school kids smoke cannabis!

Why are we driving people to drink alcohol and smoke tobacco but we jail otherwise law abiding citizens for a natural plant that is safer than sugar.

We slam drugs but fail to realize that a drug is anything that has an physiological effect when ingested which includes not only alcohol, tobacco and nutmeg but also GMO, Aspartame and even Growth Hormones used in animal feed.

If you are serious about eliminating the drug problem you will have to eliminate the war on drugs first.

Dagga has more uses than just the smoking.

I am a proud daggafarian, non tobacco and alcohol user. I am living a life of no regrets and I have not looked back ever since!

Please allow us to work together and create a positive change.

The true destructive force behind dagga does not come from the plant but from the prohibition and persecution by the law of a government corporation who’s objective is not human health but profit.

Medical dagga has been available to Americans for well over 15 years.

Please do some further research on the subject of cannabis.

https://dagga.za.net is a good place to start.